热度 22
2016-3-14 18:44
1350 次阅读|
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Well, I just saw something that sent shivers down my spine. I don’t know whether to be excited or afraid. My chum Arthur Smith -- a man who manages to balance beekeeping with being a world authority on cosmic rays -- just emailed me with a link to this video from the folks at Boston Dynamics (which was acquired by Google back in 2013). Here we see the latest and greatest version of the Atlas humanoid robot, which is designed to operate both inside buildings and outdoors and is specialized for mobile manipulation. Standing at 5' 9" tall and weighing in at 180 lbs (which is a lot less than yours truly, let me tell you), Atlas uses state-of-the art sensors to balance itself and to detect and avoid obstacles. And people wonder why I never go anywhere these days without my trusty Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB) . In addition to protecting against electromagnetic and psychotronic attack -- while also shielding its wearer from brain-scanning and mind-reading activities -- I like to believe that AFDBs will confuse the socks off our future robot overlords. What? You don’t believe me? Well, we'll see who is laughing when you hear the metallic stomping approaching outside your office door. Meanwhile, I'll be sporting an AFDB complemented by a cool Hawaiian shirt.