热度 23
2012-5-11 15:30
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Before we plunge into the fray with reckless abandon, I have to confess that I spend a huge amount of time bouncing around the Internet looking at "stuff". For example, I generally have a bunch of writing projects in progress at any one time (articles, blogs, books...), so I'm always researching facts and figures and definitions and suchlike. I also have my hobby projects (Dioramas, Mosaics, Man versus Woman Meters...), for which I am constantly on the hunt for tips, tricks, techniques, parts, and materials. And then there are random topics that grab my attention, like my recent interest in Fuzzy Logic . Also, there are just so much interesting things on the Web – articles, and recipes, and book reviews, and... things in general... that I run across while on my travels. I'm sure things are much the same with you. The Web has become an indispensable tool. The only problem is keeping track of all the places you've been and the things you've seen. Of course you can always use your Web browser to bookmark Websites and Webpages of interest. I personally have hundreds and hundreds of bookmarks – so many, in fact, that it's a pain finding things. (You would not believe how many times I end up re-performing searches for things I already found days, hours, or even a few short minutes ago.) And yes, I know that you can create bookmark folders and organise things... but I never seem to get around to doing it. Another problem is that I have multiple computers at home and in my office, so a bookmark in one browser on one machine isn't available in a browser on another machine. Now, I have been vaguely aware that there are a variety of web-clipping applications running wild and free in the world. However, I haven't been sufficiently motivated to try one... until now... The thing is that I just received an email from the folks at Clipix ( www.clipix.com ). The full message is presented below for your delectation and delight. Suffice it to say that I was sufficiently intrigued to bounce over to their website to take a look, and I liked what I saw. I particularly like the way you can assign clips to different groups; also, the ways in which you can share things with other people if you wish. The bottom line is that I was sufficiently enthused to sign-up (it's Free, which is always a plus in my book) and install this little rascal. One point is that their instructions said that you should use the View menu to display your bookmark bar (if it wasn't already being displayed, of course). In my version of Firefox, however, I had to use the Firefox Options menu. The next thing I need to do is to work out how to install this on multiple machines such that they all see the same thing. Also, it just struck me that I don't know if this will work on my iPad; I hope it does – this is something else I will have to look into... Meanwhile, check out the full message from the folks at Clipex and see what you think: ————— The original message from Clipex is as follows————— How would you like to save ten hours a week? Ten more hours to hang out with your friends and family, spend time outside (especially as the weather gets warmer), and stalk on Facebook? Clipix is a free online and mobile tool that cuts down the time it takes to scour the internet for all the things you've come across and want to get back to – the cool pair of sunglasses you saw online the other day, that great article you've been meaning to read, that beach house you were thinking of renting, etc. This little video explains how it works. Although at first glance it might seem similar to other web-clipping applications out there, Clipix extends itself beyond pretty pictures and acts as more of a personal digital organiser for your life, keeping all of the stuff you email to yourself, stash in outlook folders, save onto your desktop, and put in your "favourite" book marks into one simple place. Below are some cool features: * Price Drop Alert – Clipix has a price drop alert function that lets parents select the price they are willing to pay for any clipped item, and notifies them via email when the product hits that price * File Uploads – Clipix users are not just restricted to items they find online, they can also upload documents from their desktop including photos, videos, Word Excel documents, and PDFs * Clip on the Go – Clipix is available in free iPhone and Android mobile app format to clip on the go and access Clipboards from anywhere * Privacy – Clipix users can elect to keep their Clipboards totally private OR share clipboards with only the people they choose. Although Clipix is social, it was created for people to use as a personal tool and share with people who care and not just share with anyone for the sake of sharing. 70% of daily clips are clipped to private Clipboards. * Syncboards – This is a shared Clipboard that is great for joint decision making and allows for users to organise collaboratively. Anyone with access to the board can add, delete and edit clips. * Copyright Protection – Clipix takes copyright seriously and watermarks each image that is uploaded to Clipix to ensure users' online safety when clipping content form the web and to protect image owners' copyrights. * International – available in 12 different languages to provide a native experience to millions of worldwide users. * URL Protection – All clips, even those re-clipped from other users, click back to the original source. Clipix takes privacy and personal content seriously, while helping you organise all the digital content that we all come across on a daily basis.