tag 标签: mouse

  • 热度 20
    2014-6-6 10:31
    3375 次阅读|
    1 个评论
          受客户之邀,写了这篇关于OTG功能的实例操作,硬件针对的是REV2的USB3.0开发板。这一款开发板与官方的完全兼容,所有开发包安装完后的固件例程,都可以在其上运行。关于这一款开发板,可以查看:http://bbs.ednchina.com/BLOG_ARTICLE_3003871.HTM         REV4开发板早已经开发完毕,是一款适合入门USB3.0的简易开发板,价格实惠。不过,REV4开发板并不支持OTG功能。         固件程序USBHost是开发包内的一个OTG例程,其它的例程这里不作介绍。USBHost的功能是驱动标准的USB接口鼠标,并将鼠标运行的位置信息通过串口显示出来。        硬件上除了REV2开发板外,还要准备如下 的东东: 1、一个5V直流电源,插在开发板的J49上,给开发板及鼠标供电; 2、一条OTG线,用来连接开发板J48和鼠标; 3、一条串口线,用来连接开发板J38,将打印信息传输到电脑上显示出来; 4、一个JLINK下载线,用来连接开发板J51,将固件程序通过仿真器接口下载到CYUSB3014内部。          以下是实际操作过程。 1、外部5V直流电源插在开发板右下角的J49上,SW9开关拔在靠下的位置,J50短接。开发板上有5个LED发光。 2、OTG线接在J48上,再接上鼠标,此时鼠标不会发光(J40为空)。 3、串口线接在J38上,用来输出调试信息。 4、JLINK仿真器接在J51上(此步骤应接在1前,就是通电之前)。       以上硬件连接好通电,打开J-LINK GDB Server 软件,如下图所示:       打开ECLIPSE软件,按照正常的DEBUG过程操作,程序代码会通过JTAG下载到CYUSB3014芯片中。不要设置任何断点,连续运行程序,如下图,           最后,打开串口调试助手,按下图进行设置,移动鼠标,输出信息如下:                以上为调试过程,具体代码用户可以自行分析。   (另公布一群号178338109,CYUSB3014开发专业讨论区。)     我的博客: http://bbs.ednchina.com/BLOG_liangziusb_440752.HTM 淘宝店铺: http://liangziusb.taobao.com 良子.2014年    承接USB开发工程  USB毕设指导 QQ:2687652834
  • 热度 23
    2013-3-13 18:40
    1757 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    Let's look at an interesting patent issued in 2003. Before I give it all away, I want you to think about your mouse – yes, the one connected to your computer, not the one running around the floor. Now think about what other functions you may want to integrate with your mouse. As the music for Jeopardy is playing in your mind – I hope you wrote down – printer! Now this is not from some mad inventor who just happened to notice that nobody had done this yet – this is from Casio! Abstract: A mouse device for use as an input device of a computer is provided that includes a housing in which recording paper is loadable, and a printer unit provided within the housing for printing on the recording paper print information received from the computer. The printer unit includes a paper loading section in which the recording paper is loaded, a platen roller for feeding the recording paper loaded in the loading section, a print head for printing on the recording paper fed by the platen roller, and a discharge port through which the recording paper is discharged after printing by the platen roller out of the housing while taking a substantially vertical attitude.   Now, I am intrigued. What is recording paper? Does this distinguish it from paper that somehow cannot be written on. The only clue we get is in claim 9 that states—The mouse device according to claim 1, wherein: said print head comprises a thermal head; and the recording paper comprises heat-sensitive paper that is coloured by heat produced by said thermal head. Maybe this might be more useful as a label maker or something like that but maybe someone already beat them to the Dymo/mouse combination. Brian Bailey  
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