原创 编程器厂商专题 -- 艾科

2009-2-1 22:43 6833 8 9 分类: EDA/ IP/ 设计与制造

属欧洲品牌,创建于1991年,创办时仅有三个雇员,现已发展到68人的设计团队。 ELNEC的定位是研发并制造开发工具,如设备编程器,模拟器,仿真器,以及逻辑分析仪。目前艾科主要产品是高质量的设备编程器。(注:该段介绍是我根据英文翻译来的,有不当之处,请各位网友指出,谢谢。)




Multiprogramming systems

Beehive4 Multiprogramming system

BeeHive8S - Multiprogramming system  一拖八系统

Fast universal 8x 48-pindrive stand-alone concurrent multiprogramming system for virtually all programmable chips, based on the 8x BeeProg+ - like device programmers.

? Availability in stock: 3

Beehive4 Multiprogramming system

BeeHive4+ - Multiprogramming system 一拖四

Extremely fast universal 4x 48-pindrive concurrent multiprogramming system, based on the 4x BeeProg+ - like programmer.

? Availability in stock: 43

Beeprog Multiprogramming system

BeeProg+ / BeeProg - Multiprogramming system 单机组多机

Universal and flexible multiprogramming system for virtually all programmable chips, based on the BeeProg+ device programmer.

? Availability in stock: 193


Universal programmers 通用烧录器

Beeprog+ device programmer


Extremely fast universal USB/LPT interfaced programmer.
No adapter required for any DIL devices.
USB/LPT connection to PC.
ISP capability.

? Availability in stock: 193

SmartProg2 device programmer


Universal very fast programmer, 40 pindrivers.
No adapter required for any DIL devices.
ISP capability.
Connection to PC: USB port.

? Availability in stock: 166

Specialized programmers 专用烧录器

T51prog2 device programmer


Portable and very fast programmer of MCS51 series and Atmel AVR microcontrollers.
ISP capability.
Upgradeable to SmartProg2 device programmer.

? Availability in stock: 17

PIKprog2 device programmer


Portable and very fast programmer of Microchip PICmicro series microcontrollers.
ISP capability.
Upgradeable to SmartProg2 device programmer.

? Availability in stock: 1

MEMprog2 device programmer


Portable and very fast programmer of EPROM/EEPROM/Flash EPROM/serial EEPROM up to 40 pins.
Low voltage types support.
Upgradeable to SmartProg2 device programmer.

? Availability in stock: 39

MEMprogL device programmer


Portable and fast programmer of EPROM/EEPROM/Flash EPROM/serial EEPROM up to 32 pins.
Low voltage types support.

? Availability in stock: 83

MEMprog device programmer


Portable and very fast programmer of EPROM/EEPROM/Flash EPROM/serial EEPROM up to 40 pins.
Low voltage types support.

? Availability in stock: 0 askNote: Next batch will be available within 10 days. Please clik to get more information.

SEEprog device programmer


Serial EEPROM programmer.

? Availability in stock: 92



About Elnec

Elnec was founded in 1991. It started with only three employees. At present the company has 48 inside employees and has another 20 external employees working in close co-operation. At its conception, the company was oriented towards developing and manufacturing developer tools like device programmers, emulators, simulators and logic analyzers. High quality device programmers are our products at present.

Elnec programmers are sold through contracted distributors in more than 40 countries. We co-operate as ODM partner with B&K Precision (USA), Grifo (Italy) and Dataman (UK, USA). You can find Elnec programmers in brand name catalogues of companies like Conrad, Schuricht (Germany), Distrelec (Switzerland), Elfa (Sweden), Mouser, Newtek, (USA) and others.

We pride ourselves in offering high quality, well designed products, at very affordable and competitive prices. We provide exceptional 3 years warranty for all of our multiprogrammers and universal programmers. The complete range of our programmers are CE certified.

We love satisfied customers - the motto of Elnec. We take pride in our work and products and we do our best to satisfy customers as much as possible.




用户1127978 2009-6-18 18:31

非常感谢版主对elnec产品的认可和关注. 本公司是艾科elnec编程器大中华区的总代理. 如有业务或技术上需求请联络我们: 华南区: Tel:0755-27889877 Fax:0755-27889018 QQ:657733631 Email:prosz@prosystems.com.cn 华东区: TEL: 0512-8717 1109 FAX: 0512-6288 4318 Email:prosuz@prosystems.com.cn 网址:www.prosystems.com.cn 诚招 台湾/香港 经销商 联系电话: 13823581257/Sunny Chou email: sales@prosystems.com.cn
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