热度 21
2013-5-15 16:16
2323 次阅读|
2 个评论
GSM系统频率容限是如何的,为何一些直放站加入其中会导致对晶振的稳定性要求更高,更换晶振整个系统能从失效状态恢复呢? 2009年曾经跟直放站厂家做过技术交流。查阅SPEC后,计算了一下,找到问题答案,并做了如下笔记。 根据TS 45.050 的描述: R.8 Radio Frequency Tolerance In the present system the mobile has to be designed to work with a Doppler shift caused by speeds up to 250 km/h at 900 MHz, and 130 km/h at 1800 MHz. This corresponds to a frequency offset of around 250 Hz in both cases. Within a building the fastest a mobile would be expected to move at would be 10 km/m, corresponding to an offset of 10 Hz at 900 MHz, or 20 Hz at 1800 MHz. Therefore the absolute frequency tolerance can be reduced for the BTS. At present the limit is 0,05 ppm, 45 Hz at 900 MHz, 90 Hz at 1 800 MHz. Taking the 1800 MHz case, the mobile can successfully decode signals with a 250 + 90 Hz offset at present = 340 Hz. The new requirement is (20 + frequency error) hence the new maximum frequency error is: frequency error = present decode offset - new max. Doppler At 900 MHz: frequency error = 295 - 10 = 285 Hz = 0,32 ppm At 1 800 MHz: frequency error = 340 - 20 = 320 Hz = 0,18 ppm The discussion at SMG2 #21 on relaxation of the radio frequency tolerance criterion suggested that the above relaxation may cause some problems with mobiles. A compromise value was suggested: At 900 MHz and 1 800 MHz frequency error = 0,1 ppm 按1800M系统来看,整个链路的频率容限在0.18ppm范围内,整个系统是可以工作的。 当直放站加入系统中时,增加了出现频率偏差的环节。 GSM系统的上下行是不对称的。终端的AFC是针对下行的信号来做的,不能完全补偿上行信号的频偏。上下行信号之间有45MHz的频带。假设终端将下行信号的频差完全补偿上,它的上行信号中仍然存在4.5Hz的偏差(如果按照0.1ppm计算)。 如果直放站中,上下行说采用的本振频率不同,引入的频差也会不同。这样终端是通过对下行信号的计算来做AFC。对上行信号而言,则会出现比较大的偏差。 还需要注意,ppm只是一个相对值的表达,而解调的要求是绝对的250hz以内,算法才可以适应。