tag 标签: 升压器

  • 热度 13
    2011-4-20 16:38
    4179 次阅读|
    5 个评论
    曾经写过不少相关的东西(回顾丰田普锐斯的发展1、插电式普锐斯的电池技术),如今在看到一个国外的拆解之后觉得被华丽的秒杀,因此需要对不少的内容进行更新。特别的对升压器的一些高清的图,需要突出来;等完成了电工考试以后整理一下其工作模式和效率问题。   Prius inverter disassembly and a bit of reverse-engineering 作者太华丽而奢侈了……      A wonderful opportunity was presented to me -- to have a spare Prius inverter assembly to do whatever I wanted with, and even a few extra bonus modules thrown in. While the technically-astute segments of the Prius owner community are already fairly aware of what's inside these things, having the parts right there to play with and do deeper analysis on adds a whole new dimension of understanding, which I can try to bring to the viewer in as much detail as possible. Part 0: The package arrives Part 1: Mechanical disassembly Part 2: Some component teardown Part 3: Electrical analysis VH: A side discussion about the boost circuit 里面我最感兴趣的是这些图片: 这是系统结构框图,里面关于实际升压器的拆解为: 我还真看不出来它的电感是这个样子的,注意电感好像也是分立的,这就能解释能量损耗的释放了: 其他关于INVERTER的也是比较全面的拆解: 有张EEtimes的图片也不错    