tag 标签: video

  • 热度 27
    2016-3-24 11:44
    1469 次阅读|
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    Personally, I think that the classic Medieval Help Desk video is hard to beat. I remember this video being posted as if it were yesterday, but did you realize that it actually made its debut nine years ago as I pen these words (where does the time go)?   However, my old chum Aubrey Kagan (a.k.a. Antedeluvian) from Canada just sent me the link to this How Every Tech Support Call Feels video, and I have to admit that it did cause me to give a wry chuckle.   The really clever bit is right at the very end -- I have to admit that this took me by surprise. In fact, while watching this, I just discovered that there's a veritable cornucopia of "Tech Support" and "Call Centre" related videos out there, but which one is the funniest? Do you have any favorites of your own that you'd care to share?
  • 热度 29
    2013-9-24 10:55
    1668 次阅读|
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    Full HD FIFO DRAM,(AVERLOGIC AL460)顾名思义就是应用于两个主动组件之间的影像暂储存内存.当Write enable写入智能脚位工作启动时,Read-clock 写入频率输入同步启动时,那影像的数据(video data)就会从低到高位输入.在FIFO内部,内存的Address就会从write pointer (写入指标)到read pointer(读出指标)依序排列.当每个读出指标完成动作后,读出指标就会到下一个内存地址继续工作.若在reset 重置状况下,两者指标(write pointer, read pointer) 就会回到第一个内存地址.   联系人: 龚先生(茂晶骏龙有限公司) 电话:86755-8828-5788 邮箱:DragonG@gfei.com.hk  
  • 热度 24
    2013-3-19 11:33
    1717 次阅读|
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       当前许多厂牌(包含TI, ADI, NXP, Averlogic等等)的影像译码IC(video decoder)可以将影像的CVBS讯号转换到数字的656 bus上,提供给后端的处理器使用. 一个优良的Video Decoder需要内部ADC的妥善处理。从早期的8~9bit 处理到现在10~12 bit处理,可以将影像的画质做的更好的分解运算,同时在低耗电的制程上,新一代的Video Decoder可以具备更好的Power Saving mode, 低电压的制程使系统的模拟电路更为简洁,耗电量更低于一般的Video Decoder. 例如Averlogic AL240 与NXP SAA7113作比较,可以清楚的看出差异性,请参阅Averlogic网站作查询.
  • 热度 21
    2013-3-6 09:49
    1566 次阅读|
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    现在有许多的场合需要用到多画面显示,例如大卖场,百货公司大门监控,大楼监控,学校,军事基地,银行,机器人视觉,高速公路,医院等,这些都需要一个高性价比的处理器. 目前TI, ADI等厂商都有类似产品,台湾厂商AVERLOGIC 也有类似产品, 在ZOOM IN,ZOOM OUT, video scaling, OSD, multiple window, PIP, POP,Video multiplexing, 4/9/16 channels window mode, OSD built in,这些项目都可以做更有弹性的开发设计. AVERLOGIC AL37204似乎可以满足需求: Video Picture in Picture Video Picture over Picture Video capture, Video scaling up and video scaling down Multiple view windows 4/9/16 channels video out for VGA/CVBS out. Video loss/blind detection. Motion detection. 在车用,居家场合上都需要有一个经济型的,简单设计的应用,AL37204基于8051,Keil C的应用开发环境可以满足大多数场合的使用.请各位博客提供建议! 联系人: 龚先生(茂晶骏龙有限公司) 电话:86755-8828-5788 邮箱:DragonG@gfei.com.hk  
  • 热度 16
    2012-7-20 01:11
    4394 次阅读|
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    The tech world is going through unprecedented changes in the last few quarters. Apple and Samsung have taken the mobile phone market leadership to a different level where both of them have surged forward from their nearest rivals, in terms of innovation, technology and the revenue/profits earned in this business. We now see that Software, Operating System players like Microsoft and Google have entered the HW market through their own branded products. The message is loud and clear—the companies are looking at increased business from the consumer and the actions that the consumer carries out in the internet; they are out to influence the consumer side devices as well as the server/network side applications in order to maximise the business. All of these changes are having a huge impact on the traditional eco systems in the mobile, handheld, consumer markets. Only time will tell if the integrated strategies played out by Apple is the way to go for the consumer electronics leaders of the world, though there is an apparent shift in that direction. All of these changes are fuelling tremendous growth in the embedded markets. Some of the trends that we see in the embedded system design markets are as follows:   Increased use of multi-core processor platforms: Traditional embedded systems design principles ensured processor and design simplicity in order to meet the stringent needs of cost, reliability, thermal performance, etc. So the use of multi-core processors was not very common. Of late new process and power conservation technologies are driving the use of multi-core processors in embedded system design without impacting the traditional principles. Enhancements in processor design is looking not only at the increased clock speed, but considers increased efficiency, lower power consumptions and integrated graphic performance.   Connectivity is driving security needs in the devices: The convergence of devices features and technologies are happening faster than anyone's imagination these days and the need for connectivity is driving the device designs. All this is adding a security nightmare to preserve personal and professional information from hostile attacks. The embedded system components (processor, operating system, applications) need to have better security features in them in order to tackle these challenges.   Demand for Video processing: The enhanced processing power in the devices are driving the need to have better video processing for personal and professional data transfers and there is an increasing trend in devices that have video capability being designed. Innovative application use cases are built in to take advantage of the social networking and other converged platforms to share video across devices.   Irrespective of the global economic turbulence, there would be continued investments in providing more innovative and efficient solutions coming up in the embedded domain to cater to these trends. In order to be a winner in the embedded market, the companies and individuals need to constantly develop and innovate on new ideas, approaches that can provide efficient, fast, low power, cost effective solutions to the consumers. The above trends of increased video data, security needs and use of complex processors would demand a new level of expertise in providing these solutions.   - Krishnakumar M.  