热度 11
2012-7-17 12:36
1458 次阅读|
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I'll say it once again – I LOVE the stuff they do over at MotoArt , where they take vintage airplane parts and use them to create the most amazingly tasty corporate and home furniture. The problem is that the little rascals keep on tempting me. I just received the July 2012 newsletter, which features a Jumbo Jet Executive Desk : Fabricated from a section of the fuselage, complete with a 1/2" tempered glass top, the windows in the fuselage can be configured with lighted LED's, changeable photographs or even iPads for visual presentations. I tell you, they have some AMAZING stuff here and I want all of it. Consider the PW-747 Cowling Bar with F-4 Ejection Seat bar stools as shown below, for example: I could spend hours sitting at this on my own, reading a book and quaffing a beer, and just generally enjoying this uber-tasty furniture. They have the most incredible lights, beds, sculptures ... all sorts of things. I just saw their B-25 NoseArt for the first time, and now I want that also. If you want to know more about this stuff, check out the MotoArt website and also this video on YouTube. How much does this stuff cost? Trust me – if you have to ask, you can't afford it!