tag 标签: SMS

  • 热度 25
    2015-8-1 05:52
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    There is a major transformation underway in the wireless services industry!   Recently, Google launched a new US wireless service (see http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/04/22/us-usa-google-wireless-idUSKBN0ND27O20150422) that automatically switches between Wi-Fi and cellular networks. Through this step, Google effectively became a wireless service provider, albeit a very tiny one since the service is available on a single device and with limited carrier coverage.   Then, there is Freewheel from freewheel.com that offers unlimited data, text, and voice through the millions of Wi-Fi hotspots in the New York area. This service is currently limited to the Wi-Fi network of a single cable operator, Cablevision, based in the US, but this could well be the start of an accelerating trend. As the technology to switch between hotspots improves and the density of hotspots continues to improve in big metros, the adoption of such lower-cost services is likely to increase, further denting the growth in revenues for traditional wireless operators.   At the device level, Apple started shipping a carrier-neutral Apple SIM in iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3 .  This may be inconsequential in the short-term because very few tablets today (20% according to Cisco VNI Mobile, 2015) actually have a cellular connection but it could have a very different implication if the Apple SIM found its way into iPhones. Consumers will then have the option to select the cheapest network and the carriers will have to complete for customers in real time, leading to lower prices.   Smartphone applications, on the other side, have give rise to the over-the-top (OTT) messaging services such as iMessage from Apple, WattsApp, Facebook Messenger, and others. This is only going to reduce the relevance of SMS, a very profitable business for wireless operators today. Although this change may not yet occur for several years, SMS will likely become limited to specific applications such as two-factor authentication (TFA) and application-to-person (A2P).    With the explosion in mobile data traffic, cellular operators have already shifted their business models to mobile data from mobile voice. The challenge for operators is: what percentage of the data traffic goes over their own cellular networks or over their own Wi-Fi hotspots instead of the free Wi-Fi networks that offer no revenue opportunity?    In consumers mind, the wireless network is very much becoming a commodity (just consider the move to no-contract, no-subsidy model from T-Mobile US and the model already popular in most other countries) and the value has moved to the smartphone / application providers.  To prevent this commoditization, Verizon acquired AOL in June to get into services and content market and ATT is acquiring DirectTV (the acquisition was recently approved, according to the Wall Street Journal) for the same reason.   What would these wireless carriers look like tomorrow? 
  • 热度 21
    2013-3-23 11:33
    1683 次阅读|
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    G100功能支持长短信,但是和一些模块的方式不一样,他对长短信的发送有一条专门的AT指令: AT+UCMGS=phone,,index,max,8,15CR。 这里简单解释一下,phone是要发送的号码,max表示准备把这条长短信分成几条发,index表示当前发的短信在整个长短信发送中的序号,由1一直递增至max。这里需要注意的是,长短信可以分成N条发出去(N=255),但是每条短信的长度不大于153,也就是说,G100支持最大255*153长度的短信发送。 这里简单的举个例子: AT+CMGF=1 OK AT+CSMP=17,167,0,0 OK AT+CSCS="IRA" OK AT+UCMGS="13333366666",,1,3,8,15 http://www.starttrace.net/MapServer.aspx?lat=22.722501lng=114.102670x=640y=960 Battery:100% +UCMGS: 38 OK AT+UCMGS="13333366666",,2,3,8,15 http://www.starttrace.net/MapServer.aspx?lat=22.722501lng=114.102670x=640y=960 Battery:100% +UCMGS: 39 OK AT+UCMGS="13333366666",,3,3,8,15 http://www.starttrace.net/MapServer.aspx?lat=22.722501lng=114.102670x=640y=960 Battery:100% +UCMGS: 40 OK 号码13333366666收到一条长短信,内容如下: http://www.starttrace.net/MapServer.aspx?lat=22.722501lng=114.102670x=640y=960 Battery:100% http://www.starttrace.net/MapServer.aspx?lat=22.722501lng=114.102670x=640y=960 Battery:100% http://www.starttrace.net/MapServer.aspx?lat=22.722501lng=114.102670x=640y=960 Battery:100% 发送中文长短信,和英文类似,只是需要修改一下参数 AT+CSMP=17,167,0,8 OK AT+CSCS="UCS2" OK 这里发现一个比较好的用法,一条长短信也可以拆分成一个中文短信一个英文短信发送,例子如下: AT+CMGF=1 OK AT+CSMP=17,167,0,8 OK AT+CSCS="UCS2" OK AT+UCMGS="13333366666",,1,2,8,15 79FB52A862A58B660021 +UCMGS: 41 OK AT+CSMP=17,167,0,0 OK AT+CSCS="IRA" OK AT+UCMGS="13333366666",,2,2,8,15 http://www.starttrace.net/MapServer.aspx?lat=22.723508lng=114.102741x=640y=960 Battery:100% +UCMGS: 42 OK 号码13333366666收到一条长短信,内容如下: 移动报警! http://www.starttrace.net/MapServer.aspx?lat=22.723508lng=114.102741x=640y=960 Battery:100%
  • 热度 21
    2013-3-23 11:31
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    最近正在使用u-blox的GPRS模块G100开发产品,刚刚解决了这个模块收发中英文短信的问题,这里简单介绍一下。 G100如果单纯的考虑英文短信,实际是很简单的,只需按照如下配置即可 AT+CMGF=1 AT+CSCS=”IRA”                AT+CSMP=17,167,0,0 读取短信: AT+CMGR=1 +CMGR: "REC READ","13333366666",,"12/09/21,13:22:50+50" LBS*000000 发送短信: AT+CMGS="10086" 5F0059CB        1)  接收短信                  但是如果考虑中文信息的接收,按照上面的配置,读取到的汉字都是?(0x3F),经过几次不同的尝试,我发现按照下面的配置就可以兼容同时接收中英文短信了(接收英文短信有点小麻烦,但是我可以处理这种小麻烦)   AT+CMGF=1 AT+CSCS=”UCS2”                AT+CSMP=17,167,0,0 读取英文短信: AT+CMGR=1 +CMGR: "REC READ","13333366666“,,"12/09/21,13:22:50+50" 004C00420053002A003000300030003000300030     这里短信内容是:LBS*000000 这里接收到的英文内容都变成PDU格式的了,需要在程序中转换一下 读取中文短信: AT+CMGR=1 +CMGR: "REC READ","13333366666",,"12/09/21,13:22:50+50" 5F0059CB                                   这里短信内容是:开始   2)发送短信,我这里没有采用PDU模式发送中文短信,都是采用的TXT模式,具体如下: 发送英文短信:                            发送中文短信 AT+CMGF=1                                 AT+CMGF=1  AT+CSCS=”IRA”                           AT+CSCS=”UCS2” AT+CSMP=17,167,0,0                       AT+CSMP=17,167,0,8   AT+CMGS="13333366666"                             AT+CMGS="13333366666" 5F0059CB                                       5F0059CB  收到短信   5F0059CB                            收到短信  开始  
  • 热度 22
    2012-8-16 14:13
    6914 次阅读|
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        在LTE在3GPP release 8中被定义为新一代无线通信标准。LTE是一个单纯的分组交换系统,不支持传统的电路交换业务,因此LTE只能以Voice over IP的方式来提供语音业务,这带来了很多新的挑战。     用户期望LTE网络的语音质量(至少)等同于电路交换网络中的语音质量,而运营商由于已经在电路交换网络投入巨资,要让它们将语音迁移到一张新的网络,必须让它们清楚地看到商业利益和技术优势。目前,绝大多数运营商只是在LTE网络上部署数据业务,语音仍然由旧的电路交换网络提供。     IMS(IP Multimedia Subsystem)是LTE支持语音业务的关键技术。IMS最早在3GPP release 5提出,它提供了一个框架来支持基于IP的业务。但是,由于IMS的建设大大落后于LTE,如何在LTE网络部署语音业务成为运营商面临的一大挑战,同时导致一些替代技术方案的出现,比如CSFB(circiut switched fallback)。     在CSFB方案中,处于LTE网络覆盖下的用户想要发起一个语音呼叫或者接受一个语音呼叫时,用户终端会自动“倒回(fall back)”到GSM、UMTS或者CDMA 2000 1X网络。CSFB是一个比较好的不需要IMS协助的LTE语音实现技术。CSFB还支持漫游。     短信是另一个电路交换业务。3GPP也定义了一个不需要IMS协助的LTE短信实现技术,叫“SMS over SGs”,其中SG是核心网内部接口的名称。SMS over SGs技术使得运营商得以为LTE用户提供短信业务。     从长远来看,基于IMS技术为LTE用户提供语音和短信业务是发展的方向。2010年1月,GSMA宣布发起一个VoLTE产业联盟,目前已经完成了LTE提供基于IMS的最优语音和短信业务的标准定义,包括漫游和互通性规范。
  • 热度 27
    2010-12-31 14:33
    2600 次阅读|
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    UD代码的实现例子: void CPdu_formatDlg::gb2unicode(BYTE* src, BYTE* result) {  // find unicode code based on gb code  CFile file;  CString strPath = GetDeviceFullPath();  CString sBinFilename = strPath + "gb2unicode.bin";  if(!file.Open(sBinFilename, CFile::modeRead)) {   AfxMessageBox("File can NOT be openned!");   return;  }  // calc gb index  UINT index = (src 8) + src ;  // half-lookup method  int low,high,mid;  low = 0; high = MAX_UNI_INDEX;  UINT gbcode_mid = 0;  BYTE tmp ;  while(low {   mid = (low+high)/2;   file.Seek((mid2)+2, CFile::begin);   file.Read((char*)tmp, 2);   gbcode_mid = (tmp 8) + tmp ;   if( index gbcode_mid ) high--;   else if( index gbcode_mid ) low++;   else break;  }  if(lowhigh) {   AfxMessageBox("Cannot find gb char in current gb2unicode table!");   return;  }  // result  file.Seek( (mid2),  CFile::begin );  file.Read((char*)tmp, 2);    result = tmp ;  result = tmp ;  file.Close();  } void CPdu_formatDlg::OnButtonBuild() {  char phone ;  memset(phone, 0, sizeof(phone));    // (1) receive phone number inputed  m_editPhone.GetWindowText(phone, sizeof(phone));  if(strlen(phone) != 11) {   AfxMessageBox("Please input the correct mobile phone number!");   return;  }  for(int i=0; i11; i++) {   if( (phone '0') || (phone '9') ) {    AfxMessageBox("Please input the correct mobile phone number!");    return;   }  }  // (2) receive sms text inputed  BYTE buf ;  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));   m_editInput.GetWindowText((char*)buf, sizeof(buf));  if(strlen((char*)buf) == 0) {   AfxMessageBox("Input should not be null!");   return;   }    // (3) build UD(sms text)  BYTE result ;  memset(result, 0, sizeof(result));    UINT j=0, len1=0;  while(j strlen((char*)buf)) {      // arcII   if(buf 128) {    result = 0x00;    result = buf ;    j++;    len1 = len1+2;   }   // gb   else {    BYTE tmp ;    gb2unicode((BYTE*)(buf ), (BYTE *)tmp);        result = tmp ;    result = tmp ;    j++;    j++;    len1 = len1 + 2;   }  }  BYTE ud ;  memset(ud, 0, sizeof(ud));  for(UINT k=0; k  if( (result 4) 10 ) { ud = (result 4) + '0'; }   else { ud = (result 4) - 10 + 'A'; }   if( (result 0x0f) 10 ) { ud = (result 0x0f) + '0'; }   else { ud = (result 0x0f) - 10 + 'A'; }  }  // (4) build DA(phone num)  BYTE da ;  memset(da, 0, sizeof(da));  da = '0';  // da_len  da = 'D';  // da_len  da = '9';  // type  da = '1';  // type  da = '6';  // china code  da = '8';  // china code  da = phone ;  da = phone ;  da = phone ;  da = phone ;  da = phone ;  da = phone ;  da = phone ;  da = phone ;  da = phone ;  da = phone ;  da = 'F';  da = phone ;  // (5) output pdu format after receiving  BYTE pdu ;  memset(pdu, 0, sizeof(pdu));  pdu = '0';  // SCA (with embeded csca)  pdu = '0';  // SCA (with embeded csca)  pdu = '1';  // Type  pdu = '1';  // Type  pdu = '0';  // MR  pdu = '0';  // MR  strcat((char*)pdu, (char *)da); // DA  pdu = '0';  // PID  pdu = '0';  // PID  pdu = '0';  // DCS  pdu = '8';  // DCS  pdu = '0';  // VP  pdu = '1';  // VP  if( (len14) 10 ) { pdu = (len14) + '0'; }  // UDL  else { pdu = (len14) - 10 + 'A'; }  if( (len10x0f) 10 ) { pdu = (len10x0f) + '0'; } // UDL  else { pdu = (len10x0f) - 10 + 'A'; }  memcpy(pdu , ud, (len11));  // ud  m_editOutput.SetWindowText((char *)pdu);  // (6) output the cmgs len  BYTE sLen ;  memset(sLen, 0, sizeof(sLen));  len1 += 15;  sLen = (len1/100) + '0';  sLen = (len1%100)/10 + '0';  sLen = (len1%10) + '0';  m_editLen.SetWindowText((char*)sLen); } 发送PDU格式SMS验证 1. PDU生成工具: 2. 使用GPRS/GSM 模块进行验证: 3. 手机上成功收取并显示中文短消息. Allen 2010.12.31 发表于电子工程专辑 构建PDU格式的中文SMS(I) 构建PDU格式的中文SMS(II)
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