热度 28
2012-3-9 18:49
1949 次阅读|
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To be sure we are all tap-dancing to the same drum beat (my dear old dad was a tap-dancer on the variety hall stage, so I know whereof I speak), NoC stands for "Network on Chip". My chum George Harper from Bluespec just emailed me to say " Hi Max, I thought you might get a kick out of this Automatic NoC Generator ." George was right ... I did. When you bounce over to this website you discover that you can select the type of topology you wish to implement, the number of routers, the number of virtual channels, the allocation type, the Flit buffer depth and Flit data width, and so on and so forth. When you click on the Generate Network button, the resulting output is the Verilog RTL corresponding to your network. This resulting code is provided for non-commercial research use only... but I'm sure that they would be willing to talk to anyone who wishes to use this tool for commercial purposes.