热度 2
2018-9-27 09:20
1407 次阅读|
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许多人总结了互联网时代的新思维,开放,共享,共赢等等。无数人为之着迷,很有道理。 Many people have summed up the new thinking in the Internettimes, opening, sharing, and win-win. Countless people are fascinated by it. 之前,我曾经带着多个小伙,带着一堆打印好的合作协议,在商业区的街头,进入每一个店家,找到负责人进行游说,请他们入驻我们新建的网上平台,当时我们自己内部就叫做资源整合,统一的口径中核心理念就是共赢。 Many years ago, Iandafewguys, went to each storeon the streets of the business districtwithsomeprinted cooperation agreements. Wefound thestore masterand invited them to settle in our new online platform. It is called resource integration, and the core concept is win-win. 我们也进行了系统级之间的对接,双方各有优势,那么就各自开放用户、业务、支付等接口,这也是资源整合,共享共赢。 We also have a systemlevelcooperation. Both sides have their own advantages. Then they open their own interfaces for users, services, and payments. This is also the integration of resources and mutual benefit. 我们也作为内容组成部分嵌入到更庞大的系统当中去,同时也是资源整合,是开放共赢。 We are embedded in the larger system as part of the content, that is also the integration of resources, opening and win-win.