tag 标签: website

  • 热度 20
    2012-5-30 22:47
    1417 次阅读|
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    WEB LEVEL         |        COMMENT A                             | AA-                         | AAA                        | =================================================================== --- 嵌入式系统、工业控制虚拟仪器       http://blog.gkong.com/blog.asp?subjectid=4664name=zjcsharp --EG3    http://www.eg3.com/    
  • 热度 15
    2011-9-28 22:52
    2124 次阅读|
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    Don't ask me what, why, or who (I no longer remember), but for some reason I was looking for something or other (and this is one of my better days) when I stumbled upon an Interesting Website containing a bunch of unusual words. As the site says: " This is a by no means exhaustive list of rare, obscure, strange and sometimes funny words and their meanings that only seem to crop up in crosswords and dictionaries – words that are used so seldom, you wonder who invented them and why." There really are some very interesting offerings here, for example... * abderian: Given to incessant or idiotic laughter * batrachophagous: One who eats frogs * colposinquanonia: Estimating a woman's beauty based on her chest * dippoldism: The act of beating or whipping school children * exsibilation: The collective hisses of a disapproving audience * farctate: The state of being stuffed with food * gargalesthesia: The sensation caused by tickling * hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian: Pertaining to extremely long words * inaniloquent: Speaking foolishly or saying silly things * jumentous: Smelling like horse urine * kyphorrhinos: Having a nose with a bump in it * lygerastia: The condition of one who is only amorous when the lights are out * mallemaroking: The carousing of seamen on board Greenland whaling ships * nudiustertian: Pertaining to the day before yesterday * oculoplania: Letting one's eyes wander while assessing someone's charms * pyknic: Short and fat * qualtagh: The first person you see after leaving your house * runcation: The act of weeding * scolecophagous: One who eats worms * tarantism: An urge to overcome melancholy by dancing * ultracrepidarian: Of one who speaks or offers opinions on matters beyond their knowledge * ventripotent: Big-bellied, gluttonous * witzelsucht: A feeble attempt at humour * xenobombulate: To malinger * yclept: By the name of; called * zenzizenzizenzic: A number raised to the eighth power Actually, there are words on this site that will come in useful for almost any occasion ... the only trick will be to remember them...  