tag 标签: ceo

  • 热度 7
    2023-8-28 17:25
    634 次阅读|
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    近日,艾迈斯欧司朗首席执行官兼董事会主席奥多·坎普在集团高层的陪同下圆满完成访华之旅,见证了中国光与传感领域的活力与创新,传达了总部对中国市场的高度重视和发展信心。 这也是奥多·坎普2023年4月就任集团CEO后的首次访华。 01 拜访合作伙伴 此次CEO中国行的重要一站是拜访行业合作伙伴。多年来,凭借持续的技术创新和前瞻的全球布局,艾迈斯欧司朗拥有许多在各领域名列前茅的合作伙伴。 借此机会,奥多·坎普陆续拜访了多家汽车、消费电子和医疗等领域客户,并就光与传感未来技术发展和双方合作机会等进行了深入交流。 奥多·坎普对极富创新精神的中国市场客户表示赞赏。他指出,这些客户的创新将推动各自领域的进一步发展,并在智能汽车、新能源汽车、智能手机、智慧家居、医疗诊断技术和生命健康监测等方面对光电与传感技术提出更高要求,这将为艾迈斯欧司朗提供更广阔的市场空间。 02 参观无锡工厂 无锡生产基地在艾迈斯欧司朗全球战略布局中具有重要地位,包括了研发中心、光学传感解决方案的生产、组装和测试工厂以及LED产品和封装开发基地。 近年来,在公司持续加大投入、壮大生产的背景下,受益于无锡生产基地在疫情期间积极拓展海外订单,无锡基地业务快速增长、逆势而上。 此次参观无锡工厂,让奥多·坎普亲眼目睹了这个工厂自十年前破土动工、以及五年前Fab2扩建以来的巨大发展。面对规模庞大、设备先进、集研发、生产、办公等于一体的现代化基地,他赞叹无锡生产基地能够灵活高效保障生产、满足客户需求,指出这为公司更好地服务于中国乃至全球市场夯实了基础。 03 与本地团队深度交流 上海办公室是艾迈斯欧司朗在中国规模最大、人数最多的销售办公室,2022年9月,它的完工象征着艾迈斯欧司朗大中华中国区各地销售办公室合并的最终完成,是One Company One Team的公司文化的落地载体。 在上海新办公室,奥多·坎普通过线上线下并行的方式,与本地团队进行了深入交流。他表示,此次办公室全体会议是与我们杰出的团队进行交流的绝佳机会。他感谢中国区员工对他的热情接待,并对他们为这次访问做出的无懈可击的准备表示赞赏。 奥多·坎普指出,艾迈斯欧司朗中国团队一直与客户紧密合作,向业界展现了艾迈斯欧司朗专业、精确、尖端的创新实力。他再次表达坚定看好中国市场和对汽车、消费电子、工业与医疗等行业发展的展望,并勉励本土团队继续与公司共同成长,用光与传感创造无限可能。
  • 热度 24
    2014-8-1 15:51
    2383 次阅读|
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    Being a company's CEO can be a lonely position. This is especially true among startups. For this reason, I strongly advocate having a mentor. Finding the right mentor, however, may be more important than having one. In this blog I talk about how to recruit a mentor, what qualities to look for, and touch briefly on the compensation.       Finding the right mentor should not be a random choice or one done without some consideration. The mentor you choose should have an understanding of your business and why decisions are being made the way they are. Preferably, the chosen mentor has been an entrepreneur and CEO as well. That's not to suggest a mentor should be involved in day-to-day decision making, however. Someone with experience, who maintains a safe distance from the daily business activities, can offer much-needed perspective.   First, a mentor needs to be a good listener: A good mentor will guide an entrepreneur through the process and empower him or her to come up with the right answer, not give answers. Indeed, the entrepreneur has the great advantage of knowing the business better than anyone else. The role of the mentor is to help the entrepreneur sift through many options or give him or her a boost of confidence to implement a new program.   That's why building a great mentor relationship includes open lines of communication. It is a dialog where each of you approaches the other by asking questions on why and how decisions are made. The discussion will flow from there.   Think of it as establishing a peer-to-peer relationship because you will be working at a personal level. The mentor will serve as a sounding board and can help through the emotional ups and downs. And, there will be many.   Obviously, you're wondering how to go about finding the right person. The answer is there's a maze of different possibilities. A good place to start is to consider which entrepreneurs or corporate executives you admire and want to emulate. That's not to say they will accept your proffered invitation. Or, that they're a good fit once you get to know them. It's well worth making the effort because they may refer you to someone who is a better fit.   Your own network should be tapped, too, to identify potential mentor candidates with relevant experience. Having first-hand, working knowledge of an industry is what to look for. Ask around to find out his or her reputation to better assess strengths or perceived weaknesses.   It’s also not unusual for one of the members of the board of directors to take a more active role as mentor to the new CEO. A potential benefit of this approach, though, is that the mentor becomes an ally at the board level since the mentor would have reviewed and presumably approved key decisions. Of course, the board member/mentor will make sure that he or she still exercises the fiduciary duties of a board member, regardless of the more personal relationship built with the CEO.   Angel investors are good candidates to become mentors. They like to relive the glory days vicariously through investments and the entrepreneurs driving the companies. They’re interested also in helping you succeed.   Mentors can help with a specific need over a limited period of time. For example, if the start-up founding team is weak on the sales side, a seasoned vice president of sales can help build a channel. Or a marketing executive can counsel you on plotting the timeline for your go-to-market strategy. Other experienced executives could come from a customer or a supplier. You might consider approaching a university professor to assist in the technical vision of the company.   As for compensation, entrepreneurs typically offer stock options rather than cash when the company is still in the startup phase. Stock has another advantage as well because it could give a mentor an added attachment to the company and an even stronger desire to see it succeed. An appropriate equity stake for a mentor would be in the 0.25% to 1.0% range, with the higher number more appropriate for an early stage company.   In this blog, I focused on the entrepreneur’s view of having a mentor, but I’ll close with why someone would want to be a mentor. Among the many benefits, it’s profoundly satisfying to help an entrepreneurial company triumph knowing you’ve played a role.   Michel Courtoy is a former design engineer and EDA executive who sits on the board of directors at Breker Verification Systems.
  • 热度 18
    2014-8-1 15:46
    1822 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    The CEO spot in a company, especially a startup, can be a lonely one. For this reason, I strongly advocate having a mentor. Finding the right mentor, however, may be more important than having one. In this blog I talk about how to recruit a mentor, what qualities to look for, and touch briefly on the compensation.       Finding the right mentor should not be a random choice or one done without some consideration. The mentor you choose should have an understanding of your business and why decisions are being made the way they are. Preferably, the chosen mentor has been an entrepreneur and CEO as well. That's not to suggest a mentor should be involved in day-to-day decision making, however. Someone with experience, who maintains a safe distance from the daily business activities, can offer much-needed perspective.   First, a mentor needs to be a good listener: A good mentor will guide an entrepreneur through the process and empower him or her to come up with the right answer, not give answers. Indeed, the entrepreneur has the great advantage of knowing the business better than anyone else. The role of the mentor is to help the entrepreneur sift through many options or give him or her a boost of confidence to implement a new program.   That's why building a great mentor relationship includes open lines of communication. It is a dialog where each of you approaches the other by asking questions on why and how decisions are made. The discussion will flow from there.   Think of it as establishing a peer-to-peer relationship because you will be working at a personal level. The mentor will serve as a sounding board and can help through the emotional ups and downs. And, there will be many.   Obviously, you're wondering how to go about finding the right person. The answer is there's a maze of different possibilities. A good place to start is to consider which entrepreneurs or corporate executives you admire and want to emulate. That's not to say they will accept your proffered invitation. Or, that they're a good fit once you get to know them. It's well worth making the effort because they may refer you to someone who is a better fit.   Your own network should be tapped, too, to identify potential mentor candidates with relevant experience. Having first-hand, working knowledge of an industry is what to look for. Ask around to find out his or her reputation to better assess strengths or perceived weaknesses.   It’s also not unusual for one of the members of the board of directors to take a more active role as mentor to the new CEO. A potential benefit of this approach, though, is that the mentor becomes an ally at the board level since the mentor would have reviewed and presumably approved key decisions. Of course, the board member/mentor will make sure that he or she still exercises the fiduciary duties of a board member, regardless of the more personal relationship built with the CEO.   Angel investors are good candidates to become mentors. They like to relive the glory days vicariously through investments and the entrepreneurs driving the companies. They’re interested also in helping you succeed.   Mentors can help with a specific need over a limited period of time. For example, if the start-up founding team is weak on the sales side, a seasoned vice president of sales can help build a channel. Or a marketing executive can counsel you on plotting the timeline for your go-to-market strategy. Other experienced executives could come from a customer or a supplier. You might consider approaching a university professor to assist in the technical vision of the company.   As for compensation, entrepreneurs typically offer stock options rather than cash when the company is still in the startup phase. Stock has another advantage as well because it could give a mentor an added attachment to the company and an even stronger desire to see it succeed. An appropriate equity stake for a mentor would be in the 0.25% to 1.0% range, with the higher number more appropriate for an early stage company.   In this blog, I focused on the entrepreneur’s view of having a mentor, but I’ll close with why someone would want to be a mentor. Among the many benefits, it’s profoundly satisfying to help an entrepreneurial company triumph knowing you’ve played a role.   Michel Courtoy is a former design engineer and EDA executive who sits on the board of directors at Breker Verification Systems.
  • 热度 29
    2014-2-20 09:27
    2535 次阅读|
    5 个评论
      几十年,制造业企业的第一领导者职位名称与时俱进,厂长、经理、总经理,到首席执行官(CEO),一番国外引进历程。   但是眼下国内CEO的声音越来越小了,淡化了,随之响亮的声音是“老板”。   有意思,也纳闷儿。   首先,引 起 好奇的就是一个媒体网站《世界经理人网站》的博客和论坛两个专栏首页上面都有一项醒目的信息。   都是“老板”二字在第一位。“老板”是企业编制中 的 什么职位?    看来职位名称也是引进、消化、吸收而成为本土特色之体现。   其次,引 起 好奇的是前不久的一则话题引发的讨论,参见《 一个小公司能聘请职业经理人管理吗?》。因为小公司几乎都是所谓的“老板”型公司,引申联想就是这话题实质是:老板能聘请职业经理人管理吗?   问题来了,既然业内关注“老板”的热度已经超过了CEO,就其叫管理工作也好,叫经理工作也好,“老板”的经营管理能力应该高过CEO了,可为何 要请职业经理人呢?   CEO应该是职业经理人的最高职位了。   回顾历史,分析现状, 有一些 感悟, 在此 探讨和请教。   一句话,CEO 在本国 水土不服。   慢慢道来。   摘自“MBA管理百科”如下。    CEO即首席执行官,是美国人在20世纪60年代进行公司治理结构改革创新时的产物。   由于市场风云变幻,决策的速度和执行的力度比以往任何时候都更加重要。传统的“董事会决策、经理层执行”的公司体制已经难以满足决策的需要。而且,决策层和执行层之间存在的信息传递时滞和沟通障碍、决策成本的增加,已经严重影响经理层对企业重大决 策的快速反应和执行能力。而解决这一问题的首要一点,就是让经理人拥有更多自主决策的权力,让经理人更多为自己的决策奋斗、对自己的行为负责。CEO就是这种变革的产物。CEO在某种意义上代表着将原来董事会手中的一些决策权过渡到经营层手中。   以上给CEO的定义中,就明显可以看出一个至关重要而严酷的机制或机会就是CEO可以做“老板”。 这对于资产的所有者是不可想象的: 那还了得!我呕心沥血、白手起家的家当都没啦?   个人几十年的工作经历可谓真实写照。曾几何时,怀揣理想、认认真真 的做事,希望 走职业经理人道路,结果是不尽他人意,如今 只能 认认真真做了一个“职业失业人”。   曾经共事或结识的人都不相信我曾经一个企业总经理没钱创建自己的企业或投资合伙企业。 也难怪,因为现状是绝大部分在总经理这个位置上干过的人都有“自留地“。   结论就是:中国环境之特色 没有 职业经理人的生存 土壤 。   以上,企业“老板”怎么看?在位和不在位的职业经理人怎么看?人力资源从业者怎么看?   问题: 国内 职业经理人机制之可行性何在?职业经理人何去何从? [补充]   写完了,又看到一则新闻《 如何避免“教会徒弟饿死师傅”? 》,如下。   此题目,不正好说明了老板能否聘请职业经理人吗?一个企业就是战场,实战,也是老板在教徒弟,你说老板担心不担心职业经理人?这篇文章题目就反映了中华几千年理念和行为之传承,本土文化之特色。倒是值得探讨《如何避免“职业经理人饿死老板”?》
  • 热度 24
    2010-8-10 09:59
    1699 次阅读|
    1 个评论
    上周五有一个比较轰动的新闻,在美国惠普公司连续5年任董事会主席兼CEO的马克·赫德辞职,此事源自其“性丑闻”。惠普总顾问迈克·霍尔斯顿也透露,赫德与该名女子“有染”,并向她送礼物,而后把礼物等费用当业务支出去报销。惠普公司6日发表声明称,赫德已违反了该公司商业行为准则,赫德已与董事会商定,立即辞去其个人职务。   在听闻马克·赫德因“性丑闻”而辞职后,宋山木笑了:原来玩潜规则的大有人在。如果他在中国做这种雄厚资本企业的老总,也不用潜规则,就有许多员工送上前,估计大量小秘二奶都能组成加强连了。   不过话说回来,今年可能是惠普的一个关口,出了很多问题。惠普“显卡门”曝光几个月了,在问题笔记本处理上一直就是敷衍、忽悠中国用户。   外患未除,内忧又起。有惠普的员工说:“马克·赫德的离职应该普天同庆,惠普被他折腾的体无完肤,分崩离析之后的今天,在经历了全体同仁近3年来的祈祷之后,马克·赫德终于被赶出去了。中间的痛苦和无奈,不是三言两语能说清的,每一个遭受到马克·赫德“*扰”的惠普人心里都有一本厚厚的辛酸史。”   其实很多同行都知道,所有惠普的员工已经近3年没有加薪了,并被欺骗的签下了自动减薪5%的不平等协议,到现在都还没加回来。当初所谓的共度难关,在公司业绩连续2年攀升但却打死不肯把员工的利益返还的现实之下,谎言被赤裸裸的揭穿了。在莫名其妙的被迫转移供应商到烂到掉渣的FXN之后,还大肆莫名裁员,每一个惠普的员工都能深刻的体会到,自从马克·赫德上台,惠普已经再也不是以前那个让人引以为傲的惠普了,变的功利市侩,短视唯利是图,而且毫无道义。   惠普CEO马克·赫德通过这件事情告诉我们,倒下了一个宋山木,将会起来千千万万个宋山木。而杯具的惠普,也在渐渐走下坡路了。  