tag 标签: M2M

  • 热度 26
    2015-8-28 17:08
    1506 次阅读|
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    何为M2M通信技术?     M2M,即Machine-to-Machine,M2M通信技术就是机器对机器通信技术的简称,是指在传统的机器上通过安装传感器、控制器等来赋予机器以“智能”的属性,从而实现机器与机器间的通信交流,是物联网中不可或缺的重要组成部分。     随着物联网(Internet of Things,IoT)概念再次被热炒,人们期待通过互联网将物物相连,进而获得更为便捷的生活体验。而M2M通信技术正是实现物联网通信中不可或缺的关键因素。     在M2M技术中,用于远距离连接的主要有GSM、GPRS、UMTS等技术,在近距离连接技术方面则主要有Wi-Fi、蓝牙、Zigbee、射频识别(RFID)和UWB(Ultra-Wideband)超宽带等。此外,还有一些其他技术,如XML和Corba,以及基于GPS、无线终端和网络的位置服务技术。   M2M模块市场猛增 2018销售将达45亿美元  M2M通信技术适用于多种领域     综上,M2M技术的潜在市场不仅限于通信业。由于M2M是无线通信和信息技术的整合,它可用于双向通信,如远距离收集信息、设置参数和发送指令,因此M2M技术可有不同的应用方案,如安全监测、自动售货机、货物跟踪等等。因此,也势必占据未来通信模块市场上的重要位置。   目前移动M2M模块市场发展概况:     1、现在,M2M模块出货量主要以2G为主,由于技术向宽带迁移,3G将成为创收来源,而4G则成为增长最快的细分市场。     2、从地理上来看,亚太地区是增长最为迅速的,主要是受到中国制造的提振。     3、运输业务是最大和最为重要的增长点,驱动力主要来自汽车之间的互联。     4、智能电网的投资可带动该产业的发展,而智能电网预计要到2018年才会起到强劲推动作用。     5、Sierra Wireless、Gemalto 和Telit将继续主导M2M模块市场,它们占据该市场将近三分之二的份额。   本人从事SIERRA 代理,对这块有兴趣的童鞋请加我QQ:   1960239452 或群:94336914相互交流,谢谢!  
  • 热度 19
    2014-5-23 20:18
    5831 次阅读|
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    An advanced pill box brings together wireless M2M and IoT as well as mobile phones in a service that not only people who take regular medications will appreciate but health nuts as well. But it is not for everyone.   It is part of a montlyservice from a company called MedMinder , and except for the power supply cord that brings it to life, the 28 slot pillbox ( Figure below ) looks like just about any pill dispenser. It measures about 2 inches thick, 12 inches long and 6 inches wide, deep enough to hold a large number of pills in each slot.     The magic of the device is that the powered pillbox is equipped with a secure M2M Bluetooth module made by Gemalto (the Cinterion PHS8 smart card) that provides a 24/7 automated wireless link from the pill box to the patient, doctor, family member and MedMinders medical alert monitoring center.   The sensor-based dispenser monitors medication usage (open and close) and sends that usage information over the wireless network to a central server at MedMinder. Should the user of the dispenser forget about a needed medication, an audio alarm alerts the him/her at a predetermined time - immediately, or later, within the constraints of the medication's effectiveness.   Caregivers also receive alerts if scheduled doses are missed giving them the ability to offer real-time support.. The patient can chose their preferred method of communication as the connectivity enables the pill dispenser to send reminders via text message, email or a phone call.   When it’s time to take a medication, the appropriate compartment flashes. If the cup is not removed within the assigned time frame, the user of the pillbox will get auditory prompts as well as optional automatic phone calls, text messages and emails, or,  all of the above, to be sure.   For parents or family members who feel they should monitor the pill taker's medications, as well as the physician, with the push of a button the pill dispenser will open a two-way voice channel with health professionals from a monitoring center.   Pill taking activity is monitored by MedMinder and this information is available online to the patient or other health care professions he/she thinks should be notified. by immediate email or text messages notifications and weekly reports.   MedMinder is a monthly service and has no upfront costs or long term contracts and the service and the pillbox can be used as long as the user wants to do so. If you sign up online MedMinder will send the unit to you. If you want to stop, you can send it back and MedMinder will stop charging the monthly prescription.   While the company has a set of patents pending on the system it has developed, I expect that other similar systems to begin to show up with "improvements" and alternative user profiles.  For one thing MedMinder bypasses the cellular and other communications links normally available to the average consumer, using its own network connections. I have enough problems with variable wireless reliability on some of the consumer devices I have. They are all  are tolerable - if irritating - on my Kindle or my cell phone. But not with something like this.   Second, it is a service rather than an automated standalone box and there are number of other  "use cases"  which involve a standalone unit which be more attractive to the independent minded. I like the idea of its automation and its ability to alert the user if he or she has forgotten to take his pills. But a monthly fee? Like many of you I have many online services and software packages - like Microsoft's Office 365 - that are charged on a monthly service. I am not sure I want to put up with yet another one.   Then there is the quality of the people you have to interact with when you are using one of these "remarkable" new medical appliances. In my experience, some of these so-called call center personnel are escapees from a PC help desk service, and dealing with them is not the most pleasant - or useful - experience in the world.   For the independent-minded, the fact that everybody and their brother will be involved  with the pill takers use of MedMinder - physicians, nurse, pharmacists, family members, etc. - may be off- putting. I don't know about you, but I just want to take my meds and supplements on time and and do not need a committee involved.   For the elderly and seriously - or even just chronically- ill this would be a useful and necessary service. But there a whole range of other health-conscious potential users who would like a pillbox that reminds them, but would not want to put up with the nagging from a committee looking over your shoulder.   As good an idea as it is, I think I will wait for a cheaper standalone unit to come along. Until then, I will keep using the scheme I have now- seven humongous coke drink containers like you get at the local quick stop food outlet, properly labeled Monday through Sunday. I leave my pills in their original packages - about seven to twelve of them -  and transfer each of them when I have removed a capsule into the next day's coke container through the week.No sweat, no problems, no committee.
  • 热度 22
    2014-5-23 20:16
    10022 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    An automated pill dispenser brings together wireless M2M and IoT as well as mobile phones in a service that not only people who take regular medications will appreciate but health nuts as well. But it is not for everyone.   It is part of a montlyservice from a company called MedMinder , and except for the power supply cord that brings it to life, the 28 slot pillbox ( Figure below ) looks like just about any pill dispenser. It measures about 2 inches thick, 12 inches long and 6 inches wide, deep enough to hold a large number of pills in each slot.     The magic of the device is that the powered pillbox is equipped with a secure M2M Bluetooth module made by Gemalto (the Cinterion PHS8 smart card) that provides a 24/7 automated wireless link from the pill box to the patient, doctor, family member and MedMinders medical alert monitoring center.   The sensor-based dispenser monitors medication usage (open and close) and sends that usage information over the wireless network to a central server at MedMinder. Should the user of the dispenser forget about a needed medication, an audio alarm alerts the him/her at a predetermined time - immediately, or later, within the constraints of the medication's effectiveness.   Caregivers also receive alerts if scheduled doses are missed giving them the ability to offer real-time support.. The patient can chose their preferred method of communication as the connectivity enables the pill dispenser to send reminders via text message, email or a phone call.   When it’s time to take a medication, the appropriate compartment flashes. If the cup is not removed within the assigned time frame, the user of the pillbox will get auditory prompts as well as optional automatic phone calls, text messages and emails, or,  all of the above, to be sure.   For parents or family members who feel they should monitor the pill taker's medications, as well as the physician, with the push of a button the pill dispenser will open a two-way voice channel with health professionals from a monitoring center.   Pill taking activity is monitored by MedMinder and this information is available online to the patient or other health care professions he/she thinks should be notified. by immediate email or text messages notifications and weekly reports.   MedMinder is a monthly service and has no upfront costs or long term contracts and the service and the pillbox can be used as long as the user wants to do so. If you sign up online MedMinder will send the unit to you. If you want to stop, you can send it back and MedMinder will stop charging the monthly prescription.   While the company has a set of patents pending on the system it has developed, I expect that other similar systems to begin to show up with "improvements" and alternative user profiles.  For one thing MedMinder bypasses the cellular and other communications links normally available to the average consumer, using its own network connections. I have enough problems with variable wireless reliability on some of the consumer devices I have. They are all  are tolerable - if irritating - on my Kindle or my cell phone. But not with something like this.   Second, it is a service rather than an automated standalone box and there are number of other  "use cases"  which involve a standalone unit which be more attractive to the independent minded. I like the idea of its automation and its ability to alert the user if he or she has forgotten to take his pills. But a monthly fee? Like many of you I have many online services and software packages - like Microsoft's Office 365 - that are charged on a monthly service. I am not sure I want to put up with yet another one.   Then there is the quality of the people you have to interact with when you are using one of these "remarkable" new medical appliances. In my experience, some of these so-called call center personnel are escapees from a PC help desk service, and dealing with them is not the most pleasant - or useful - experience in the world.   For the independent-minded, the fact that everybody and their brother will be involved  with the pill takers use of MedMinder - physicians, nurse, pharmacists, family members, etc. - may be off- putting. I don't know about you, but I just want to take my meds and supplements on time and and do not need a committee involved.   For the elderly and seriously - or even just chronically- ill this would be a useful and necessary service. But there a whole range of other health-conscious potential users who would like a pillbox that reminds them, but would not want to put up with the nagging from a committee looking over your shoulder.   As good an idea as it is, I think I will wait for a cheaper standalone unit to come along. Until then, I will keep using the scheme I have now- seven humongous coke drink containers like you get at the local quick stop food outlet, properly labeled Monday through Sunday. I leave my pills in their original packages - about seven to twelve of them -  and transfer each of them when I have removed a capsule into the next day's coke container through the week.No sweat, no problems, no committee.
  • 热度 27
    2013-4-10 17:09
    1551 次阅读|
    2 个评论
        物联网的概念于1999年由麻省理工学院Auto-ID研究中心提出,它是把所有物品通过射频识别等信息传感设备与互联网连接起来,实现智能化的识别和管理。2005年,ITU-T发布了《ITU互联网报告2005:物联网》,对“物联网”的涵义进行了扩展,报告分别从物联网的概念、涉及的技术、潜在的市场、面临的挑战、世界的发展机遇和未来的生活展望6大方面进行了阐述。报告中所阐述的物联网概念是:信息世界和通信技术已经有了新的维度:任何人、任何物体,都能够在任何时间、任何地点以多种多样的形式连接起来,从而创建出一个新的动态的网--物联网。       除了上述的物联网概念外,现在普遍接受的物联网概念是指通过信息传感设备,运用射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)、红外感应、全球定位系统(GPS)激光扫描等技术,按照约定的协议,把任何物品与互联网连接起来,进行信息交换和通信,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。它是在互联网基础上延伸和扩展的网络,其中,全面感知、可靠传递和智能处理是物联网的3大特征。       要理解物联网的内涵,除了对物联网的概念有所了解外,还必须清楚传感网、泛在网、M2M、移动网等与物联网密切相关的概念,下图给出了这几种概念的之间的关系。         泛在网也就是无处不在的网络,包括3个层次的内容:无所不在的基础网络、无所不在的终端单元和无所不在的网络应用。讲4A作为其主要特征,即可以实现在任何时间、任何地点、任何人、任何物都能方便的通信。       传感网,一般指无线传感网络WSN(Wireless Sensor Network),是指随机分布的集成有传感器、数据处理单元和通信单元的微小节点,通过自组织的方式构成的无线网络。传感网与物联网最大区别就在于传感网不强调对物体的标识,仅仅感知到信号,并不一定明确标识出事众多被感知物体中的哪一个。       M2M是指“机器对机器通信(Machine to Machine)”,作为实现物联网最常见、最普遍也是最具有可行性的方法,M2M的应用几乎涵盖了各行各业,在现阶段及以后相当长的一段时间内,它都将是物联网研究和应用的主力军。       从本质上讲,泛在网、物联网、传感网、M2M实际上表达的是同一个思想,即将信息交互从人与人之间扩大到人与物、物与物之间,从而实现通信应用范畴的极大扩展,以“信息化、智能化”改变人们的生活方式。之所以会产生概念表述的不同,是由于出发角度的不同。泛在网主要以人为主体,通过泛在的网络构成、泛在计算以及泛在的网络应用满足人们的各种需求;传感网重点强调对于信息的感知,通过对数据进行采集、处理、融合和路由完成对各种具体应用的数据支持;M2M则主要关注节点之间的通信,通过节点之间的信息交流,使机器设别不再是信息孤岛,实现对设备和资产有效地监控与管理。       物联网是一个复杂的系统,无法采用二维分层模型构造其逻辑模型,可以采用物品、网络、应用三维模型,构成由信息物品、自主网络、智能应用为构件的物联网概念模型,如图所示。   --节选自《物联网智能网关设计与应用》 感谢您的关注! 更多WIZnet信息请登录:WIZnet官方主页:    http://www.iwiznet.cn/                       WIZnet企业官方微博:http://e.weibo.com/wiznet2012
  • 热度 27
    2013-4-8 15:13
    1686 次阅读|
    1 个评论
        物联网的概念于1999年由麻省理工学院Auto-ID研究中心提出,它是把所有物品通过射频识别等信息传感设备与互联网连接起来,实现智能化的识别和管理。2005年,ITU-T发布了《ITU互联网报告2005:物联网》,对“物联网”的涵义进行了扩展,报告分别从物联网的概念、涉及的技术、潜在的市场、面临的挑战、世界的发展机遇和未来的生活展望6大方面进行了阐述。报告中所阐述的物联网概念是:信息世界和通信技术已经有了新的维度:任何人、任何物体,都能够在任何时间、任何地点以多种多样的形式连接起来,从而创建出一个新的动态的网--物联网。     除了上述的物联网概念外,现在普遍接受的物联网概念是指通过信息传感设备,运用射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)、红外感应、全球定位系统(GPS)激光扫描等技术,按照约定的协议,把任何物品与互联网连接起来,进行信息交换和通信,以实现智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理的一种网络。它是在互联网基础上延伸和扩展的网络,其中,全面感知、可靠传递和智能处理是物联网的3大特征。     要理解物联网的内涵,除了对物联网的概念有所了解外,还必须清楚传感网、泛在网、M2M、移动网等与物联网密切相关的概念,下图给出了这几种概念的之间的关系。     泛在网也就是无处不在的网络,包括3个层次的内容:无所不在的基础网络、无所不在的终端单元和无所不在的网络应用。讲4A作为其主要特征,即可以实现在任何时间、任何地点、任何人、任何物都能方便的通信。     传感网,一般指无线传感网络WSN(Wireless Sensor Network),是指随机分布的集成有传感器、数据处理单元和通信单元的微小节点,通过自组织的方式构成的无线网络。传感网与物联网最大区别就在于传感网不强调对物体的标识,仅仅感知到信号,并不一定明确标识出事众多被感知物体中的哪一个。     M2M是指“机器对机器通信(Machine to Machine)”,作为实现物联网最常见、最普遍也是最具有可行性的方法,M2M的应用几乎涵盖了各行各业,在现阶段及以后相当长的一段时间内,它都将是物联网研究和应用的主力军。     从本质上讲,泛在网、物联网、传感网、M2M实际上表达的是同一个思想,即将信息交互从人与人之间扩大到人与物、物与物之间,从而实现通信应用范畴的极大扩展,以“信息化、智能化”改变人们的生活方式。之所以会产生概念表述的不同,是由于出发角度的不同。泛在网主要以人为主体,通过泛在的网络构成、泛在计算以及泛在的网络应用满足人们的各种需求;传感网重点强调对于信息的感知,通过对数据进行采集、处理、融合和路由完成对各种具体应用的数据支持;M2M则主要关注节点之间的通信,通过节点之间的信息交流,使机器设别不再是信息孤岛,实现对设备和资产有效地监控与管理。     物联网是一个复杂的系统,无法采用二维分层模型构造其逻辑模型,可以采用物品、网络、应用三维模型,构成由信息物品、自主网络、智能应用为构件的物联网概念模型,如图所示。 –节选自《物联网智能网关设计与应用》 感谢您的关注! 更多WIZnet信息请登录:WIZnet官方主页:       http://www.iwiznet.cn/                                           WIZnet企业官方微博:http://e.weibo.com/wiznet2012  
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