tag 标签: Real

  • 热度 7
    2023-11-1 09:06
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    我不能直接提供完整的代码,因为这取决于你的具体硬件配置和你的项目需求。但是,我可以给你一些大概的代码框架和基本步骤。 首先,你需要设置你的定时器。在8051单片机中,你可以使用Timer0或Timer1。假设我们使用Timer0。 c 复制代码 void Timer0_Init () { TMOD = 0x01 ; // 设置Timer0为模式1 (16位) TH0 = 0xFC ; // 初始值,根据你的需要来设置 TL0 = 0x18 ; // 初始值,根据你的需要来设置 ET0 = 1 ; // 使能Timer0中断 TR0 = 1 ; // 启动Timer0 } 然后,你需要实现RTCP的控制。你可以在Timer0的中断服务程序中实现这个功能。假设你有一个函数UpdateRTC()来更新RTC。 c 复制代码 void Timer0_ISR () interrupt 1 { // Timer0中断服务程序 TH0 = 0xFC ; // 重新加载初始值 TL0 = 0x18 ; // 重新加载初始值 UpdateRTC(); // 更新RTC } 然后,对于电机控制,你可能需要使用PWM。假设你有一个函数ControlMotor()来控制电机。你可能需要在主循环或者另一个定时器中断中调用这个函数。 c 复制代码 void Main () { Timer0_Init(); // 初始化Timer0 while ( 1 ) { ControlMotor(); // 控制电机 // 其他代码... } } 注意这只是一个大概的示例,具体的代码取决于你的硬件配置和项目需求。你需要对你的硬件有深入的了解,并且对8051单片机的编程有一定的经验。
  • 热度 5
    2023-11-1 09:03
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    要使用51单片机实现五轴联动的RTCP(Real-Time Clock and Calendar)功能,首先你需要为每一个轴设计一个独立的定时器,并且为RTCP设计一个独立的定时器。此外,你还需要使用一个实时时钟(RTC)模块来获取当前的时间和日期。以下是一个简单的步骤指南: 硬件配置 : 51单片机(如Intel 8051或其相容的微控制器):负责处理和控制整个系统。 五轴电机驱动器:用于驱动五轴电机。 RTC模块:如DS1307或DS3231,用于获取当前的时间和日期。你需要使用模块的I2C接口与单片机通信。 编程 : 设置定时器 :为每个轴设置一个独立的定时器,并为RTCP功能设置一个独立的定时器。你可以使用8051单片机的Timer0或Timer1。 实现RTCP控制 :当RTCP定时器溢出时,更新当前的时间和日期,并通过I2C接口写入RTC模块。 实现电机控制 :当每个轴的定时器溢出时,改变电机的旋转角度或速度。你可能需要使用PWM(脉宽调制)来控制电机的速度。 调试 : 通过串口或其他的调试工具来检查程序是否正常运行。 确保每个轴的电机在预定的时间点按预期旋转。 确保RTCP功能正常工作,并且时间显示准确。 优化 : 根据需要调整定时器的溢出频率以优化性能。 如果需要,为电机控制算法添加更复杂的特性,如PID(比例-积分-微分)控制。 固件更新 : 当系统运行稳定后,你可以将最新的固件代码烧录到单片机中。 注意:对于I2C通信和定时器的使用,你需要对8051单片机的相关特性有一定的了解。此外,五轴联动的RTCP功能可能需要复杂的算法和精确的控制,所以你可能需要深入学习相关的知识和技术。
  • 热度 22
    2014-10-21 20:46
    1122 次阅读|
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    Real Sound Lab声功率音场校正系统方案       音响系统中,由于电子电路失真、喇叭制作工艺和腔体材料等所造成的各种音频还原过程的失真,导致声音粗糙干涩。      经世界音频处理权威“声功率音场校正系统“校正后,声音细腻饱满。     公司得到Real Sound Lab授权将   植入CSR8670蓝牙模块(内置DSP),再针对每个音响特性做相应补偿处理和相位矫正,得到最佳的声音还原效果,以确保声音不损失,音质细腻饱满。        特点:电路简洁、喇叭要求不高,效果出人意料        适应:一体化有源音响、高端耳机 技术交流:QQ2680651745
  • 热度 18
    2013-10-8 21:20
    1706 次阅读|
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    In Part 1 of this series, Prakash Narain told me about his early career and the primary steps that prepared him to start up his own company. Then in Part 2 we talked about the early days of Real Intent and the impact that the dotcom boom and bust had on developing technology. Part 3 examined the change in company focus from technology to products and the ways in which changing designs are creating new opportunities for static verification. EE Times: At the end of the last segment, we talked about the specific changes that had affected the company direction. Can you expand on them a little? Prakash Narain: We have learned to listen to customers very carefully, and we attempt to understand where they are coming from and what they are seeking, and look at ways to solve their problems. Understanding the problem is very important to see if we can deliver a solution for that. So, we are no longer being the evangelist that was going to change the EDA landscape, but now intend to march in tandem with our customers to ensure they attain the maximum value from the tools. We no longer have a vision-dominated approach, but instead an agile approach to EDA development. EE Times: Does that mean that you are no longer looking for new opportunities that are not driven by your customers? Narain: While we listen to customers, the key is to not take their words literally. You have to go to the next level of understanding, and that sparks the imagination. From that point onwards is a creative process of crafting a solution. The timescales are very different. When you create a product in this way, the timescales are much shorter and much more agile. EE Times: So what are the new challenges that designers are facing today? Narain: I really believe that SoC signoff is going to become a larger and larger problem. The increasing complexity of design and integration is leading to new failure modes. Innovations in the front-end will be more methodology driven compared to backend needs, which are more technology driven. Solutions will be evolving, and tools that we bring to address those needs will be very important. EE Times: The Internet of Things is being touted as the next new platform that is about hit the industry. What impact do you think this will have on EDA? Narain: The innovations in devices that allow you to access data will enable a change if and only if the location of the data changes—that is, a migration to the cloud. EDA is affected by the number of engineers, and licences are dependent on tool usage and the complexity of the problem. Unless there is a new kind of licensing model, many of which have been tried in the past, the industry will stay in the 2 per cent range of the semiconductor industry. The Internet of Things will create opportunities that many devices companies will be running after, and while that is happening there will be a multitude of platforms being created, and that will create an EDA opportunity. EE Times: Chips these days contain a lot of IP. Tools are needed for IP developers and different tools are needed for integration. Has this changed your strategy at all? Narain: Yes and no. The IP industry is an extension of the changes happening in the semiconductor industry. What used to be a chip has become an IP core, and then we have larger levels of integration. The issues faced by the IP developers are not the leading edge. The biggest challenges are in the companies delivering product, and that will be the focus of our innovation. * * * I hope you have enjoyed this chat with Prakash and that it has enabled you to get a glimpse of the man behind Real Intent. Do you see IP developers having the same or a different set of requirements when it comes to tools? How different are the expectations for price points?   Brian Bailey EE Times
  • 热度 24
    2012-6-28 08:38
    2772 次阅读|
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        任务管理器taskmgr占用CPU高-原来是REAL与FLASH冲突 2012.6.27   FLASH插件安装时,提示会与REALPLAYER冲突,也没在意。   昨天要看RM文件,装了REAL PLAYER 14。 结果今天发现任务管理器taskmgr会占用CPU很高,达20%,电脑XP顿顿的。根本降不下来。 中毒了?把一些非MICROSOFT的服务程序停止了,也这样。把杀毒软件删了,还是这样! 重启N次,后发现刚重启完,任务管理器taskmgr占用2%左右CPU,正常。运行了浏览器等,就出问题了。 后发现,用FIREFOX时,就会出现问题。在“附加组件”里,“扩展”里,发现FIREFOX已经将REALPLAYER禁掉了。而“插件”里还有,于是将有关REAL的全部禁用。 再试,OK了! 而IE里原来已经将REAL加载项禁用掉了,所以没出现问题。 CHROME里,也将REAL都禁用掉。   对REAL并不是很喜欢,REAL影片质量都一般的,现在能用的新格式太多了,REAL不思长进,在浏览器里加了N多插件,解码器又与KMPLAYER等会冲突,真是讨厌。   还是删除REAL PLAYER,用什么KMPLAYER就好了吧。   世界清静了。        