tag 标签: config

  • 热度 3
    2024-7-26 20:41
    384 次阅读|
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    要在Windows E盘中使用`Get-ChildItem`命令模糊查找名为"ssh_config"的文件,你可以按照以下步骤操作: 1. 打开PowerShell。 2. 输入以下命令: ```powershell Get-ChildItem -Path "E:\" -Filter "*ssh_config*" -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ``` 解析: - `Get-ChildItem`:PowerShell中的cmdlet,用于获取文件系统项(文件、目录)。 - `-Path "E:"`:指定搜索开始的路径,这里是E盘的根目录。 - `-Filter "*ssh_config*"`:使用过滤器来搜索包含"ssh_config"的文件名,星号`*`是通配符,表示任意数量的字符。 - `-Recurse`:递归地搜索子目录。 - `-File`:只返回文件,不包含目录。 - `-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue`:遇到错误时静默处理,不显示错误信息。 3. 执行命令后,PowerShell将搜索E盘及其所有子目录,并列出所有名字中包含"ssh_config"的文件。 **注意**:根据你系统上的实际权限设置和盘符的存在,你可能需要以管理员身份运行PowerShell,或者修改`-Path`参数为你有权限访问的路径。
  • 热度 15
    2014-6-24 11:44
    1676 次阅读|
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    In Part 1 , I left off by discussing the industry shift to proactively managing tester configurations. I'm sure my story triggered memories of a similar season at your company when a more global assessment of your test configurations and capacity became essential to your survival. If so, how did you first start tracking your configurations back then? Maybe your experience and tool set was like mine described below.   Much like the case today, the test systems in the mid-1990s produced an electronic configuration file or "config file" that contained a rich set of detail on the hardware options in the system. The problem was that config files were readable by only a select few in the test community.   As a Field Product Specialist at Teradyne, I was trained to be one of those few. I spent a great deal of time manually checking and translating those files to not only ensure accurate alignment to system orders and device requirements, but to create readable summaries for sales, purchasing, and management. I also had to make sure important information not included in the config file made it into the orders, summaries, and the like. This work was performed using a variety of familiar formats like text files, spreadsheets, and presentation slides, but many of the details in the original config file were inevitably lost in translation.   While many loathed the config file, I embraced it. I considered it part of what allowed me to have "Specialist" in my title. More importantly, working with config files always provided an opportunity for geek humor by making the proverbial, but likely overused, "secret decoder ring" reference ( figure ). I just did it again.   Config files, often written with text editors or spreadsheets, contain information on how ATE systems will be set up for a particular test.   Not everything was, however, done in a text editor. The most innovative related endeavor at the time was the internal development of a customer tester configuration manager in HTML, to be viewed on what was then a nascent Netscape browser. A clever solution for sure, but one that drove perhaps five page views per month, and really had just two unique visitors: I was one, with the other another test engineer in the office with a similar thing for configurations.   When I look back on those times, I don't really see much that has changed in the area of test capacity management tools and methodologies. The system config files are still esoteric and are complicated even further by the addition of floating feature licensing schemes. The tools used to document tester configurations have changed versions but are also largely the same. Unfortunately, there remains a loss of information and efficiency in the translation and communication process. Perhaps now is the time to bring back that web-based configuration manager!   Dan Hamling is CTO at Team A.T.E.
  • 热度 22
    2013-4-27 12:29
    1524 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    Sometimes it is good to keep our development tools and utilities up-to-date, since updates may have the bugs fixed and have more functions. I just replaced my MDK4.6 with MDK4.7a (verson Mar 2013). Fig.1 MDK updated to 4.7a   Surprisingly, I was unable to download the firmware (to a STM32 MCU) with my ULINK2 anymore... The IDE went out of response during program download... Fig.2 A ULINK2 to download program   Fig.3 The IDE went out of response... download program failed On the other hand, the 'COM' LED keeped on... No further response for a long time... Fig.4 The COM LED seemed to be on forever To solve this problem, many people on the Internet could think of downloading older firmware versions to the ULINK2 through the UART port by opening the casing. Fig.5 Pins soldered for UART firmware download   I did not download the old firmware successfully, the LPC2000 flash utility was not working stably after trying for several times, using CP2102 as the USB to TTL interface. Probably the CP2102 had baud rate timing problems... I don't know...   At the end, I found that increasing the 'Max Clock' in the configuration would totally solve the problem!! The default "Max Clock" was 1MHz, if we plug the ULINK2 into the USB, then we can choose "10MHz" as the clock.   Fig.6 Choosing "Max Clock" to be 10MHz, after plugging in the ULINK2   Everything was working fine since then... however, old projects still have to be re-configured before downloading them again to MCUs...
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    时间: 2020-12-10 23:02
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    时间: 2020-3-2 13:35
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