tag 标签: IQ

  • 热度 21
    2014-4-7 16:16
    1506 次阅读|
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    A number of years ago, after an irksome day interacting with production (when we still manufactured in Canada), I complained to my supervisor—the Gradin portion of this theory—that "If you took two people and added their IQs together..." At that point, I paused momentarily, and he immediately interjected, "You would get a negative number." The engineer in me wondered if this could be possible. This led me to a plausible explanation. The MBA in me wanted this expressed as a theory. Boredom while waiting for a plane's departure led me to write this down. The Gradin-Kagan effect (or worker empowerment: phooey) Any element of society is subject to the law of entropy. Unless forced to assume some entity by an external force, it will degenerate into a form that approaches chaos. In the absence of clear, unambiguous, nonconflicting, and attainable goals, the Gradin-Kagan Effect will manifest itself as follows: Hypothesis No. 1 (Kagan's Law or the inverse synergy effect): When two or more people work together, the effective IQ of the group is almost always less than the simple sum of their individual IQs. IQ is not a scalar quantity. It has at least one other dimension that prevents the simple addition of IQs when several people work together. Hypothesis No. 2 (Gradin's Law): When two or more people work together, the effective IQ will always give a negative number. In a normal distribution of the vector IQs of a group, it would be expected that the second dimensions of the IQs would cancel each other out, giving an effective IQ of zero. However, in what must be a previously unobserved effect of Murphy's Law, the effective IQ is always less than zero. Hypothesis No. 3: Any person working in a group will have his/her IQ reduced when making any simple decision. Through some perverse feedback effect, as yet unexplained, the negative number derived through Gradin's Law is added to each individual IQ, thereby reducing that IQ. For example, an individual with sufficient IQ to distinguish which end of a burning cigarette to put in his mouth, in a workgroup setting, would happily lick the hot end and still be surprised at the resulting burn. According to the Dilbert Principle, all management is incompetent. As a result, there may never be a situation where the Gradin-Kagan Effect is ever negated by suitable goals. By the way, the burning cigarette part is true. Have you ever felt frustrated enough with the stupidity of other people that you would be willing to share your experiences with the rest of us? Aubrey Kagan is Engineering Manager at Emphatec.
  • 热度 16
    2014-4-7 16:13
    1872 次阅读|
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    Several years ago, after a particularly exasperating day interacting with production (when we still manufactured in Canada), I complained to my supervisor—the Gradin portion of this theory—that "If you took two people and added their IQs together..." At that point, I paused momentarily, and he immediately interjected, "You would get a negative number." The engineer in me wondered if this could be possible. This led me to a plausible explanation. The MBA in me wanted this expressed as a theory. Boredom while waiting for a plane's departure led me to write this down. The Gradin-Kagan effect (or worker empowerment: phooey) Any element of society is subject to the law of entropy. Unless forced to assume some entity by an external force, it will degenerate into a form that approaches chaos. In the absence of clear, unambiguous, nonconflicting, and attainable goals, the Gradin-Kagan Effect will manifest itself as follows: Hypothesis No. 1 (Kagan's Law or the inverse synergy effect): When two or more people work together, the effective IQ of the group is almost always less than the simple sum of their individual IQs. IQ is not a scalar quantity. It has at least one other dimension that prevents the simple addition of IQs when several people work together. Hypothesis No. 2 (Gradin's Law): When two or more people work together, the effective IQ will always give a negative number. In a normal distribution of the vector IQs of a group, it would be expected that the second dimensions of the IQs would cancel each other out, giving an effective IQ of zero. However, in what must be a previously unobserved effect of Murphy's Law, the effective IQ is always less than zero. Hypothesis No. 3: Any person working in a group will have his/her IQ reduced when making any simple decision. Through some perverse feedback effect, as yet unexplained, the negative number derived through Gradin's Law is added to each individual IQ, thereby reducing that IQ. For example, an individual with sufficient IQ to distinguish which end of a burning cigarette to put in his mouth, in a workgroup setting, would happily lick the hot end and still be surprised at the resulting burn. According to the Dilbert Principle, all management is incompetent. As a result, there may never be a situation where the Gradin-Kagan Effect is ever negated by suitable goals. By the way, the burning cigarette part is true. Have you ever felt frustrated enough with the stupidity of other people that you would be willing to share your experiences with the rest of us? Aubrey Kagan is Engineering Manager at Emphatec.  
  • 热度 19
    2012-5-5 13:44
    1942 次阅读|
    3 个评论
    当前的数字射频芯片,无一例外的用到了I/Q信号,就算是RFID芯片,内部也用到了I/Q信号,然而绝大部分射频人员,对于IQ的了解除了名字之外,基本上一无所知。   网上有大量关于IQ信号的资料,但都是公式一大堆,什么四相图,八相图之类的,最后还是不明白,除了知道这两个名次解释: I:in-phase  表示同相 Q:quadrature 表示正交,与I相位差90度。   国内的教学首先是老师根本不懂实践,之后只能按照书本讲公式,其实老师自己什么都不懂,很多人都说老师只懂理论,若老师真的懂理论,那教育就不是现在这个局面了,实际上老师不仅仅不懂实践,更不懂理论,只是照本宣科吧了。   现在来解释I Q信号的来源: 最早通讯是模拟通讯,假设载波为cos(a),信号为cos(b),那么通过相成频谱搬移,就得到了 cos(a) * cos(b) = 1/2   这样在a载波下产生了两个信号,a+b和a-b,而对于传输来说,其实只需要一个信号即可,也就是说两者选择一个即可,另外一个没用,需要滤掉。但实际上滤波器是不理想的,很难完全滤掉另外一个,所以因为另外一个频带的存在,浪费了很多频带资源。   进入数字时代后,在某一个时刻传输的只有一个信号频率,比如0,假设为900MHz,1假设为901MHz,一直这两个频率在变化而已,并且不可能同时出现。这个不同于模拟通讯信号,比如电视机,信号的频带就是6.5MHz。还有一个严重的问题,就是信号频带资源越来越宝贵,不能再像模拟一样这么简单的载波与信号相乘,导致双边带信号。   大家最希望得到的,就是输入a信号和b信号,得到单一的a+b或者a-b即可。基于此目的,我们就把这个公式展开: cos(a-b)=cos(a)cos(b)+sin(a)sin(b)   这个公式清楚的表明,只要把载波a和信号b相乘,之后他们各自都移相90度相乘,之后相加,就能得到a-b的信号了。这个在数字通讯,当前的半导体工艺完全可以做到: 1:数字通讯,单一时间只有一个频点,所以可以移相90度。 2:相加器、相乘器技术很容易实现。 如下图:手机GSM射频部分    接下来就很好办了,大家知道I就是cos(b),Q就是sin(b) 对这两个信号进行组合:  cos(b),   sin(b)  cos(b), -sina(b) -cos(b),  sin(b) -cos(b),  -sin(b) 这个就是IQ信号的四相调制了。   之后为了编码更多的,就在这个里面折腾了,下面的就大家自己看书了。   注意,通过上面分析,大家知道IQ信号应该是正弦波模拟信号,手机上的频率是66KHz,大家在布线的时候一定要保证IQ信号不被干扰,毕竟是模拟信号,不然相乘相加之后就有很多杂波产生了,这个就是杂散了.  
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