tag 标签: phev

  • 热度 27
    2012-3-28 17:17
    1717 次阅读|
    3 个评论
      最近看到的这篇文章,是我真的觉得,暂时来看PHEV和EV还无法对HEV产生大的威胁,之前的乐观估计还是早了一些, 这篇文章 也很有意思。         丰田形成的霸主地位,不仅仅是体现在技术上的,数代普瑞斯10年的铺垫,以及为丰田和日系构建了一个扎实和牢固的供应链基础,在目前电池的性能和成本条件下,功率型电池的使用更为平坦一些。   聊聊PHEV和HEV的迥异   1.成本      目前普锐斯的PHEV还未大规模上市,看看其基本价格差为8000美金,这包括充电机、加大的电池包(1.3 kWh 镍氢Vs 5.2kWh锂电)。原有的普锐斯在功率电子(Power Electronics)、高压线束(HV Cable)、功率电池组(Traction Battery)以及电驱动系统(MotorInverter)已经做到了性能和成本的非常优化地步,降到2.4万美金的阳春版,这是个很牛叉 的行为。和同事聊起,丰田在刚开始做的时候,特意将每代普锐斯的生命周期设定为3年,在这样短的生命周期之中不停的演化,现在其保有量相对之大和价格相对 之低,已经很难牢不可破了。     有个很有趣的关于Warranty的区别   PHEV 的情况:Hybrid-Related Component Coverage: Hybrid-related components, including the HV battery, battery control module, hybrid control module and inverter with converter, are covered for 8 years/100,000 miles.The HV battery may have longer coverage under emissions warranty. In states that have adopted the California Emission Control Warranty, coverage is 15 years/150,000 miles for performance and defect, and the hybrid battery is covered for 10 years/150,000 miles . Refer to applicable Warranty and Maintenance Guide for details .   原有的HEV的情况   It should be noted that the Prius traction batteries are under warranty for 8-10 years or 100,000 miles , and so will be replaced for free before then in the case of failure. However, should the battery fail outside this timeline, the estimated cost of traction battery replacement is $3,000.       如果电池的成本降低,相对较大电池的EREV还是会压倒HEV和PHEV(小电池),这篇文章已经 第二版了 ,得到的结论还是非常可观的,引用文中的几张图。       2.插电便利性     这个是我的主要工作,呵呵。在中国这是一个系统性工程,牵涉了既有的设施、诸方利益以及消费者本身的故事。插电最大的困境,莫过于此。  
  • 热度 18
    2011-3-23 15:51
    2312 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    前天听了这个话题,在此记录一下吧。   电池寿命预测,是当前每家打算做PHEV和EV的公司(车或者是电池)都要做的事情,许许多多研究机构和企业正在这方面投入巨大的精力和资源。市面上也有一些仿真软件工具,可以告诉你电池大概能用多少时间,前提是你要相信这个模型。   《Battery Life Estimator Manual Linear Modeling and Simulation》   电池寿命模型方面,NREL有着较多的研究,我在这里把它的一些结论进行一些整理,希望对大家有用。 A Battery Life Prediction Method for Hybrid Power Applications Impact of the 3Cs of Batteries on PHEV Value Proposition Cost, Calendar Life, and Cycle Life PHEV Battery Trade-Off Study and Standby Thermal Control   对于目前电池而言,两个大的失效风险是内阻上升和容量下降,这在我的参加博客大赛 (有空帮忙投一下吧)的文章已经引用过了。   对于引起这两个退化的原因,可以见下图:   最为明显的就是放电深度(DOD),国内的某些厂家甚至玩到70%左右,这个实在让人觉得危险啊。特别是在容量退化不均匀以后,可能造成的问题将非常大。   可以看出,衰减的过程与存放时间(从出厂至回收的时间),温度(环境温度和工作温度),DOD窗口(这个参数与充放电功率有直接的关系),电压,回收标准(容量衰减)。   目前人们做的事情,就是通过各种各样的实验进行测量,并且通过数据处理后回归得到模型(关于电池模型的事情,已在文章中探讨)。       对于测试方面,很多人用数据进行了佐证,主要是温度方面的数据(电池实验实在太耗时间与金钱了,通过确定温度的影响,最后用加温度的办法提高应力,可以节约大量的时间与金钱)。   我将摘录《Cycle-life model for graphite-LiFePO4 cells》这篇文章的部分结论,这篇文章非常有趣,建议大家可以去看一下。   最后:   有个兄弟收集了不少的电池模型上的论文,大家有想法的可以去看看。 1、A Generic Battery Model for the Dynamic Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicles  2、Hybrid Electric Vehicle Modeling and Analysis in Generic Modeling Environment  3、Electrical battery model for use in dynamic electric vehicle simulations  4、An Enhanced Dynamic Battery Model of Lead-Acid Batteries Using Manufacturers' Data  5、Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery for Energy Storage System Simulation 6、Accurate electrical battery model capable of predicting runtime and I-V performance  7、Battery-charging model to study transient dynamics of battery at high frequency  8、A Dynamic Battery Model for Co-design in Cyber-Physical Systems  9、Dynamic Battery Modeling of Lead-Acid Batteries using Manufacturers' Data  10、Performance analysis of lead acid battery model for hybrid power system  11、New Battery Model and State-of-Health Determination Through Subspace Parameter Estimation and State-Observer Techniques  12、Modeling and Real Time Estimation of Lumped Equivalent Circuit Model of a Lithium Ion Battery  13、Battery Model Parameters Estimation with the Sigma Point Kalman Filter  14、Comparison of reduced order lithium-ion battery models for control applications  15、Electrical component model for a nickel-cadmium electric vehicle traction battery  16、A new battery model for use with battery energy storage systems and electric vehicles power systems 17、Lithium-ion battery state of charge estimation with a Kalman Filter based on a electrochemical model  18、Dynamic lithium-ion battery model for system simulation  19、Development of improved Li-ion battery model incorporating thermal and rate factor effects  20、Parameter identification of the lead-acid battery model  21、A dynamic lithium-ion battery model considering the effects of temperature and capacity fading  22、A discrete-time battery model for high-level power estimation  23、Generic Battery Model based on a Parametric Implementation  24、Determination of lead-acid battery capacity via mathematical modeling techniques  25、Improved wind f arm ’s power availability by battery energy storage systems: modeling and control  26、Battery model for overcurrent protection simulation of DC distribution systems  27、Improving battery design with electro-thermal modeling  28、The validation of a thermal battery model using electrically-inert and active batteries  29、Modelling of high power automotive batteries by the use of an automated test system  30、A battery model for monitoring of and corrective action on lead-acid EV batteries  31、Battery Model using Advice Computer Simulation of PIN Diodes and RLC Circuit Topology  32、Modelling and simulation of a distributed battery management system  33、Modeling battery efficiency with parallel branches  34、Dynamic model for characteristics of Li-ion battery on electric vehicle  35、Battery Management System Based on Battery Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling  36、Two electrical models of the lead-acid battery used in a dynamic voltage restorer  37、A mathematical model for lead-acid batteries  38、Mathematical modeling and simulation of lead acid battery  39、An aging model of Ni-MH batteries for hybrid electric vehicles  40、 Fuzzy Clustering Based Multi-model Support Vector Regression State of Charge Estimator for Lithium-ion Battery of Electric Vehicle  41、Battery pack modeling for the analysis of battery management system of a hybrid electric vehicle  42、Simulation model for discharging a lead-acid battery energy storage system for load leveling  43、Simulation model for discharging a lead-acid battery energy storage system for load leveling 1 44、Advanced Electro-Thermal Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery System for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications  45、ADVISOR-based model of a battery and an ultra-capacitor energy source for hybrid electric vehicles  46、New Method for Estimation Modeling of SOC of Battery  47、From Li-ion single cell model to battery pack simulation  48、An algorithm for battery modeling and life time maximization of small size electric systems  49、Economic models for battery energy storage: improvements for existing methods  50、High-performance battery-pack power estimation using a dynamic cell model