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  • 2022-10-11 17:49
    7 次阅读|
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    可能很难知道如何为 Microsoft Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问 MB-800 考试做准备。不过,幸运的是,你可以做一些事情来帮助保证你的成功。在这篇博客文章中,我们将分享一些关于如何准备考试的提示,以便您可以增加通过考试的机会。 了解考试形式和结构 在开始准备 Microsoft Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问 MB-800 考试之前,您必须了解考试的格式和结构。MB-800 考试是一项基于方案和基于实际操作能力的多项选择题测试,用于衡量您完成考试目标中列出的技术任务的能力。该测试由大约60个问题组成,您将有2个小时的时间来完成它。为了帮助您准备 MB-800 考试,微软发布了微软 Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问的考试参考书。本书涵盖了所有考试目标,并为您提供了成功参加考试所需的信息。此外,转储4free提供全面的 MB-800转储pdf和VCE ,涵盖了所有的考试目标。MB-800转储pdf和VCE提供英语和日语版本,并定期更新以确保您拥有最新信息。 熟悉考试主题 成功参加 MB-800 考试的第一步是确保您熟悉考试主题。MB-800主题分为五个部分:财务管理,销售和营销,服务管理,供应链管理和商业智能。每个部分涵盖不同的业务领域,您需要对每个主题有深刻的理解才能通过考试。除了熟悉这些主题之外,您还应该对 Microsoft Dynamics 365 业务中心有深入的了解。该软件是 MB-800 考试的基础,您需要知道如何使用它来通过考试。有几个资源可用于帮助您了解动态 365 业务中心。转储4free就是这样一种资源,我们提供各种微软MB-800转储来帮助您准备考试。我们的 MB-800 转储 pdf 和 VCE 旨在帮助您学习考试中涵盖的材料。我们的 Microsoft 认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理考试问题将测试您对这些主题的了解程度。借助我们的 MB-800 转储,您可以确信,您将准备好通过 Microsoft 认证:动态 365 业务中心功能顾问助理认证考试。 使用模拟考试来测试您的知识 确保在 MB-800 上取得成功的最佳方法之一是使用模拟考试来测试您的知识。转储4free提供了各种各样的模拟考试,可以帮助您准备MB-800。这些考试测试您对微软动态 365 业务中心功能顾问考试的了解程度。此外,Dumps4free还提供了各种微软认证:Dynamics 365业务中心功能顾问助理MB-800免费转储。这些转储可以帮助您准备 Microsoft 认证: Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理认证。 了解评分标准 微软认证:动态 365 业务中心功能顾问助理 MB-800 考试是一项多项选择题考试,用于测试您对 Microsoft Dynamics 365 业务中心的知识。该考试测试您理解业务中心功能区域以及如何配置它们的能力。该考试还旨在测试您排查业务中心问题的能力。MB-800 考试的分数为 100-1000。考试的及格分数为 700。要通过考试,您必须正确回答至少 70% 的问题。考试分为两个部分:第 1 部分:微软动态 365 业务中心核心配置 (40%)第 2 部分:微软动态 365 业务中心扩展配置 (60%)您将有两个小时的时间来完成考试。参加 MB-800 考试没有任何先决条件。 制定学习计划并坚持下去 第一步是制定学习计划并坚持下去。您可以使用各种资源来帮助您准备 MB-800 考试,但请务必确保您使用的是可靠和最新的信息。转储4免费是微软MB-800转储PDF和VCE的重要资源。他们的 MB-800 转储会不断更新,以反映 Microsoft 认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理 MB-800 考试的最新更改。除了使用转储4free之外,利用微软的免费MB-800考试问题也是一个好主意。这些问题是了解MB-800考试内容的好方法。因为它们是免费的,所以你可以根据需要经常服用它们,直到你确信自己知道这些材料。一旦你制定了一个学习计划,坚持下去是很重要的。确保你每天花足够的时间学习并专注于你最需要研究的领域。如果你在某个特定的话题上挣扎,不要害怕向朋友或导师寻求帮助。最重要的是,不要放弃!只需稍加努力和奉献精神,您就可以通过 MB-800 考试并获得 Microsoft 认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理认证。 前一天晚上充分休息 考试前一天晚上不是通宵达旦的时候。您应该最后一次查看您的微软MB-800转储pdf和VCE。但如果你也睡了一整晚,那会有所帮助。休息的身体和心灵将帮助您感到更自信,更好地保留信息。在考试的早晨,吃一顿健康的早餐。营养餐将帮助您保持警觉,并准备好应对微软MB-800考试。确保在有足够时间的情况下到达测试中心。这将帮助您在就座之前放松身心并做好准备。最后,做几个深呼吸,提醒自己你已经准备好了。你已经努力学习,知道你需要做些什么才能成功。 放松并相信自己 放松和相信自己是保证MB-800考试成功的最佳方式。微软认证:Dynamics 365业务中心功能顾问助理MB-800考试并不像您想象的那么困难。借助转储4free MB-800转储pdf和VCE,您可以在第一次尝试时轻松通过MB-800考试。 微软认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理考试问 题 旨在帮助您更好地了解 Microsoft Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理认证和 MB-800 考试。在微软MB-800转储的帮助下,您可以在第一次尝试时轻松通过MB-800考试。 查找其他资源 无论你对自己的能力有多大的信心,在准备一次大型考试时寻求额外的资源总是一个好主意。对于微软动态 365 业务中心功能顾问 MB-800 考试,转储 4 免费是一个很好的资源。转储4free提供全面的微软MB-800转储PDF和VCE,涵盖了您需要了解的所有核心概念。此外,Dumps4free 的微软认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理 MB-800 免费转储会不断更新,以反映微软认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理认证的最新变化。这意味着您可以确信您正在研究最新信息。 最后的思考 微软认证:Dynamics 365业务中心功能顾问助理MB-800考试具有挑战性,需要涵盖大量材料。我希望本文能为您提供一些有关准备和通过MB-800考试的有用提示。最后一条建议:不要忘记使用转储4free的MB-800转储PDF和VCE来帮助您准备。这些转储是学习材料和熟悉考试格式的好方法。祝您好运,成为微软认证:Dynamics 365业务中心功能顾问助理!
  • 热度 31
    2015-12-1 12:57
    2555 次阅读|
    2 个评论
    Over the past decade the embedded world has undergone tremendous change. With the advent of mobile phones, smart lifestyle gadget like wearables, health and wellness devices, on the consumer front, users are demanding smaller and thinner gadgets. This has lead in turn to designs that increasingly need efficient memory architectures such as high memory capacity and high performance in small area and multiple bus issues that call for high scalability.  The designs demand compact and more densely populated electronic assemblies. Package on package (PoP) is one of the techniques to address the demand for compact assemblies. PoP is a stacked packaging method to have two ball grid array (BGA) packages mounted one above the other with a standard interface to route signals between them. The most widely used integration components for stacking are the processor and memory. The combination of RAM Flash memory in single chip BGA solution is also available, which allows a much higher component density on smaller form factor PCB design through the PoP assembly.   Stacking memory is one way to achieve the dual goals for enhanced functionality and greater packaging density of a product. It is fast becoming a promising solution, offering high integration that leads to product miniaturization. Mobile applications can benefit from the combination of this stacked package, offering small footprint and minimal PCB space. Other portable electronic products such as •      mobile phones (baseband or applications processor plus combo memory), •       digital cameras (image processor plus memory), •       PDAs, portable media players (audio/graphics processor plus memory), gaming and others also benefit from this design approach. Benefits of PoP Technology Using PoP technology in a design offers many advantages. The most obvious is the reduction in the PCB size or the small footprint of the PCB. Using PoP technology also ensures a reduction in the no. of layers of the PCB as the connection lines between the processor and the memory are minimized. This also improves signal integrity on the board by minimizing trace length between different interoperating parts, such as controller and memory. The direct interconnections between the circuit yields reduced propagation delay, noise and cross-talk.  Using PoP technology also makes for easy memory scalability on the hardware. This is because most of the memory modules for PoP design come in multi-chip packages (eg: Flash + DDR). Hence, both the Flash and DDR memory can be upgraded by replacing the single PoP memory package. And finally, there is the reduction in BoM cost achieve as a result of elimination of termination discretes on the PCB. The ARM advantage PoP technology is most popularly being used with ARM chipsets. Texas Instruments was one of the first semiconductor companies that adopted this technology. This is now being followed by other silicon vendors like Freescale etc. ARM chipsets are known for low power and are popular for small footprint, portable applications. The low power ensures less thermal radiation to the memory; when it is placed over the processor in the PoP technology. In comparison, Intel SoCs and other DSP are high power and have high thermal radiation. Therefore, there is a possibility of the memory to stall during operation, if the PoP technology concept is used for these chipsets.   An important point to note for product developers is that assembly of PoP PCBs requires special skillset and the need to follow a defined assembly process. The PCB manufacturer should follow the required methodology to ensure minimal yield issues for a successful implementation to take advantage of the benefits of such a design.   Contributed By, S Vijay Bharat, Associate Vice President - Hardware Design, Mistral Solutions
  • 热度 27
    2015-5-26 19:04
    1793 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    There are a few people I consider visionaries of their times. In the 15th century, we had Leonardo da Vinci. He was centuries ahead of his times and unmatched in his abilities, talent and knowledge of subjects as varied as science, arts, materials, structures, aeronautics, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, medicine etc. A true multi-faceted genius. In our times, we have had Steve jobs. His mix of technology business acumen and knowing what people want has made Apple what it is today. Alas, we lost Steve..... I guess many will partially blame him for some wrong choices he made treating his illness. All said done, he was a genius of our times. He dared to dream and dream crazy dream big...... or as my good friend, Verne Harnish, would say he had a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). Moving ahead, I think we now have a living genius among us today..  ELON MUSK . He has achieved what people considered the impossible. He has a vision for the future that bridges the gap between science fiction reality. He is changing the dynamics of technology and business. All he needs to do is dream and investors will write him a Billion Dollar check to experiment with his dream..... till he goes to sleep and dreams again.  Since he sold PayPal to eBay for $1.5B, Elon has forged ahead to bigger ideas. He built the All Electric  Tesla  car. No one imagined that such a car can roll out from Silicon valley. I have driven the Tesla and I consider it the best most advanced car in the world. From cars to Rockets seems like a logical step for Elon. But I think the big disruption that he will cause in our times is in the area of Solar energy battery technology. He will find ways that will disrupt systems that we have got accustomed to over the last 100 years. I am sure we will see many new ventures from him stable in our lifetime. Tesla Energy has already gathered a big buzz. I just can't wait to get  a  Tesla Power Wall. Over the last 10 years, Steve Jobs enticed everyone in our homes to have 2-3 of his products which averaged a price of about $400. In the next 10, we will be buying products from Elon's companies. The only difference is that the product prices will be anything from $3500 to $100,000. The volumes will still be in high millions. So get ready to be mesmerized! Anees Ahmed, President, Mistral Solutions
  • 热度 20
    2015-3-5 21:52
    1529 次阅读|
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    Don’t worry: This blog is not about giving you tips to start saving money for your retirement. This post is addressing the difficult subject of how the CEO of a startup might try to balance between saving –– in other words, minimizing the risk of running out of cash –– and spending. That is, investing into building new technology that presumably will propel his or her company to great success.       I’m sure I’m not alone when I confess to having had more than one sleepless night worrying about the company’s cash balance as a startup CEO. The situation we are discussing here is the early stages when the company is not yet break-even and is burning its precious cash resources. During those early stages, one number is omni-present in the CEO’s mind: The “out of cash date.” It is also sometimes measured as the “runway” or length of time to reach the out of cash date. A pretty self-explanatory concept that investors track almost as closely as the CEO and gets reviewed at the board meetings. It also gets scary once the runway drops below six months.   I always found it difficult and struggled with whether to focus on immediate needs (saving) versus investing in the future (spending). For example, if I choose to preserve cash today, I need to do so while looking ahead to the future to keep pace with the industry and customer needs, not an easy balance.   As a startup, the objective is to survive through the release and initial sales of the first product. These days, many startups have bootstrapped themselves or taken small seed funding to get them through this period. The runway is typically one to two years at the start of the product development. At this stage, the “spend or save” dilemma is focused on how many resources to deploy for the product development. Hire one or two more engineers? Buy more licenses of a critical software tool? Get more compute power?   Once the product has been released, the objective moves to selling it and investing in the channel, and here it starts to get trickier with the addition of this new parameter. If the startup is in Silicon Valley, it’s a reasonable assumption that someone in the company knows a project team in need of this kind of technology. Quickly, though, there will be an international pull because of big development clusters in Asia or Europe and the attraction to travel overseas or even open an office in one of those regions becomes irresistible. Often the team finds out that the product is not quite perfect and another round of product improvements is required to meet the customer needs.   The sales channel needs leads to fill the pipeline and that means marketing and promotion, visibility and awareness through the website and content creation, advertising, events and public relations. All valuable activities that should accelerate the revenue ramp.   Costs skyrocket and the company begins to run out of cash. All of a sudden, the ‘out of cash date’ completely overwhelms your kids’ birthdate in your mind!   It’s at this point where I wish I could pull out a magic template to avoid the often-made mistakes of startup founders who squander venture capital investment, but I don’t. Instead, I’ll offer a few observations on sound investment management efforts I’ve witnessed over the years.   As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, startup executives would be well advised to not make those critical decisions in isolation. Board members are the first place to look for help; mentors can also be a great resource. An experienced board member or mentor can serve as a good sounding board because he or she will have a global view of the industry and a wider perspective. Consultants, customers and partners could be sought out as well.   Next up is the budget. Judiciously setting goals and objectives that are tied to measurable results is important for all companies, but especially startups. I would recommend a systematic assessment to determine the outcome of every line item expense in the budget. Cost overruns should not be tolerated.   Working smart is important: Some founding technologists fall in love with technology and insist of building it when it can be outsourced or a “ready-to-use” solution exists. A perfect example of this concept is IP. An entire industry has grown up around supplying design pieces that can be used by other chip companies to shorten the development cycle and conserve cash.   Balancing spend versus save when building a business is a difficult problem and one that that has no easy, pre-packaged answer. While I struggled with this balance as a startup CEO, I also reached out to trusted advisors for help and worked hard at maintaining a reasonable budget that met objectives.   Michel Courtoy is a former design engineer and EDA executive who sits on the board of directors at Breker Verification Systems.
  • 热度 27
    2011-9-29 18:04
    1694 次阅读|
    3 个评论
            9月27日上午去北京国家会议中心参加TI Technology Day 北京站活动。这是一个工程师的盛宴,还不到九点钟展厅里签到处和各个展台都挤满了人。阿牛哥看到了TI的领取资料处,有高速放大器,TI旋转电机, 医疗电子产品汽车电子的方案,面向平板电脑及电子书的TI解决方案等等,真是琳琅满目。 突然阿牛哥眼睛一亮看到了TI-EEWORLD 联合制作的电子小强TI MCU 不能不说的故事,前几天只是看到TI的官方微博上有介绍,这次是看到很好看轻松有知识有品味的六联格漫画了。             阿牛哥参加平板电脑,工业电机,安防监控,无线通信和 EMI ESD保护技术培训,发一些资料和大家分享一下!TI平板电脑方案里有讲到TI OMAP3 和OMAP4, 还有有很多从笔记本开发生产转型和手机设计转型做平板电脑对于电池充电要求不一样,TI 的1S2P 和2S1P电池充电方案是很有针对性 !            阿牛哥参加工业电机研讨会,对于电机的PID控制,奈奎斯特图分析还能听明白。TI的无线通信在基站和微基站产品方案讲座难度很大,参加会议的工程师踊跃提问! 阿牛哥看到 TI 的工程师演讲,都提到了TI的中文社区。他们可以及时答复工程师提出的技术问题。       在展台演示区域,阿牛哥看到很多来自TI美国的朋友。 阿牛哥和TI 公司的Leigh File Ph.D ,沟通一些高清监控和手持识别技术问题,没有英文翻译,也基本都听懂了! 这次参加TI TI Technology Day 北京站有很多是TI 授权代理商,增值分销商和第三方设计公司的技术支持朋友, 有安富利科技, 合众达, 文晔科技,闻亭科技的安防监控, 消费电子和汽车电子,医疗电子产品演示。 阿牛哥看到很多的新鲜产品,小投影仪, 无线充电,入侵检测预警器 和高清监控产品,收获很大 。    