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  • 热度 2
    2018-12-3 15:51
    1430 次阅读|
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    ch2 Who 2.1 Scene 2.1.1ECG scene 1: Many years ago, when the elderly see a doctor for his heart, the ECG was common method. The doctor told the patient reluctantly: "ECG is useless, because the heart is normal now, unless the heart rate is abnormal during such a period of time." I believe many people have met it. Scene 2 More than a decade ago, there was a device called a dynamic ECG, it looked like a treadmill. A elderly person was running. The doctor’s computer screen recorded the curve. Scene 3 A few months ago, my wife and I accompanied my mother-in-law to see a doctor. The doctor looked at the ECG helpless and advised us to use the dynamic ECG. A nurse took out a device and told us that this is a dynamic ECG device that can be installed and carried around, monitor heartbeat status and transfer data wireless any time. Doctors monitor it , even you do not stay in the hospital. On the way home, the mother-in-law said that it does not affect the activities. One day later, the doctor already knew the specific situation. Scene 4 The hospital is equipped with ECG monitoring for critically patients. When it is abnormal, the doctor and nurse would rush to the ward to rescue the patient. Scene 5 A community health service station launched a 24-hour service for a few elderly people, similar to scene 4, where the location was changed from hospital to home. Old people is impossible to stay in the hospital all time. The dynamic ECG is installed and does not affect daily activities. Once an emergency occurs, the community doctor will rush to there within a few minutes. Scene 6 The elderly enjoy their lives, the children are still working and call to ask about the physical condition. A ECG APP could be installed. The doctor will record the doctor's advice on the computer and push it to the APP, which will Connect the doctor and the family. Scene seven AI...... Scene eight Care robot... ...... Scene N The latest news, Dr. XXX announced that their team has just overcome the last difficulty of human medicine, longevity is no longer a dream...
  • 热度 3
    2018-9-19 11:20
    1503 次阅读|
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    家庭物联网,也称之为数字家庭(DIgital Home)、智慧家庭(Smart Home)、家庭信息化(Infomation Home)。一种科技改变生活的方式。 Home IOT,an advanced technology life manner, also be called Digital Home, Smart Home, Information home. 谨以此文致礼,与诸君共勉! I wish this papers could help someone.
  • 2018-9-19 11:11
    5 次阅读|
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    家庭物联网,也称之为数字家庭(DIgital Home)、智慧家庭(Smart Home)、家庭信息化(Infomation Home)。一种科技改变生活的方式。 Home IOT,an advanced technology life manner, also be called Digital Home, Smart Home, Information home. 谨以此文致礼,与诸君共勉! I wish this papers could help someone.
  • 热度 29
    2015-11-25 18:41
    2102 次阅读|
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    An Infographic from Mistral which explores the world of Smart Home Engineering. https://www.mistralsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/infographic_homeautomation.html
  • 热度 33
    2014-5-23 20:32
    1826 次阅读|
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    Bosch’s Home Connect app, slated for release later this year, will control appliances, not only from Bosch and Siemens but from other brands as well, according to Claudia Häpp, digital transition project leader for Home Connect at the BSH group, the holding company that owns Bosch and Siemens.   Google’s recent acquisition of smart thermostat maker Nest Labs is fueling the market for connected appliances and the race to engage customers who want to control their home appliances via the Internet.   BSH will launch Home Connect for iOS this year and an Android version in 2015. The application is open to connect different types of products, brands, and services.   Speaking at the IFA Global Press Conference in Belek, Turkey, last month Häpp outlined the current level of connectivity in most households:   In Germany, for instance, four out of five households have WiFi access. At the same time, nearly half of the German population uses a smartphone. Up until today, over 50 billion apps have been downloaded from Apple's App store. In addition to that we have all those from Google Play and other app stores. That means that every person in the world owns about seven apps -- even those that do not have a smartphone.   From the BSH presentation at the IFA press conference.   "Even though we would like everyone to only buy our appliances, the reality is that about 90% of households own different brands of appliances," she told Forbes . "People want a free choice of different brands. But they want one simple app to control everything."   "It's the customer who decides. No one else," she noted during her presentation , pointing out that 66% of customers would like to control all their appliances with a single app.   Customers will be able to access the features of their appliances via the Home Connect cloud servers from anywhere. For instance, they could turn on the dishwasher or add an additional rinse cycle to the clothes washer or delay the heating going on if they’re going to be home late. The app will send service alerts and keep the user informed of the status of each appliance.   If BHS is successful with Home Connect it could amass a huge database of home appliance information, enabling it to analyze how people use their connected devices and what brands and models are most popular. This is the kind of information marketers want in order to design new products, adapt regional offers, and outsmart the competition.   Obviously, BHS competitors are not going to be inclined to share access to their appliances' connected features and will probably start blocking that access, effectively forcing users to have more than one app to control them.   The Internet of Things market for home devices is just beginning to heat up, and it will probably be a few years before apps such as Home Connect become the standard way for consumers to control their appliances.   Pablo Valerio i s a freelance blogger who writes about mobile and telecom issues for EE Times. He lives and works in Barcelona.
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