tag 标签: ACE

  • 热度 18
    2016-3-11 14:07
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    来源: IT168网     虽然微软旗舰手机Surface Phone或有可能在今年10月份举办的Win10新品发布会上发布,微软官方尚未公布Surface Phone的具体消息,但有关该机的曝光信息已有众多,现在又有外媒曝光了一款Surface Phone概念机,据称将支持3D Touch技术。   据曝光了解Surface Phone概念机采用一体式金属机身,正面搭载2K分辨率显示屏,支持微软3D Touch技术,配备Intel Atom X7处理器和6GB RAM+64GB ROM的内存组合,后置2100万像素摄像头,支持第六代光学防抖稳定,配备LED闪光灯,前置3D摄像头,支持Windows Hello生物识别,采用USB Type C接口,内置BoomSound扬声器和3100mAh电池,运行最新的Windows 10 Mobile Redstone系统。   微软将于将在3月30日至4月1日在旧金山莫斯康会展中心举行微软Build2016大会,但Surface Phone可能并不会在本月底亮相,由于目前Intel在移动芯片领域存在的差距较大,Surface Phone需要更长时间的调整。在此之前,甚至有在跑分网站中出现过Surface Phone浏览器跑分成绩。因此Surface Phone或将于今年10月份与Surface Pro 5一起发布。
  • 热度 16
    2016-3-11 13:59
    952 次阅读|
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    来源: 驱动之家 作者:上方文Q     微软的Surface系列平板机经常会搞一些促销活动,有时候是官方行为,有时候则是经销商行为。如果你喜欢Surface 3,那么机会来了,美国亚马逊正在疯狂大酬宾。   Surface 3 2GB/64GB/Wi-Fi版本官方报价为499美元,如今美国亚马逊只要385.19美元(¥2510),相当于七七折。   4GB/128GB/Wi-Fi版本也只要475.21美元(¥3100),比起599美元的官价便宜了足足24%。   两款机器都配备了10.8寸1920×1280分辨率屏幕、Intel Atom x7-Z8700 2.4GHz四核处理器、800+350万像素摄像头、Windows 10操作系统。   如果你喜欢微软Surface,又觉得Surface Pro 4/Surface Book太贵了,绝对可以考虑一下Surface 3,它现在也可以跑x86程序哟。   至于Surface Pro 5、Surface Book 2,由于Intel Kaby Lake处理器推迟到了今年底才会规模上市,它们俩今年也肯定没戏了,至少得明年春天。    
  • 热度 20
    2014-8-20 18:16
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    A week or so ago, my chum Shakeel from Blue Pearl Software and I were discussing the plethora of interfaces available to designers today and the challenges that arise when FPGA and ASIC designers implement designs with many clocks.   Out of all the challenges, perhaps the most challenging is metastability. At its most basic level, this is what happens within a register when data changes too soon before or after the active clock edge -- that is, when setup or hold times are violated.   When data is transferred between two registers with asynchronous clocks, metastability will happen. It's not a question of if it will happen; the only question is when. The thing to note is that there is no way to prevent this. All you can do is minimize its impact by placing the two clocks in different clock domains and using a synchronization technique at the crossing point, hence the term clock domain crossing.   By some strange quirk of fate, Blue Pearl has an ACE up its sleeve that solves this problem for designers in a very unique way. The Advanced Clock Environment (ACE) provides a graphical representation summarizing data paths between clocks, and it can make recommendations for grouping of clocks into domains.   With ACE, designers can identify clocks to understand how they interact with synchronizers in the design. This allows users to identify improper synchronizers or domain groupings quickly. ACE will locate errors in clock domain groupings and/or recommend appropriate domain groupings for a circuit that is synchronized.   More information can be found by clicking here . Of particular interest is that Blue Pearl has just started a campaign that lets engineers try out ACE for free .
  • 热度 20
    2014-8-20 18:12
    1376 次阅读|
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    Several days ago, my chum Shakeel from Blue Pearl Software and I were discussing the plethora of interfaces available to designers today and the challenges that arise when FPGA and ASIC designers implement designs with many clocks.   Out of all the challenges, perhaps the most challenging is metastability. At its most basic level, this is what happens within a register when data changes too soon before or after the active clock edge -- that is, when setup or hold times are violated.   When data is transferred between two registers with asynchronous clocks, metastability will happen. It's not a question of if it will happen; the only question is when. The thing to note is that there is no way to prevent this. All you can do is minimize its impact by placing the two clocks in different clock domains and using a synchronization technique at the crossing point, hence the term clock domain crossing.   By some strange quirk of fate, Blue Pearl has an ACE up its sleeve that solves this problem for designers in a very unique way. The Advanced Clock Environment (ACE) provides a graphical representation summarizing data paths between clocks, and it can make recommendations for grouping of clocks into domains.   With ACE, designers can identify clocks to understand how they interact with synchronizers in the design. This allows users to identify improper synchronizers or domain groupings quickly. ACE will locate errors in clock domain groupings and/or recommend appropriate domain groupings for a circuit that is synchronized.   More information can be found by clicking here . Of particular interest is that Blue Pearl has just started a campaign that lets engineers try out ACE for free .
  • 热度 26
    2013-5-8 14:26
    1061 次阅读|
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      智能城市,正悄悄走近我们。无论是远程通信、现代医疗、智能交通、还是智能电网,都已并不陌生。 那么在建设智能城市的今天,智能网络的建设需要加快脚步,才能跟上网络时代的发展。 且看ACE公司 带来的ComNet智能网关,使用WIZnet网络芯片,全硬件TCP/IP协议栈,让您无需为开发而烦恼。 让智能接入点遍布城市各处,ComNet智能网关的每个节点都具有发送和接收信号的能力,且都具有自动路由功能。   再看ComNet网关在智能家庭中的应用: 家庭能源控制器可以知晓智能电表 仪表度数,对其进行能源管理,为您节能; ComNet应用WIZnet无线模块,调控家中智能家电、监控防盗系统、恒温器、智能开关,让您足不出户感受家庭全自动带来的便捷享受; 第三方咨询服务和能源数据库,通通可以通过智能 网关,发送到网络、手机终端;还可对其进行反向控制,达到双向通信。   联手建造我们的智能城市、智能家庭吧! 方案提供:ACE   更多信息与我们交流: WIZnet邮箱: wiznetbj@wiznettechnology.com WIZnet官方主页:        http://www.iwiznet.cn/ WIZnet中文博客:       http://blog.iwiznet.cn/ WIZnet企业官方微博: http://e.weibo.com/wiznet2012    