原创 DS1302--MAX7219

2006-10-20 07:46 5695 11 11 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式
//DS1302 RTC drive program
//for 51 mcu with max7219 display
//designed by zhaoliang
//2005-6-16 18:27
#i nclude
#i nclude

// common PreDefinition
#define  HIGH     1
#define  LOW      0
#define  TRUE      1
#define  ZERO      0
#define  MSB       0x80
#define  LSB       0x01
// max7219 PreDefinitiont
#define  DECODE_MODE   0x09
#define  INTENSITY     0x0A
#define  SCAN_LIMIT    0x0B
#define  SHUT_DOWN     0x0C
#define  DISPLAY_TEST  0x0F
// ds1302 PreDefinition
#define  DS1302_WP    0x8E
#define  DS1302_RESET   RST="LOW";SCL="LOW";RST="HIGH"
#define  DS1302_WP_ENABLE  Write_Ds1302(DS1302_WP,0X00)
#define  DS1302_WP_DISENABLE  Write_Ds1302(DS1302_WP,0x80)

//pin defined
//change this part at different board
sbit LOAD="P1"^2; //MAX7219    Load-Data Input:    rising edge  pin 12
sbit DIN="P1"^1; //MAX7219    Serial-Data Input:   rising edge  pin 1
sbit CLK="P1"^0; //MAX7219   Serial-Clock Input:  maximum 10MHz  pin 13

sbit SCL = P1^6;// DS1302 Serial-Clock Input  pin 7
sbit SDA = P1^7;// DS1302 Serial-Data  Input  pin 6
sbit RST = P1^4;// DS1302 Chip-Seclet  Input  pin 5

//function define
void Write_Max7219_byte(unsigned char temp);//write max7219 a byte
void Write_Max7219(unsigned char address,unsigned char dat);//write max7219 command and data
void Init_Max7219(void);//Initize max7219

void Write_Ds1302_byte(unsigned char temp);
void Write_Ds1302( unsigned char address,unsigned char dat );
unsigned char Read_Ds1302 ( unsigned char address );

void Read_RTC(void);//read RTC
void Set_RTC(void);//set RTC

void Display(void);
void Initial(void);

code unsigned char set_rtc_code[3]={0x00,0x23,0x07};
code unsigned char write_rtc_address[7]={0x80,0x82,0x84,0x86,0x88,0x8a,0x8c};
code unsigned char read_rtc_address[7]={0x81,0x83,0x85,0x87,0x89,0x8b,0x8d};
unsigned char read_rtc_code[3];
void main (void)
 Initial ();
 while (1)
  Display (); 
void Initial(void)      //MAX7219初始化
void Write_Max7219_byte(unsigned char temp)
 unsigned char i;
 for (i="0";i<8;i++)     
void Write_Max7219(unsigned char address,unsigned char dat)

void Init_Max7219(void)      
 Write_Max7219(SHUT_DOWN, 0x01);     //Normal Operation XXXXXXX1 Shutdown Mode   XXXXXXXX0
 Write_Max7219(DISPLAY_TEST, 0x00);     //Normal Operation XXXXXXX0 Display Test Mode XXXXXXXX1
 Write_Max7219(DECODE_MODE, 0xdb);     //Decode Mode Select D7~D0 1 B decode 0 No decode
 Write_Max7219(SCAN_LIMIT, 0x07);     //SCAN LIMIT 0~7 0xX0~0xX7
 Write_Max7219(INTENSITY, 0x04);     //Set Intensity   0xX0~0xXf
void Write_Ds1302_Byte(unsigned  char temp)
 unsigned char i;
 for (i="0";i<8;i++)     
void Write_Ds1302( unsigned char address,unsigned char dat )    
unsigned char Read_Ds1302 ( unsigned char address )
 unsigned char i,temp="0x00",temp_temp;
 for (i="0";i<8;i++)
 return (temp);
void Read_RTC(void)
 unsigned char i,*p;
void Set_RTC(void)
 unsigned char i,*p;

void Display(void)      
 Write_Max7219(3,0x01);//no decode mode
 Write_Max7219(6,0x01);//display '-    



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