热度 20
2011-8-24 22:50
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Here's a follow up to my articles on this topic ( Click here to see that blog). I've waded my way through all of the suggestions – accepted some, rejected others, and added some of my own. A couple of folks noted that Hg (not Ag) should be "Quicksilver (RIP)", because Hg denotes Mercury, which is also known as Quicksilver (or "hydrargyrum" as the ancients would say, meaning "liquid silver," from "hydr" and "argyros" ). I totally agree and have made this change. The other changes I've made are as follows: 3 = Li = Little Endian 21 = Sc = Soft Core 29 = Cu = Configuration Upset 39 = Y = "Why doesn't it work?" 41 = Nb = Nybble (Nibble) 50 = Sn = Synplicity (now Synopsys) 54 = Xe = Cross Engineer 99 = ES = Embedded Software 51 = Sb = Serial Bits 56 = Ba = Bass Ackwards 74 = W = Watchdog Timer 78 = Pt = Product Term 79 = Au = Abound Logic (RIP) 81 = Tl = Tier Logic (RIP) 91 = Pa = Placement Algorithm 92 = U = Utilization (of Resources) 94 = Pu = Power-Up 101 = Md = Modular Design 102 = No = No Idea 107 = Bh = Bit Hashing 108 = Hs = High Speed I/O 109 = Mt = MathStar (RIP) Now, if you click on this link , you'll be presented with a full-up version of the current chart. As you'll see, we are still missing some elements. Also we want to get rid of specific product names, so we need alternatives for 19 = Kintex, 23 = Virtex, etc. Last but not least, some of the ones we currently have are either not as relevant to programmable logic space (where no one can hear you scream) as one might hope, or they are a bit "ho hum" and boring. For myself I rather like the funny ones like 39 = Y = "Why doesn't it work?" So let's all get our thinking caps on and see if we can finish this off and make it something to be proud of. Please remember to include the element numbers with your suggestions, otherwise it can be a real pain trying to track these little rascals down (try finding elements Ra, Rh, and Tm, for example ... you'll soon see what I mean :-)