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2013-12-5 17:53
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SAM2533 品牌:DREAM SAM2533封装 TQFP-100 SAM2533完整 SAM2533交货地点:深圳 SAM2533包装方式:900/BOX SAM2533联系人:张 SAM2533联系电话 15986840536 LOW-POWER SYNTHESIZER WITH EFFECTS AND BUILT-IN RAM Single chip synthesizer + effects, typical application includes: o Wavetable synthesis, serial MIDI in out, parallel MIDI o Effects: reverb + chorus, on MIDI and/or audio in o Surround on 2 or 4 speakers with intensity/delay control o Equalizer: 4 bands, parametric o Audio in processing through echo, equalizer, surround Low chip count o Synthesizer, ROM/Flash, DAC o Effects RAM is built-in (32k x 16) Low power o 23 mA typ. operating o Single 3.3V supply o Built-in 1.8V regulator with power down mode High quality wavetable synthesis o 16 bits samples, 48 KHz sampling rate, 24dB digital filter per voice o Up to 64 voices polyphony o Up to 16 Mega x 16 ROM for firmware, and PCM data Available wavetable firmwares and sample sets o CleanWave8® low cost General MIDI 1 megabyte firmware + sample set o CleanWave32® high quality 4 megabyte firmware + sample set o CleanWave64® top quality 8 megabyte firmware + sample set o Other sample sets available under special conditions. Fast product to market o Enhanced P16 processor with C compiler o Built-in ROM debugger o Flash programmer through dedicated pins. Small footprint o 14x14mm, 0.5 mm pitch, LQFP100 package Typical applications o Portable telephones o Computer karaokes, portable karaokes o Keyboards, portable keyboards instruments The SAM2533 is a low cost derivative of the SAM97xx series. It retains the same high quality synthesis with up to 64 voices polyphony. The SAM2533 maximum wavetable memory is 32 MBytes and the parallel communication is through a standard 8-bit port. The integrated 32kx16 RAM allows for high quality effects without additional component. The highly integrated architecture from SAM2533 combines a specialized high-performance RISC-based digital signal processor (Synthesis/DSP) and a general purpose 16 bits CISC-based control processor on a single chip. An on-chip memory management unit (MMU) allows the synthesis/DSP and the control processor to share external ROM and/or RAM memory devices. An intelligent peripheral I/O interface function handles other I/O interfaces, such as the 8-bit parallel, the on-chip MIDI UART, and the Codec control interface, with minimum intervention from the control processor. Synthesis/DSP engine The synthesis/DSP engine operates on a frame timing basis with the frame subdivided into 64 processes slots. Each process is itself divided into 16 micro-instructions known as « algorithm ». Up to 32 synthesis/DSP algorithms can be stored on-chip in the Alg RAM memory, allowing the device to be programmed for a number of audio signal generation/processing applications. The synthesis/DSP engine is capable of generating 64 simultaneous voices using algorithms such as wavetable synthesis with interpolation, alternate loop and 24dB resonant filtering for each voice. Slots may be linked together (ML RAM) to allow implementation of more complex synthesis algorithms. SAM2533 原装现货 热卖 15986840536 SAM2533 原装现货 热卖 15986840536 SAM2533 原装现货 热卖 15986840536 SAM2533 原装现货 热卖 15986840536 SAM2533 原装现货 热卖 15986840536 SAM2533 原装现货 热卖 15986840536 SAM2533 原装现货 热卖 15986840536 dream全部型号芯片: SAM2533 960/BOX DREAM TQFP-100 SAM2195 QFN44 2600/BOX DREAM SAM2553 LQFP128 900/BOX DREAM SAM9753 TQFP144 600/BOX DREAM SAM3703 LQFP80 1600/BOX DREAM SAM9708 TQFP144 600/BOX DREAM SAM9733 PQFP100 660/BOX DREAM SAM3308 LQFP100 1190/BOX DREAM SAM3516 LQFP144 600/BOX DREAM SAM3816 LQFP144 600/BOX DREAM SAM3716 LQFP144 900/BOX DREAM SAM9703、SAM9707、SAM9708、SAM9733、SAM9743、SAM9753、SAM9793、SAM2133、SAM2193、SAM2195、SAM2533、SAM2552、SAM2553、SAM3103、SAM3108、SAM3303、SAM3308、SAM3703等dream全部型号芯片