原创 Ultraedit语法高亮显示

2007-3-29 23:09 10587 8 9 分类: 软件与OS

 序: 我的需求,也可能是一类人的需求,有时候在网络上找到好东西了,总要发上来共享一下,这也许就是网络的好处吧!

Ultraedit 是我最喜欢用的编辑软件之一,很方便,支持语法高亮,折叠等等,编程很舒服,前段时间一直学习verilog,所以就找了verilog的高亮显示的wordfile,今天晚上用到了vhdl,发现没有高亮,看着实在不爽,找吧,果真有,还很多呢,所以就整理上来了,以被不时之需!




Additional Downloads

* This page has been put together to provide you, the user, with wordfiles, macros, tag lists, and autocomplete files generated for different programming languages, all of which have been developed by other users.

* IDM has not necesessarily tried all the wordfiles, macros, tag lists, and autocomplete files here so use them with care, however, we only add the files that we believe to be helpful.

* If you have any suggestions or contributions you would like make to this page, please send an email to me.

* If wordfiles, macros, tag lists, dictionaries, or autocomplete files are not what you intended to download, please return to the Main Downloads page for UltraEdit or UltraCompare Shareware Evaluation Files.


Each wordfile contains one language. Each wordfile has been set up to be language twenty "/L20" (UltraEdit supports up to twenty languages - "/L1" to "/L20" - in one wordfile at the same time). With this in mind, you should be able to open the file in your browser and copy it and append it to your existing wordfile without too much difficulty.

The "/Lnn" number corresponds to the language's position in the Language Lists that are available via the follwing dialogs:

  1. View --> View As (Highlighting File Type)
  2. Advanced --> Configuration --> Syntax Highlighting --> Language dropdown

If a new language is added as "/L20", for example, the language list will look like this:

     8. ...
     9. JavaScript
     10. language 10
     19. language 19
     20. The New Language You Added

The default languages in wordfile.txt are numbered from /L1 to /L9. New languages that are added should not conflict with those, or with each other. For example, Python 2 and and Unix Shell Scripts are *both* numbered /L20. So one or the other has to change, if both extensions are to be added. You add new languages by appending the contents of appropriate wordfile to wordfile.txt.

If it is desired to incorporate multiple wordfiles into the default wordfile it may be easiest to download and save these in a temporary directory and work from the saved local copies while editing the wordfile. You can open the active wordfile for editing by going to Advanced -> Configuration -> Syntax Highlighting (in UltraEdit) and clicking on the Open button.

To edit wordfile.txt go to Advanced --> Configuration --> Syntax Highlighting and click on the "Open" button beside the "Full path name for wordlist". After editing the file, it is not necessary to restart UltraEdit. The changes take effect immediately, as may be seen by reloading a file with an extension listed in one of the newly added wordfiles.

In the case of the zip files you will need to download these and unzip them and then copy and paste the wordfiles from the archive. UltraEdit's help file includes help on modifying the wordfile if it is needed under Syntax Highlighting.

Click on the type of item you wish to download:



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