tag 标签: micron

  • 热度 21
    2012-12-27 11:08
    1386 次阅读|
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            Amlogic 8726方案较多厂家采用其来做高清播放器,以及机顶盒方案,包括小米最近推出的盒子也是采用Amlogic 8726,我司配套8726方案的ic,QQ:1762516767 18675554078,原装现货,欢迎交流。 Amlogic 8726支持的micron品牌nand flash列表如下: NAND Flash  Micron  MT29F32G08CBABA     4G Byte NAND Flash  Micron  MT29F32G08CBACA     4G Byte NAND Flash  Micron  MT29F32G08MAA       4G Byte NAND Flash  Micron  MT29F64G08CBAAA     8G Byte NAND Flash  Micron  MT29F128G08【T/U】AA    16G Byte NAND Flash  Micron  MT29F256G08MAA      32G Byte micron支持的型号包括四个,分别为MT29F32G08CBABA,MT29F32G08CBACA,MT29F32G08MAA,MT29F64G08CBAAA,MT29F128G08 AA MT29F256G08MAA   MT29F32G08CBABA与MT29F32G08CBACA的区别主要是CBACA是第3代的,CBABA是第2代的产品。目前小米的8726的盒子所使用的就是MT29F21G08CBACAWP:C。MT29F32G08MAA在u盘中有厂家采用,其他型号因为容量和价格的关系用得较少。
  • 热度 21
    2011-5-5 17:43
    1692 次阅读|
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    My gentle wife, with always a kind word at hand for nearly any nutty stunt I pull, calls me "crazy." Repeatedly.   My best friend's son tells his dad that he has "interesting" friends.   But when the Annapolis fire engine rolled downhill with 8 kids and no adults aboard, only a lone Walnut tree in its path kept the kids from being dumped in the Chesapeake. The truck was seriously damaged, and the tree came down. A friend hauled it to my yard. Not to the dump, nor to a firewood processor. The reason, of course, was the same one that caused my wife to utter the "crazy" word: my sawmill;   The mill lives next to the garage, and an ever-increasing stack of sawn lumber is piling up all around the yard. I keep promising I'll haul it all to the barn, but it seems a business trip always interferes.   Of course, the tool junkie in me sees this as an excuse to get a skid loader to move the tons of wood, but that will require even more wifely persuasion than I can muster. At the moment. Though she did attend a heavy equipment auction with me recently.   My reasons for buying the mill were many and varied. But now there's a more compelling rational. Turns out, according to research done at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem , molecules from Poplar trees can be used to greatly increase memory capacities in digital computers.   Yeah, the tech pundits are all agog about the potential benefits. But where will the Poplar come from? ( See below )   Advanced fab cranking out petabits of memory components. The geometry, measured in meters, is some 10**9 (billion) times bigger and better than the now obsolete 45 nm parts still produced by aging facilities owned by Intel and others.   Watch out, TSMC! Ahoy there, Micron! Pretty soon the Finksburg Sawmill will be spitting out thousands of board-feet of Poplar proteins to compete with your wildly-antiquated silicon memories. Think wood chips, not silicon chips.   Surely the VCs will soon start lining up, all anxious to invest in The Next Great Thing: sequestering carbon from trees into iPhone components.  
  • 所需E币: 3
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    时间: 2019-12-30 10:21
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