tag 标签: sdn

  • 热度 23
    2015-7-16 21:17
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    The American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) has just sent out an alert that its share of the unique URL addresses for the Internet Protocol, Version 4 (IPv4) is running out. Since only a few of four billion or so unique URL addresses possible with IPv4 are left, ARIN has announced that there’s not enough in its stock to satisfy an entire order. So it has activated a stricter procedure by which to assign the few remaining IPv4 addresses.   Specifically, in its recently announced policy for unmet requests , when an organization qualifies for a block size that no longer remains in the ARIN IPv4 inventory, they'll be given the option to either accept a smaller block that is available to fully satisfy their request, or to be placed on the waiting list for unmet requests.   “The number of days remaining before depletion are dwindling," writes ARIN's chief information officer Richard Jimmerson in a blog post just before July 4. "It is very likely that we are already processing a request that we will be unable to fulfill."   An article in the Washington Post on the ARIN announcement seems to imply that major changes are imminent, but that we are not to worry because IPv6 is available to save us and give us all the URL addresses we need. Only the second part of that is true. Except for many mobile smartphone and tablet users whose wireless service providers are just now making the shift, the transition to IPv6 will take years and even decades. Many existing Internet Service Providers with IPv4 will be around for a long time. Indeed, there is already a growing market for buying used and highly desirable IPv4 addresses .   IPv6 with its 340 trillion trillion trillion possible unique combinations has been sitting in the wings as a replacement for IPv4 since about 2000. But few if any large organizations with the bankroll to establish a presence on the Internet have felt it was economically viable to invest in it until recently. It was not until three to four years ago that major Internet and Web entities under the umbrella of the Internet Society finally started making the transition. Many of those most active in making the shift are in mobile smartphone markets, including ATT, Google, T-Mobile, and Verizon. Most of them are still only half-way through their deployment and testing on IPv6. And where available, it is being offered only as an optional alternative to IPv4.   Currently, only about seven percent of users who come to Google do so over IPv6 connections. (Source: Google)   Even with the number of its remaining unique addresses drying up, IPv4 still accounts for 93 percent of worldwide Internet traffic. According to a continuously updated chart maintained by Google, as of July 3, 2015, the percentage of users worldwide who access Google via ISPs with IPv6 is currently about seven percent. Google's per country adoption charts indicate that in the United States just slightly over 20 percent of the users who come to Google do so via IPv6 connections.   The reason there is not a rush on IPv6 is simple: economics. Most local, regional, and in some cases national Internet Service Providers are not able or are unwilling to pay the expense of transitioning from their existing base of IPv4-based routers, switches, and servers, except on a slow and years-long incremental basis. In the United States, only the largest of ISPs have committed to the transition, including Charter Communications, Comcast, Global Crossing, Hurricane Electric, Liberty Global, and Time-Warner Cable. IPv6 will slowly eat away at the continued IPv4 dominance, due mostly to new network providers and companies with no investment in existing IPv4.   But most second and third tier regional, statewide, and local ISPs who have major investments in IPv4 are not rushing to make the shift. Engineers and technicians at the several regional ISPs I have dealt with directly over the last decade or so point out that there is no compelling end-use application that cannot be done with existing IPv4. Since about 2000, through the use of such traditional techniques as the use of several levels of subdomains, dynamic rather than static network address translation (NAT) , destination and stateful NAT, NAT loopbacks, port address translation, and Internet connection sharing, they have been able to keep up with demands, not only for more bandwidth, but more features and flexibility.   Where such enhancements and workarounds put additional load on their network hardware, IPv4 Internet Service providers are shifting to the use of switches and routers based on more powerful and lower cost multicore processor designs. Also aiding their efforts at improving IPv4 is the shift to systems based on software defined networking (SDN) . Such routers and switches depend not on dedicated hardware for separate network functions, but on software-based network function virtualization (NFV) allowing lightning -fast reconfiguration of a variety of network elements.   While such enhancements of existing IPv4-based systems involve additional investment in hardware and software, this can be done at a lower cost, and on a more piecemeal, as needed, basis rather than by replacing their existing IPv4 systems with IPv6. So, despite the fewer unique URL address out of the four billion or so made possible by IPv4, the end of the Internet has we have known it will not occur soon. IPv4 will continue to be the norm for many decades to come.   In the U.S. that transition will occur more quickly only if one of three things happen: First, a dramatic use case for IPv6 emerges that triggers a demand from users of the Internet, causing IPv4-based ISP companies to make the shift; second, government action is taken either in the form of significant incentives or through a direct statutory requirement; and third, the economics of maintaining IPv4 becomes unviable. Nothing I see now or in the near future makes any of these likely any time soon.
  • 热度 30
    2014-5-27 11:33
    1763 次阅读|
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    SDNet ,指的是面向网络的软件定义规范环境( Software Defined Specification Environment for Networking ),赛灵思于今年在拉斯维加斯举行的 Interop 2014 网络通讯展会上宣布推出其业界首款“软”定义网络( Softly Defined Networks )解决方案。 与采用固定数据层硬件并通过狭窄南向 API 连接到控制层的传统 SDN 架构不同, SDNet 基于可编程的数据层,支持内容智能和丰富的南向 API 控制层连接,可与控制层进行智能协作,这一独特定位使其能够支持 SDN 和任何软件定义网络架构。赛灵思公司负责通信 IP 和服务的全球高级副总裁 Nick Possley 认为,这种交叉技术的影响力将远远超过当今的 SDN 架构,能够支持新一代更智能的网络和数据中心实现更多的可能。     左:赛灵思公司负责通信 IP 和服务的全球高级副总裁 Nick Possley 右:中国 SDN 专委会执行副主任、清华大学毕军教授   传统网络架构的局限性 极速增长的开发成本、更长的开发周期,以及本身缺少灵活性,这些因素都会阻碍设备提供商向下一代 ASIC 的迁移。即使成功的 ASIC 项目积累了更多适用于未来的资源,但同时也大幅增加了成本、尺寸、功耗以及开销。总的来说,很少有系统厂商尝试过将内部数据层 ASIC 扩展到 50Gb/s~00Gb/s 数据速率以上。同时,新应用和数据速率的不同要求会以相同方式影响 ASSP 厂商,从而造成商用芯片交付上的缺口。简言之,固定芯片解决方案业务正在快速蒸发。 就在 ASIC 和 ASSP 厂商纠缠于网络领域的种种难题之时, IT 行业也在开疆拓土。 IT 架构师需要急切关注的趋势是,硬件正朝着由软件控制的动态虚拟服务方向发展,同时线卡(包含固定功能 ASIC 和更灵活的商用 NPU )的价值也受到了质疑。但是,对于只采用简单的交换硬件并将更高级功能留给软件处理的解决方案来说,除非在非常有限的环境中,否则这类解决方案无法满足所需的性能需求。 All Programmable FPGA 和 SoC 可满足市场对于高灵活性硬件(通过软件进行编程)的需求,但它们在这方面的潜力也不能被过分夸大。事实上,线卡的几乎每个功能(从入口到出口)都可利用可编程技术通过现有的 All Programmable 器件来实现,同时支持新一代网络平台所必需的线速率和包处理速率。   什么是“软”定义网络? 所谓“软( Softly )”,赛灵思指的是什么?赛灵思将下一代可编程网络平台称为“软”定义网络( Softly Defined Networks , SDNet )设备,它凸显了软硬件的全面可编程( All Programmable )特性,以及支持软件定义网络( Software Defined Networking , SDN )并超越 SDN 功能的能力。 SDNet 不仅支持 SDN 的对象,而且还支持带内容智能的软定义数据层硬件,从而实现“改变游戏规则”的突破性功能。   SDN 由于可以通过软件来定义网络拓扑、资源分配、处理机制等,是目前计算机领域的热门话题。它的优势在于不仅可以支持独立的线速度服务,还可以避免各种底层协议带来的复杂性,从而能够根据需求提供灵活的服务,对客户的服务进行重新配置,将服务以最短的时间提供给最终客户。在履行服务义务的时候,还能够在整个服务过程中进行实时的、“无中断”操作升级,这个功能对运营商和最终客户来说非常具有吸引力。   但是, SDN 固有的缺陷也不可忽视,例如硬件平台固定无法编程,难以形成差异化;现场设备通常会遇到非常复杂的软硬件升级,甚至是整个配套网络的重新规划等。而这些,恰恰就是驱动赛灵思吸纳“软”定义网络的原因。   SDNet 有何优势? 赛灵思方面称, SDNet 的最大特点之一是指定内容但不规定方式。也就是说, SDNet 将不会关心怎样 (How) 实现一个网络规划,而是更在意如何通过软件的方式实现系统级人员的需要 (What) ,比如包的解析、编辑、调节、查找等。另一方面,赛灵思的 SDNet 支持系统架构者通过新型的高级网络抽象语言 ( 高级包处理规范 ) 自动生成数据平面功能,而无需了解底层设备架构或掌握复杂的硬件编程语言,非常适合不具备 FPGA 专业知识的计算机专业科研人员 在 SDNet 的具体使用过程中,系统架构师和技术工程师实现了清晰的任务划分。前者负责 定义 SDNet 规格,并使用 SDNet 编译器生成具体要求;后者则根据要求实现优化,包括具体的器件型号、与 IT 系统进行集成等。 从整个更新维护的角度来看, SDNet 服务可以通过 OpenSwitch 、 OpenFlow 来支持新的更新;从固件升级来看,不需要重新设计硬件和线卡,不需要上门服务就可以快速升级,因此可以降低资本支出和运营支出。因此在 SDNet 软的定义环境里面,从核心到边远应用,整个网络中的各种设备都可以通过 SDNet 环境实现迅速地覆盖。   联手中国学术界加速中国未来网络发展 Nick Possley 表示,中国的学术研究机构正在针对电信及制造业的 SDN 研究领域阔步前进,赛灵思将与其携手推进这一创新事业。 目前,中国 SDN 专委会执行副主任、清华大学毕军教授和成功实现 Zynq All Programmable SoC 定制化 SDN 研发平台原型设计的西安交通大学胡成臣副教授,已经被赛灵思选为全球首批四个早期使用 SDNet 的先进学术研究团队 (SDNet advance academic research group) 之一。 毕军教授表示, SDNet 软件规范环境的发布,提供了高级编程接口,更加符合软件定义网理念。这为业界开发 SDN 在数据平面能否更灵活定义、开发环境能否更高级化和运行中能否进行功能定制等三大方面搬掉了‘三座大山’。最令他兴奋的是在开发环境方面的突破。赛灵思的 SDNet 支持系统架构者通过新型的高级网络抽象语言(高级包处理规范)来自动生成数据平面功能,而无需了解底层设备架构或掌握复杂的硬件编程语言,计算机学科出身的科研人员无需学习 FPGA 专业知识,就可以借助这种全面可编程的 SDNet 软件规范环境实现针对未来网络的种种构想。可以说, SDNet 是对计算机学科人士进行 SDN 和未来网络研究、开发、试验的一次解放,将大大加速对更加智能的未来网络架构的研究开发工作。  
  • 热度 23
    2012-2-17 18:38
    2064 次阅读|
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    In an article, Daniel Proch tackles a new network protocol developed to solve a potential Internet traffic jam of monumental proportions. The protocol was developed by Internet backbone equipment providers and major technology companies to head off a "perfect storm" of events they felt could bring everything to a sudden stop if the very architecture of the public network was not redesigned. First there was the continuing improvement in the Internet backbone speeds, with data rates in 10 to 100s of gigabits per second becoming common. Second, gigantic server farms now make the idea of "cloud computing" – the storing and processing of huge amounts of data remotely rather than locally – a reality. Third, there was the final transition to IPv6 and the enormous number of URLs now available – enough for not only every PC, but for every mobile phone for every human on earth. And with 6LoWPAN, this connectivity extended into a variety of wireless sensor applications as well. To head off these problems, companies such as Cisco, Deutsche Telekom, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Verizon, and Yahoo, to name a few, came together a year ago and formed the Open Networking Foundation. Their aim: creation of a virtualized "software defined networking" architecture flexible enough to manage such problems and low cost enough to be implemented quickly and broadly. Fortunately they did not have to wait years for such a scheme to emerge. One that was already at hand, the OpenFlow protocol, a multiuniversity cross-platform scheme, extends the concept of network virtualization used in many closed networks to the broader Internet. Network virtualization is not new and the approaches have been described in many articles. Even before a commercial version of the protocol is formalized, a number of products have become available from companies such as Big Switch, Broadcom, Cisco, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Marvell, NEC and Netronome—many of them hybrid designs to allow smooth flow from the old to the new. Despite the increasing momentum toward OpenFlow, a lot of skeptical tire-kicking is still going on. According to Proch, while some factions in the industry believe OpenFlow is the next big thing in computer networking, others think it is just the newest fad and will fade away while existing networking technologies and methods continue to be prevalent. What do you think? I'd like to hear from you with design articles and blogs on OpenFlow: its strengths, its weaknesses, how it can be improved, how you are implementing it in your designs, and if you are not doing so, why not? What alternatives are you investigating?  