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  • 热度 29
    2011-12-14 18:33
    1205 次阅读|
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    利用吉时利 6517A 型静电计 ,可以在高达1000V的高压下实现 低噪声 (未滤波1fA p-p )电流测量。利用精心设计的测量室和质量优良的 绝缘体 ,可以完全避免漏电流,精确测量高达10 17 W的电阻。如果温度稳定性优于0.1K,那么在温度依存性测量或光电导率测量期间,可以维持这个测量能力。利用SF 6 气体或高真空可以抑制高压电极之间空气的电子击穿。如果分子束沉积高真空系统中的线缆和泵浦得到屏蔽,可以在 薄膜 生长过程中对电流进行现场测量,而且具有相同的灵敏度,这对像有机分子材料这样的低电导率材料特别有用。   Current measurements at low noise levels (1fAp-p without filtering) can be performed at a maximum of 1000V with a Keithley 6517A Electrometer. By using a carefully designed measurement chamber and good quality insulators, leakage currents can be completely avoided, which allows measuring resistances up to 1017W accurately. This measurement capability can be maintained during temperature dependent or photoconductivity measurements if the temperature stability is better than 0.1K. Electrical breakdown of air between the electrodes at high voltages can be suppressed using an SF6 atmosphere or high vacuum. If cables and pumps inside a Molecular Beam Deposition high vacuum system are shielded, current measurements can be done in-situ during thin film growth with the same sensitivity, which is especially useful for materials with low conductivity like organic molecules.   致谢 吉时利仪器公司感谢新西兰麦克德尔米德先进材料和纳米技术研究所(惠灵顿市)的Felix Budde博士对本应用笔记的帮助。为了研究 电荷载体 的生产和再结合,Budde博士曾在德国斯图加特大学学习物理,并对 有机薄膜 的光电导率进行测量。作为其在瑞士伯尔尼大学博士工作的一部分,他准备了有机晶体,并利用光学和电子测量手段对其进行分析。Budde博士的联系方式是: SCPS,P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand (email:Felix.Budde@vuw.ac.nz)。   Keithley Instruments would like to thank Dr. Felix Budde of theMacDiarmid Institute of Advanced Materials and Nanotech-nology in Wellington (New Zealand) for contributing this appli-cation note. Dr. Budde studied Physics at the University ofStuttgart (Germany) and measured photoconductivity of organicfilms to study generation and recombination of charge carriers.As part of his PhD work at the University of Berne (Switzer-land), he prepared organic crystals and analyzed them with opti-cal and electrical measurements. He can be contacted at SCPS,P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand (email:Felix.Budde@vuw.ac.nz).     了解更多信息      要想了解有关 6517A 型静电计 / 高阻表 或者吉时利其他系列数字源表的更多信息,请点击http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a,或者联系吉时利公司:全国免费电话800-810-1334手机用户请拨打440-650-1334。 登录吉时利官方微博(http://weibo.com/keithley)与专家进行互动。  绝缘体http://www.keithley.com.cn/promo/pr/searchresults?q=%E7%BB%9D%E7%BC%98%E4%BD%93 薄膜http://www.keithley.com.cn/promo/pr/keithleytestpatterns.htm/view 6517A型静电计/高阻表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a
  • 热度 24
    2011-12-14 16:37
    2349 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    利用吉时利 6517A 型静电计 ,可以在高达1000V的高压下实现 低噪声 (未滤波1fA p-p )电流测量。利用精心设计的测量室和质量优良的 绝缘体 ,可以完全避免漏电流,精确测量高达10 17 W的电阻。如果温度稳定性优于0.1K,那么在温度依存性测量或光电导率测量期间,可以维持这个测量能力。利用SF 6 气体或高真空可以抑制高压电极之间空气的电子击穿。如果分子束沉积高真空系统中的线缆和泵浦得到屏蔽,可以在 薄膜 生长过程中对电流进行现场测量,而且具有相同的灵敏度,这对像有机分子材料这样的低电导率材料特别有用。   Current measurements at low noise levels (1fAp-p without filtering) can be performed at a maximum of 1000V with a Keithley 6517A Electrometer. By using a carefully designed measurement chamber and good quality insulators, leakage currents can be completely avoided, which allows measuring resistances up to 1017W accurately. This measurement capability can be maintained during temperature dependent or photoconductivity measurements if the temperature stability is better than 0.1K. Electrical breakdown of air between the electrodes at high voltages can be suppressed using an SF6 atmosphere or high vacuum. If cables and pumps inside a Molecular Beam Deposition high vacuum system are shielded, current measurements can be done in-situ during thin film growth with the same sensitivity, which is especially useful for materials with low conductivity like organic molecules.   致谢 吉时利仪器公司感谢新西兰麦克德尔米德先进材料和纳米技术研究所(惠灵顿市)的Felix Budde博士对本应用笔记的帮助。为了研究 电荷载体 的生产和再结合,Budde博士曾在德国斯图加特大学学习物理,并对 有机薄膜 的光电导率进行测量。作为其在瑞士伯尔尼大学博士工作的一部分,他准备了有机晶体,并利用光学和电子测量手段对其进行分析。Budde博士的联系方式是: SCPS,P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand (email:Felix.Budde@vuw.ac.nz)。   Keithley Instruments would like to thank Dr. Felix Budde of theMacDiarmid Institute of Advanced Materials and Nanotech-nology in Wellington (New Zealand) for contributing this appli-cation note. Dr. Budde studied Physics at the University ofStuttgart (Germany) and measured photoconductivity of organicfilms to study generation and recombination of charge carriers.As part of his PhD work at the University of Berne (Switzer-land), he prepared organic crystals and analyzed them with opti-cal and electrical measurements. He can be contacted at SCPS,P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand (email:Felix.Budde@vuw.ac.nz).     了解更多信息      要想了解有关 6517A 型静电计 / 高阻表 或者吉时利其他系列数字源表的更多信息,请点击http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a,或者联系吉时利公司:全国免费电话800-810-1334手机用户请拨打440-650-1334。 登录吉时利官方微博(http://weibo.com/keithley)与专家进行互动。       绝缘体http://www.keithley.com.cn/promo/pr/searchresults?q=%E7%BB%9D%E7%BC%98%E4%BD%93 薄膜http://www.keithley.com.cn/promo/pr/keithleytestpatterns.htm/view 6517A型静电计/高阻表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a
  • 热度 24
    2011-12-2 13:49
    1277 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    利用吉时利 6517A 型静电计 ,可以在高达1000V的高压下实现 低噪声 (未滤波1fA p-p )电流测量。利用精心设计的测量室和质量优良的 绝缘体 ,可以完全避免漏电流,精确测量高达10 17 W的电阻。如果温度稳定性优于0.1K,那么在温度依存性测量或光电导率测量期间,可以维持这个测量能力。利用SF 6 气体或高真空可以抑制高压电极之间空气的电子击穿。如果分子束沉积高真空系统中的线缆和泵浦得到屏蔽,可以在 薄膜 生长过程中对电流进行现场测量,而且具有相同的灵敏度,这对像有机分子材料这样的低电导率材料特别有用。   Current measurements at low noise levels (1fAp-p without filtering) can be performed at a maximum of 1000V with a Keithley 6517A Electrometer. By using a carefully designed measurement chamber and good quality insulators, leakage currents can be completely avoided, which allows measuring resistances up to 1017W accurately. This measurement capability can be maintained during temperature dependent or photoconductivity measurements if the temperature stability is better than 0.1K. Electrical breakdown of air between the electrodes at high voltages can be suppressed using an SF6 atmosphere or high vacuum. If cables and pumps inside a Molecular Beam Deposition high vacuum system are shielded, current measurements can be done in-situ during thin film growth with the same sensitivity, which is especially useful for materials with low conductivity like organic molecules.   致谢 吉时利仪器公司感谢新西兰麦克德尔米德先进材料和纳米技术研究所(惠灵顿市)的Felix Budde博士对本应用笔记的帮助。为了研究 电荷载体 的生产和再结合,Budde博士曾在德国斯图加特大学学习物理,并对 有机薄膜 的光电导率进行测量。作为其在瑞士伯尔尼大学博士工作的一部分,他准备了有机晶体,并利用光学和电子测量手段对其进行分析。Budde博士的联系方式是: SCPS,P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand (email:Felix.Budde@vuw.ac.nz)。   Keithley Instruments would like to thank Dr. Felix Budde of theMacDiarmid Institute of Advanced Materials and Nanotech-nology in Wellington (New Zealand) for contributing this appli-cation note. Dr. Budde studied Physics at the University ofStuttgart (Germany) and measured photoconductivity of organicfilms to study generation and recombination of charge carriers.As part of his PhD work at the University of Berne (Switzer-land), he prepared organic crystals and analyzed them with opti-cal and electrical measurements. He can be contacted at SCPS,P.O. Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand (email:Felix.Budde@vuw.ac.nz).     了解更多信息      要想了解有关 6517A 型静电计 / 高阻表 或者吉时利其他系列数字源表的更多信息,请点击http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a,或者联系吉时利公司:全国免费电话800-810-1334手机用户请拨打440-650-1334。 登录吉时利官方微博(http://weibo.com/keithley)与专家进行互动。   吉时利仪器公司(中国)市场部 (T) 8008101334,  8610 82255010,  82255011   绝缘体http://www.keithley.com.cn/promo/pr/searchresults?q=%E7%BB%9D%E7%BC%98%E4%BD%93 薄膜http://www.keithley.com.cn/promo/pr/keithleytestpatterns.htm/view 6517A型静电计/高阻表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a
  • 热度 19
    2011-12-1 11:37
    1254 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    在比某种材料波长较短的波长范围里,光能足以激发电子从电极材料发射。这将导致电极之间气体的离子化,提供导电路径。如果在高真空中进行测量,这些电子将产生 额外电流 。为了避免这些效应,选择的照明波长应当大于 光电效应 阈值波长。对于镓来说,这个波长是295nm。 At wavelengths shorter than a certain material-dependent wave-length, light is energetic enough to induce emission of electronsfrom the electrode material. This leads to an ionization of the gasbetween the electrodes, providing a conductive path. If the mea-surement is performed in high vacuum, these electrons producean additional current. To avoid these effects, the wavelengthchosen for illumination should be greater than the threshold forthe photoelectric effect. For gallium, this wavelength is 295nm.   Stored Charges 累积电荷 假设电荷存储于许多 绝缘体 (尤其是特氟纶),那么在改变施加电压或温度后,可能需要几个小时的时间才能达到 电荷平衡 ,尤其是对于具有极高阻抗的样本而且施加电压较高的时候更是如此。因此,要等到电流达到平衡后,再进行测量。 Given that charges are stored in many insulators (especiallyTeflon), it may take hours for the current to reach equilibriumafter changing the applied voltage or temperature, especially forsamples with very high resistances and at high applied voltages.Don’t start the measurement until equilibrium is reached.   设备清单 • 6517A型静电计 • 低噪声三芯 同轴转接电缆 • PC、 IEEE 线缆 等 • SF 6 气瓶 • 镓 • 定制的测量室,包括三芯同轴转接电缆以及高压馈通         了解更多信息      要想了解有关 6517A 型静电计 / 高阻表 或者吉时利其他系列数字源表的更多信息,请点击http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a,或者联系吉时利公司:全国免费电话800-810-1334手机用户请拨打440-650-1334。 登录吉时利官方微博(http://weibo.com/keithley)与专家进行互动。   吉时利仪器公司(中国)市场部 (T) 8008101334,  8610 82255010,  82255011     同轴转接电缆http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/semiconductor/parametricanalyzer/4200scs/?path=4200-SCS/ACC_4200-SCS IEEE卡和适配器 http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/accessories/ieee/cables 6517A型静电计/高阻表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a