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  • 2024-12-31 11:40
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    美国CPSC发布产品含有纽扣电池消费类商品政策16 CFR 1263/ANSI/UL 4200 A标准 2023年9月21日,美国消费者产品安全委员会(CPSC)公布了最终法规16 CFR 1263,该法规规定了纽扣电池或硬币电池以及含有此类电池的消费者产品的安全要求。新法规引用了自愿标准ANSI/UL4200A-2023 Products Incorporating Button Batteries or Coin Cell Batteries,作为包含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费品的强制性安全标准。 16 CFR 1263于2023年10月23日生效。然而,鉴于现阶段检测的有限性和避免困难,消费品安全委员会授予了180天的执行裁量权过渡期,从2023年9月21日至2024年3月19日。 如果您要在亚马逊商城发布商品,则必须遵守与这些商品和商品信息相关的所有适用法律、法规、标准以及我们的政策。 本政策适用的纽扣电池和硬币电池 本政策适用于直径通常为 5 至 25 毫米、高度介于 1 至 6 毫米的扁圆形单体独立纽扣电池和硬币电池以及含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费类商品。 纽扣电池和硬币电池可单独销售,也可用于各种消费类商品和家居用品中。纽扣电池通常由碱性物质、氧化银或锌空气供电,额定电压较低(通常为 1 至 5 伏)。硬币电池则由锂供电,额定电压为 3 伏,直径通常大于纽扣电池。 亚马逊纽扣电池和硬币电池政策 亚马逊要求所有纽扣电池和硬币电池均经过检测并符合下列法规、标准和要求: 商品法规、标准和要求纽扣电池和硬币电池以下所有项: ANSI C18.3M(便携式锂原电池安全标准) 亚马逊含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费类商品政策 亚马逊要求所有含纽扣电池或硬币电池且属于 16 CFR 第1263 部分适用范围的消费类商品均经过测试并符合下列法规、标准和要求。 含纽扣电池的消费类商品包括但不限于:计算器、照相机、无焰蜡烛、闪光服装、鞋靴、假日装饰品、钥匙扣手电筒、音乐贺卡、遥控器和钟表。 商品法规、标准和要求含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费类商品 以下所有项: 16 CFR 第 1263 部分 — 纽扣电池或硬币电池以及含此类电池的消费类商品安全标准 ANSI/UL 4200 A(含纽扣电池或硬币电池的商品安全标准) 所需信息 您必须拥有此类信息,并且我们会要求您提交它们,因此建议您将此类信息放在可随时获取的位置上。 纽扣电池和硬币电池以及含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费类商品的商品详情页面上必须显示有商品型号 纽扣电池和硬币电池以及含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费类商品的商品安全说明书和使用手册 通用合格证书:该文件必须列明与 UL 4200A 的合规性,并基于检测结果证明符合 UL 4200A 的要求 由 ISO 17025 认可的实验室进行检测,确认符合 UL 4200A 的要求,该标准已被 16 CFR 第 1263 部分(纽扣电池或硬币电池以及含此类电池的消费类商品)采用 检测报告必须包含商品的图片,以证明受检商品与商品详情页面上发布的商品相同 证明符合以下要求的商品图片: 防毒包装要求(16 CFR 第 1700.15 部分) 警示标签声明要求(第 117-171 号公法) 纽扣电池或硬币电池以及含此类电池的消费类商品安全标准(16 CFR 第 1263 部分) 注意: 您向亚马逊提供的所有文件、检测报告或证书必须真实且采用原始格式(即未经修改)。 一.适用范围:含有纽扣/硬币电池的消费品(指包含或设计使用一个或多个纽扣/硬币电池的消费产品,无论这些电池是打算由消费者更换,或是包含在产品中或单独销售的)(不适用于已符合玩具标准的14岁以下的儿童玩具产品) 及其它标准 16CRF1700.15 16CFR1700.20 ANSI C18.3M ANSI C18.3M/PUBLIC LAW 117–171 符合16 CFR 1250的电池可及性和标签要求的玩具产品豁免于此法规。 ANSI/UL 4200A该标准主要防止儿童摄入或误吸纽扣/硬币电池,涉及的要求如下: 一.结构检查 1.1儿童防护仓要求 产品带可更换的电池时: 设计使用螺丝刀或硬币等工具来打开电池仓,或者通过至少两个独立且同时的动作来手动打开电池仓 产品带有不可更换的电池时: 设计成通过外壳或者类似方式使得电池不能被接触到或通过焊接、铆钉等类似方式将电池完全固定 二.性能测试 2.1预处理测试 应力消除测试:70°C 或者更高(实际温升测试),7小时 电池更换测试:打开/关上电池仓更换电池,10次 2.2滥用测试 跌落测试 :移动式产品:1米,3次;手持式产品:1米10次 冲击测试:2焦耳,3次,直径为50.8mm,500g的钢球 挤压测试:330 ±5 N(74.2 ±1.1 lbf) ,10秒 扭力测试:0.50 Nm (4.4 in-lbf),10秒 拉力测试:72.0 N (16.2 lbf),10秒 压缩测试:136 N (30.6 lbf),10秒 2.3电池仓安全性测试 拉力测试:20 ±2 N (4.5 ±0.4 lbf),10秒 三.标识要求 标签标识, 如: 可提供的测试服务? 我司对UL 4200A拥有完整的测试能力,包括结构检查,性能测试以及包装,说明书和产品标签检查。我们拥有丰富的电子电器产品检测经验,能提供专业与可靠的检测服务,助您轻松了解产品是否符合出口地的法规标准。
  • 热度 10
    2013-8-27 19:31
    1991 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    In the Jurassic period, all oscilloscopes and logic analysers were large, hulking bench instruments that were incredibly expensive. However, a decade or so ago a variety of low-cost scopes and analysers appeared. They are not analogous to the little shrew-like mammal that replaced the dinosaurs, since the high-end devices are essential for lots of engineering work and will never disappear. Instead, these USB-connected instruments fill a niche for those with limited budgets who are not working on bleeding-edge projects. Over the years I've reviewed a number of these. Saleae's new Logic 16 is a sixteen channel USB-based logic analyser (LA). It's one of the very few cross platform LAs available, with application software that runs under Windows, Linux, and on the Mac. Its speed is a function of the number of channels being used. With three the unit clocks data in at up to 100MHz. Nine channels (somewhat puzzling; one would think eight would be more likely) drops it to 32MHz, and half that speed is attainable when all 16 channels are in use. With all of the mad voltage levels now used in digital circuits, it's nice that Logic supports two voltage ranges: 1.8 to 3.6V and 3.6 to 5V. Capture data is streamed through short on-device buffers to the host computer, which can handle up to 1 TB of data given minimal transitions (the data is compressed). As a practical matter the software suggests that most host computers can handle up to about 1.8 GB. Like with all of these USB devices one must not overrun the USB connection, but I had no problems at all using a four-year old MacBook Pro with a 16MHz acquisition rate. A built-in protocol analyser decodes CAN, DMX-512, I2C, I2S/PCM, Manchester, 1-Wire, async serial, simple clocked parallel, SPI, and UNI/O. The Logic 16 comes in a stunning metal case with non-slip rubberized bottom. It's spare, like an iPhone. Beautiful. There are no controls, just connectors for the probes and USB, and one LED. It comes with a zip-up carrying case that is so elegant it could be a high-couture fashion accessory. And it will all fit nicely in a handbag for those ad hoc debugging sessions that always seem to come up at wedding receptions and cocktail parties. Unlike some USB LAs, the Logic 16 does come with micro-grabbers for each of the channels and ground. Installation is straight-forward, but it does seem to want to install its own USB driver (on the PC). I turned to a Mac installation at that point, since my USB ports were busy handling other experiments. It's easy to connect the probe wires, and it's just as easy to connect them incorrectly. Doesn't the black wire go to ground? Nope. The instructions are very clear about this. The ground wire is carefully labelled. Black is input 0, because, as is common on these small logic analysers, the wire colours use the resistor colour code to denote their bit position. The unit comes with neither software nor manual. Cookies, though, are included with the suggestion that, after downloading the application from the company's web site, one should snack on them. A 23-page manual is online. The residents of Ganssleville enjoyed the Chips Ahoy. The display is very simple, stark almost, with nothing extraneous on the screen. The black background mirrors the inky black of the machined aluminium case. The ease of use is unmatched by any other USB logic analyser I've tried. Navigation is breathtakingly fast and smooth.   Screen shot of the Logic 16's interface.   Some of these small LAs falter when uploading data to the host computer. It took about seven seconds to acquire and upload 100 million samples (of all 16 channels) gathered at a 16MHz rate... which is exactly the time required to gather the data. The upload is seemingly instantaneous. Trigger modes are limited. Any single channel can start the logic analyser on an up- or down-going edge, and that can be combined with a logic one, zero, or don't-care on any combination of the other channels. There are no complex triggering modes, and it's not possible to trigger on just a simple binary pattern sans edge. The reasoning is that the Logic 16 can acquire such a vast amount of data that the event of interest will likely be captured. The company tells me they are working on enhancements to the trigger, as well as adding a search feature to the application. Width, period, duty cycle and frequency measurements are displayed for the data at the mouse position. Two cursors show absolute time from the trigger event, plus the time between cursors. Interestingly, the delta time measurement also shows its accuracy in per cent due to quantisation from the acquisition rate. The binary value of the data at the mouse cursor position is displayed; it can also show hex, decimal, etc. equivalents. But those are shown after the binary, and eat up a lot of screen space. I wish these additional radix displays were below the binary rather than adjacent to it. Saleae has a community site where they make an SDK available. This means you could develop your own protocol analyser. The source for all of their analysers is there, providing a framework on which to base a custom version. I looked at the I 2 C module and found that there's not a lot of code required. The SDK found me longing for single analogue channel as it would be so easy to make this a data logger, and analogue is often more interesting to log than digital signals. But that would be a different instrument. You can give the application itself a whirl, as it will go into a simulation mode if a Logic 16 isn't detected. I generally prefer a dedicated bench instrument rather than a USB device, as the former's knobs are so much easier to manipulate when probing a board. But the Logic 16's UI is so intuitive, and so easy to manipulate, that it outshines the bench analysers I've used. Like all of these low-cost LAs the Logic 16 is not feature-rich. Its weakest point is the lack of triggering flexibility. But that aside, it does a good job of providing much of what a much more expensive bench analyser will do. Too my knowledge it's the only such product that supports Windows, Linux and Mac. The price ($299) is right, it'll slip into a shirt pocket, and the engineering is something Steve Jobs would envy.  