tag 标签: update

  • 热度 35
    2020-7-9 10:23
    4157 次阅读|
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    DDR3 SDRAM物理层(PHY)的控制器(PUB)内置了DDL VT补偿与I/O阻抗校准功能,这两个功能可在DFI Update请求中由控制器触发完成,或者是PHY触发完成。DFI Update接口时序需要符合DFI 2.1协议中对Update接口的要求。 1 DFI Update的两种工作方式 在DFI Update的两种方式中,采用存储控制器触发的Update是由控制器控制何时来进行DFI Update,在Update过程中控制器周期性的向PHY发送Update命令,并保证在整个Update过程中没有任何的数据请求访问PHY。而PHY触发的Update则是由PHY来决定何时进行Update。当PHY内部的检测机制检测到PHY需要进行Update时,就会通过DFI Update接口向控制器发送Update请求,在一定时间内控制需要停止所有对PHY的数据请求访问,并通过DFI Update接口回应PHY的请求,直到PHY撤销Update请求。 这两种方式各有各的好处,控制器触发的Update可由控制根据数据通路的闲忙状态,选择性的向PHY发送Update请求,以达到最佳的性能指标。而PHY触发的Update则能够实时更新PHY内部状态,使PHY的时序能够保持在最佳状态。在GK6202S中,MC(DDR3存储控制器)仅采用了控制器触发完成Update的方式,并且不支持PHY来触发Update的方式。 以下为Update中DDL VT补偿与I/O阻抗校准功能的详细说明。 2 DDL VT补偿原理 2.1 功能概述 在芯片操作时,电压与温度都会随着运行时间增加而变化。PUB中包含了VT漂移补偿逻辑,用来动态地调整延迟单元的延迟选择输入,以保持延迟单元的延时为一个固定值。DATX8中的DDL都是可以进行补偿的,而AC中的DDL则不能进行补偿。AC中的DDL都是用来匹配DATX8中的数据路径的,所以不会对这些延迟设置0以外的值。 一旦使能VT补偿功能,DATX8中的主延迟线(MDL)会持续的以选择的延迟时间为单位测量DDR的时钟。在每个更新周期内,由VT漂移造成的变化,将会传递到其他的延迟线状态机中,以适应期望的延迟时间。每个延迟线的更新使能可通过配置 PGCR0-2 寄存器。 在初始校准或数据训练被触发时,MDL控制逻辑将第一次测量的MDL周期存储为MDL校准周期,前期MDL校准周期和当前MDL校准周期。 在MDL初始校准之后,MDL会继续周期性的进行周期测量。随后每一次的测量MDL周期都会被存储为当前的校准周期。如果当前周期与前期周期不符,且超过PGCR.DLDLMT规定的VT阈值,VT漂移补偿就会开启。 参考PUB文档420页,“VT Drift Status and Update Timing” 可得到更详细的VT漂移状态与VT更新时序描述。 DATX8中需要补偿的延时参数可通过以下公式得到: DLnew=MDLnew/MDLinit*DLinit MDLinit为初始MDL校准周期(IPRD) MDLnew为当前MDL校准周期(TPRD) DLinit为初始延迟线的延迟选择值,与MDLinit一起计算得到 DLnew为延迟线的VT补偿值 当MDL周期的变化被检查到,VT补偿逻辑就就会计算出DDL的VT补偿值。此计算结果会被存储到一个内部本地寄存器里,并且在VT更新被PUB触发前都不会被使用到DDL上去。 例如:在针对DDL VT补偿的仿真验证中,我们观察到了整个DDL VT补偿的过程。从过程上看,分为三个步骤: 1. TPRD的检测与计算 2. VT补偿值的计算 3. 等待DFI Update触发,更新DDL的延迟值 下面,我们从这三个步骤来描述整个DDL VT补偿的过程: 2.2 TPRD的检测与计算 在PUB内的init_phy中,MDL中TPRD的计算在dx_ctl .init_lcdl_dx_mdl(以下简称MDL模块)模块中完成计算。在MDL模块中,TPRD的计算分为两级,首先是measure_probe的计算,然后通过measure_probe的结果来计算TPRD。 measure_probe的计算总共有8个迭代步骤,在初始状态下会被初始化为0x80,根据PHY反馈的cal_out信号来对measure_probe进行操作,cal_out为1时对measure_probe进行减操作,cal_out为0时对measure_probe进行加操作。这一级对measure_probe的计算约为1400ns的时间。 这里写图片描述 得到measure_probe后,average_period在每次cal_average信号为1时与measure_probe的值相加。然后cfg_tprd_16x的计算过程则是将cfg_tprd_16x本身的值减去cfg_tprd_16x/2再加上average_period。在mdl_cal_update为1时将cfg_tprd_16x的值作为TPRD输出个其他的DDL计算模块。这一级的计算时间约为11148ns。 这里写图片描述 2.3 VT补偿值的计算 当TPRD完成计算后,会将cfg_tprd_16x信号输出到每个lcdl与bdl的延迟计算单元。在这些延迟计算单元中都实例化了同一个计算模块——u_DWC_ddr3phy_init_ddl_vtcomp。此模块的功能就是将cfg_tprd_16x的值转化成LCDL与BDL等DDL中可识别的dly_sel,同时也将这些翻译过了的值传输给配置寄存器,以供外部访问。 具体计算过程就不详细描述。 当LCDL与BDL的所有延迟单元需要更新的延迟值都已经计算完毕时,u_DWC_ddr3phy_init_phy模块就会想外部控制模块发起vt_drift请求,表示此时VT补偿的计算已经完成,等待外部响应,一旦响应更新值就会更新到各个DDL中去。 2.4 等待DFI Update触发,更新DDL的延迟值 在PUB中,共有三种vt_drift的协议,如下图所示: 这里写图片描述 第一种协议:当PHY完成补偿计算后就会将vt_drift信号拉高,而PUB则会根据DFI端口Update的情况在控制器空闲状态时将vt_update信号拉高,此时在T4周期表示当前的VT补偿值都已经更新到DDL中去了。 第二种协议:在第一种协议的基础上,若在T4周期时又有一次新的补偿计算完成,那么在两个周期后vt_drift拉高的同时,vt_update也会同时拉高。从而将最新的VT补偿结果更新到DDL中。 第三种协议:在第一种协议的基础上,在T4周期后,若PUB能够从DFI Update中得知控制仍然处于空闲状态或自刷新状态,那么PUB就会将vt_update一直保持高电平,以保证DDL中的VT补偿的结果是最新的。此时每一次vt_drift拉高都只需要一拍就可以完成VT补偿值的更新。 2.5 禁止VT计算过程 当我们手动配置DXnLCDLR0-2与DXnBDLR0-4寄存器时,延迟线的VT计算应该被禁止。以下为禁止VT计算的流程: 1. Write DXCCR (MDLEN) = 1’b0 2. Write PGCR1 (INHVT) = 1’b1 to stop VT compensation and write PGCR =8’b0 to prevent a PHY initiated DFI update request 3. Write PGCR0 = 6’b000000 OR disable the DFI update interface from issuing controller initiated DFI updates 4. Wait for approximately 5000 clock periods for all Master Delay Lines to complete the calibration 5. Calibrations will be completed and the DXnMDLR registers can be written. 6. To re-enable master delay line calibrations, VT calculations and VT compensation 7. Write DXCCR (MDLEN) = 1’b1 8. Write PGCR1 (INHVT) = 1’b0 9. Write PGCR0 = 6’b111111 10. System ready 3 阻抗校准原理 这里写图片描述 如上图所示参与阻抗校准的单元主要有三个:*_PZQ模块,位于IO;*_VREF模块,位于IO;阻抗控制单元(数字电路),位于PUB。 可校准内容: 1、ODT pull-up 2、ODT pull-down 3、驱动电阻 pull-up 4、驱动电阻 pull-down 阻抗控制单元通过ZCTRL将阻抗码输出至每一个VREF单元。VREF单元进行解码,并通过ZIOH总线传输给每一个功能IO单元以及*_PZQ单元。PZQ单元将VREF发来的阻抗码与外接电阻进行比较,并将结果通过ZCOMP反馈给阻抗控制单元。阻抗控制单元根据比较结果调整ZCTRL的值。直到阻抗码与外接电阻相匹配。阻抗控制单通过ZCAL来选择对哪一个电阻进行校准。 阻抗校准可分为以下三种方式,但是在整个Update过程中,PUB都是使用Direct Calibration方式来进行校准的。 A. Direct Calibration,使用ZPROG设置 在此模式下,用户仅需要配置ODT(ZPROG )与驱动电阻(ZPROG ),并运行阻抗校准单元内的自动校准程序。在内部程序中,ODT与驱动电阻的上、下拉电阻会独立进行校准。 B. Override Setting,使用ctrl_ovrd_data设置 在此模式下,用户不需要使用校准循环,仅需直接配置zctrl_ovrd_data 来控制阻抗值。共有32个可编程序列,每一种序列代表一个阻抗值,此阻抗值与corner有关。 例如,假设电流为I,校准电压为VREF,那么序列N的可编程阻值为: Zprog = K * VREF / (N * I ) K为校正因子,近似于1 具体阻值可参考PHY文档中的表格,《dwc_ddr32_phy_gf40lp25_db》第96页。 C. Custom Calibration,在使用ZPROG基础上,进行扩展校准 此模式为前两种模式的结合,可分成两步完成: 1、用户提供一个ZPROG的值,并记录下ZCTRL的值。 2、用户通过计算ZCTRL的值,来对阻抗进行override。 例如:需要得到一个ZO 为18 ohm的阻抗 1、用户执行直接校准ZO为36 ohm,此时pull-up index = 12,pull-down index = 13。 2、计算18 ohm的index,index不得大于31 pull-down (36/18) * 13 = 26 pull-up (36/18) * 12 = 24 ———————————————— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「hierro_sic」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/hierro_zs/java/article/details/62429705
  • 热度 15
    2014-10-16 16:18
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    This was supposed to be a blog about a conference I attended a few weeks ago. The article was brilliantly crafted, filled with soaring prose and elegant metaphors, a sure-fire Pulitzer winner. I wrote it on the plane back from the show on my Macbook Pro. Someday I’ll write about my backup strategy which is daily and aggressive. My main computer is a Windows 8.1 machine, but while on the road I use the Mac. After each trip I run GoodSync to sync changed files between the Windows machine and the Mac. Work done on the road gets mirrored to the Windows machine and thus enters into the backup process. GoodSync has been pretty decent at this. It will create insurance backups of every file that is changed or deleted. It is, like most programs, very configurable. It also changes from time to time and issues nuisance warnings asking users to download an update. A lot of programs do this. Is this good or bad? It’s certainly annoying to have that pop up appear every time you run the application. Even little FileZilla has been undergoing what seems a lot of updates lately and now at version, which seems like a lot of iterations for a simple FTP client. The computer is just a tool that is supposed to help us do some tasks. We maintain all of our tools, but most of us have so many programs that there’s often a blizzard of updates required. Sometimes, between maintaining my computers and those of my family it seems like the machines are albatrosses of anti-productivity. One can argue that most of these updates are to fix bugs, which means we’re constantly forced to deal with vendors’ defective products. On the other hand, it is good that the programs improve and sometimes get additional functionality. Apple got updates mostly right on the iPhone and iPad: apps just show a flag that a new version is available; they don’t issue annoying request for attention. A single update request then replaces all of the old programs in one operation. However, the iPhone, too, is subject to some of this stupidity: a recent OS upgrade added new cloud functionality that is enabled by default. The phone constantly prompts for a cloud sign-in till one figures out how to delete that feature. Advice to developers: never add a feature that will annoy the user. Default new functionality to “off.” GoodSync has been pestering me for a while to get an update, which I finally did. Back home from the conference the first sync using the new version deleted all of the work done while traveling. After installing the new version it remembers the various IP addresses and folders that get synced, but the configuration changes to simply copy the Windows files to the Mac and delete all changed laptop files. A further configuration change tells it to no longer save backups of deleted files. That conference article, and too much other work, went to the bit bucket. The moral is, I suppose, to use multiple backup strategies even over the course of a few days of travel. It doesn’t make sense to even trust a hard disk, so changed files should also go to an USB stick or other external storage, at least daily. Even better would be to an SD card since that would not protrude from the laptop’s form factor and so would be amenable to an automatic backup strategy. What’s your take on updates?  
  • 热度 27
    2012-11-12 20:22
    3281 次阅读|
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      I guess for the same reason we didn’t upgraded to Eagle 5. We are happy with the 4.16 version which we use and do not miss any of the new features which Eagle 5 and 6 introduce. Each time new major version is released you have to pay new licensee fee to Cadsoft. Eagle 4.16 installation is 5 MB and fast, Eagle 5 rise to something like 15 MB if I remember correct and we never saw something more than early bug fixes so we decided to not upgrade and pay again for something we already paid. Now Eagle 6 is over 40 MB,  let’s see what’s new: - XML database – we never used such nor need one - merge schematic / boards we can do it with 4.16 too with a little bit of care - routing enhancements – we never count on autorouter - library editor optimisations – so small that not worth mention them - layout editor add-ons – again insignificant to adjust new payment what I notice though is that customers who made PCB designs and submit them for production to our  PCB prototype service  is that Eagle 6 do not generate correct gerbers when there are polygone fills. I attach example of PCB made with Eagle 6 which do not generate correct polygone fill which leads to shorts on copper plane. here is the example of such board The general impression is that Eagle 6 is done in a hurry new release to shave the customers with some $$$ which the new Eagle owner obviously need after the purchase. The bad thing is that one used to be good product before become more buggy and less useful with it’s x10 file size increase and adding useless “features” just to do new release and ask for more money.
  • 热度 20
    2011-12-16 17:13
    1688 次阅读|
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    In one of the recent posts in his site The Understatement , Michael Degusta says that many Android phones, even some actively for sale today, generally don't have an upgrade path to the latest version of the OS. ( The chart on that site is an example of the brilliant use of graphics to convey a lot of information .) iPhones, in stark contrast to the 18 Android devices he examines, always support the latest version of iOS ( as long as the user bothers to install the update) . Interestingly, seven of the phones neverran a current version of Android, even when first released. The reasoning is understandable, in a way. I'm sure that once a device gets to market management tasks engineering with developing the Next Great Thing. Product support falls by the wayside. This is hardly news to the embedded world. One of the best things about Linux is that it is constantly being improved. Of course, in a way that's the worst thing about Linux, since many embedded systems must lock in a particular version long before the product ships. Then there's the support conundrum: what is the cost, and risk, of upgrading to the latest distro when updating a product? The implication for phones is that bugs don't get fixed. New OS features never migrate to the installed base. Security holes remain open. And yet Android itself gets so much better from one release to the next. The voice recognition, for instance, in Ice Cream Sandwich is reputedly much better than before. A Slashgear review says "Responsiveness and auto-correction accuracy have each received a huge boost". Surely every Android user will pine for that. As we know from physics, expenditure of energy is needed to combat entropy. So in a sense the phones run down, degraded by wear and tear. Apple's approach means that their customers' phones actually improve over time. This is not to bash Android; rather, it's a management failure. When the suits decide that their loyal customer base is unimportant those people may not be so loyal. Degusta summarizes the situation in a very pithy way: "In other words, Apple's way of getting you to buy a new phone is to make you really happy with your current one, whereas apparently Android phone makers think they can get you to buy a new phone by making you really unhappy with your current one."  
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