tag 标签: processing

  • 热度 19
    2014-10-14 13:29
    1501 次阅读|
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    Processing是一个简单易用的软件,可以非常方便的将数据进行图形显示。 最早接触processing是在TI的MSP430 Launchpad,它的一个测温度的例程就是使用Processing作为上位机软件。Processing 支持多种操作系统,它可以在 Windows、MAC OS X、Linux 等操作系统上使用。   Learning Processing是一本不错的processing入门电子书,虽然是英文的,但是相信大家也不会有太大问题。     http://yun.baidu.com/s/1ntKCcXF  
  • 热度 22
    2013-3-15 09:14
    4012 次阅读|
    8 个评论
    MSP430 Value Line LaunchPad的演示程序附带了一个GUI的上位机软件,用于显示当前芯片的温度。这是一个类似Java的程序,使用了一个叫做 Processing 的开源软件开发。使用这个程序,可以将演示程序编译为Windows、Linux、Mac操作系统下的可执行程序。这个上位机的功能比较简单,就是从串口读取单片机发上来的温度,然后在界面上显示出来,程序使用了华氏温度。 软件运行时,先列出当前所有的串口,选择仿真器对应的虚拟串口(在运行程序前需要先把仿真器连上USB线,并按一次S2),然后输入串口对应的序号,再按回车键。因为软件功能比较弱,如果输入错误,需要退出程序再次运行(如果是在processing的IDE下运行,会看到错误提示)。当LaunchPad上单片机复位后(或者刚运行时),两个LED轮流闪烁,这时串口是不会发数据的,需要按一下左下角的按键S2,这时串口就开始发送数据,可以在软件的界面上看到温度了。 我将这个程序做了一点修改,可以同时显示摄氏和华氏温度,方便调试。可以把手指放到单片机上(或者把单片机靠近其他温度高的物体上),就很容易观察到温度的变化。同时增加一个计数器,方便观察串口的状态。 也可以使用其他串口软件,只需要设置串口波特率成2400,并用16进制方式读取即可。 Processing软件网站: http://www.processing.org/download/ 这个程序原来的下载地址是在DropBox上,因为某些不为大家所知的原因,DropBox目前是不能从国内访问的,所以也无法直接下载。因此我将这个程序直接做为了附件上传,同时附上我修改过的程序,方便大家研究。 原版 修改版
  • 热度 24
    2012-6-29 13:47
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    Recently, I observed someone typing a lengthy analysis in response to an email. What a sight it was: fingers blazing, keys clicking, and that poor "delete/backspace" key getting an Olympic-class workout. And no, it was not just a case of poor typing skills. It was a case of typing and untyping over and over, like being stuck in a "do...while" loop without any exit. Each word, phrase, sentence, and even paragraph was done and redone and redone—all at high speed, of course, which word processing makes so easy. I estimate that the ratio of entered keystrokes to final ones actually used was about 10:1. Some thinking begins Then I wondered, what would it have been like to do that by hand, or even with that now-obsolete instrument, the typewriter? Of course, if you were doing this by hand or with a typewriter, you wouldn't have the "luxury" of such ease of do, delete, and re-do. Now, it's so easy to jump in and get going, and keep going, that there's little need to stop first and think, or so it seems. After all, you can correct, edit, re-do, and re-arrange almost ad infinitum , if not ad nauseum . It's as if the movie Groundhog Day met the cliché from those old movies about newspaper reporters, where the grizzly veteran editor yells "get me rewrite." The effect doesn't apply just to writing, either. I like to watch a TV show called The Woodwright's Shop , where the host uses only hand tools from about 1850 or earlier, mostly planes, saws, chisels, scrapers, and dividers (but no sandpaper). What always impresses me, besides his sheer skills and apparent ease while doing a project in a 25-minute block straight through, is how much thought he puts into each step before he does it. Mistakes are fairly rare. When you think about this, it makes sense. If you ruin a piece of standard lumber these days, you just run over to the nearby building-supply store and get another, no big deal. But "back in the day", a ruined piece was a major problem, as replacement material had to be sawn, planed, squared and trued, all of which took a lot of time and raw effort. Much better to get it right the first time, if at all possible. (The same consideration applies to writing with quill pens and costly paper or parchment, as all were very precious; you likely even had to make your own ink.) The engineering aspect It's not just personal projects which now have this "do it fast, and do it over (and over)" mode. The relative ease with which we can now write code, then execute it, test it, edit it, and re-execute it can discourage proper planning, despite all the formal coding procedures which software engineers claim they follow. The excellent book Digital Apollo details how the code which the programmers of the moon project created was actually transformed into executable instructions for the processor. I mean this literally: the 1s and 0s of the coded instructions were set by hand into core memory strings, a process which took weeks for each revision. If there was a bug or problem, then the entire lengthy process had to begin again. You can be sure that these programmers didn't just bang out their software; they analyzed it long and hard first, since the debug and edit process was so painful. Today's pressures don't allow for much of the "first, stop and think" or even "first, slow it down" approach. Plus, the tools we have encourage the "do it fast, then fix" approach. It takes real discipline to not be driven by the pressure from management, especially when it aided by the programming tools which are literally at our fingertips. Too much of a good thing? Maybe this pace is actually counterproductive, and we should remember that sometimes it's better to go slow and careful, than go fast but have to do it over and over again—and the appearance of non-stop activity on a project is not the same as actual progress. Have you seen instances where going slower and steadier would have been better and actually resulted in a project finished sooner?  
  • 热度 23
    2012-1-30 22:02
    1722 次阅读|
    1 个评论
      如果你不是很懂编程,或者你只是对编程有着只是那么一知半解的了解,那么恭喜你,或许看了这样的一片文章你就会找到某一个类似于新大陆的地方,或许你会找到之后几个晚上通宵的好理由,或许你会从此爱上某个行当,并且愿意贡献自己的聪明才智,愿意在其中技师啃着面包也会愿意赶上这样一件事。是的,在我看来,编程,就是这样的一件事。   用一句通俗意义上的名人名言来说(至少在我看来是这样),“当我在那一天接触到它(编程)的时候,我就已经知道,从此我不会再对其他的任何的东西感兴趣了。”是的,你会编程,而别人不会,这件事简直酷毕了。   这个东西的名字叫做processing,其实很多的东西都是从兴趣开始的,从一件吸引你的食物开始,这样东西可以是一幅画,可以是一个人,可以是一袭漂亮的打扮,也可以是一个奇怪的梦,哪怕就是这样一个奇怪的梦,也会开启你的另一个别样精彩的人生。   Processing,从编程人员的角度来说,实在是一件简单易懂,简单易学的物件,用软件的属于来说,他是经过包装处理过后的二次产品,但是,就像是所有的创新一样,经过前人的经验的洗礼,然后推陈出新,最终获得的不是简单的复制品,而是加入了全新元素的真正推动我们进步的东西,这些东西每天都在诞生,每天都在改编者我们的生活。   如果,哪怕仅仅是processing ,这个代表着变化与生机的名字对你有的吸引力,我也觉得你应该去他的网站上去看一下,地址非常的简单,就是www.processing.com,实际上,你只需要在百度里输入processing,你就会看到他的很多的东西,你尽可以放心的挑选出或是随手拿出几件东西,好好的看一下,你会发现,想要懂得他并不是一件难事,从它的起源来说,他应该是一种展示方法,为了某种特殊的数据可视化而诞生的产物。这个是是源于我初次接触到他时的情景,在TED的演讲中,看到了数据可视化,然后就看到了processing,也许他并不是很出名,但是这种使数据鲜活的方法是一种值得注意的方向,在processing的官方网站上有关于他的一个入门书籍的介绍,读着最好是有一点C语言的基础,哪怕只是有那么一点,当然,正像前面说的那样,及时没有,在兴趣的驱动下。也是可以有的。   在真正学习processing之前,看一下关于编程的效果的演示,很多的新奇的想法,很多泥甚至之前从来没有看到过,但是这正是他的魅力所在,你看着这一切,心里忍不住的想着:哇,这个好帅,或许我也能做出这样的东西来,或许比这个更炫。是的,这就是一切奇迹的开端。   首先,需要安装这个软件,你可以在官网上选择没有java的版本下载,然后你再上网找到JAVA安装,也可以选择另外的一个,至于JAVA是啥,可以不去管,暂且可以把它认为是一种支持processing的平台并且processing也会以来的一种套件,至于安装的详细的步骤,在互联网上很详细,不过这些你倒是需要半个小时的时间来看一下并且照做,然后你就可以成功的进入到processing的小乔丹恶窗口 环境中来,开始你的全新的processing之旅!   而我最想要说的,就是其中对于动态的演示,在这里,一个简短的变量,比如gravity,就可以代表现实世界中映射到软件环境中的重力,几乎所有的可以考虑的因素都可以在其中得到完美的体现,你可以放心的把软件中的重力值改为现实世界中的2倍,甚至20倍儿不必担心天下大乱,你可以创造性的创造出你自己的变量来实现对现实的更好的模拟,可以创设一个从来没有被体验过的过程或是场景,是的,只要你想得到,你就有可能做到。   一种简洁可以引领你走进一个世界,从简洁到纷繁复杂中的井然有序,然后你发现,这一路上的艰辛此刻都可以化为最真的笑容,希望每一位度过此文的游客能够有一个精彩的人生! 写于2012.1.27