原创 USB3.0 IP Core Solution

2009-1-15 11:11 1749 1 1 分类: EDA/ IP/ 设计与制造

VinChip 推出应用于USB3.0控制器和验证的IP,该方案也提供了基于WinCE

LinuxECOSSuper Speed USB测试平台。

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     The Vinchip VUSB30DC core provides a USB functional device controller that conforms to the USB 3.0 specification for Super-Speed (5Gbps, 480 and 12 Mbps) functions. The core is user-configurable for up to 15 IN Endpoints and up to 15 OUT Endpoints in addition to Endpoint 0 (EP0). These additional Endpoints can be individually programmed for bulk/interrupt or isochronous transfers.

     Each Endpoint requires an associated FIFO. The VUSB30DC has a RAM interface for connecting to a single block of synchronous dual-port RAM. The FIFO for Endpoint 0 is fixed at 64 bytes. The other Endpoint FIFOs may range upto the Maximum packet size of bytes in size and can buffer 1 or more packets. Separate FIFOs may be associated with each Endpoint.




Verification Testbench

USB3.0 Device / Hub Verification Test-Bench The Vinchip USB3.0 Host odel Verification IP, which is included in the Vinchip USB3.0 Device / Hub Controller Core IP, provides a quick and efficient way to verify USB3.0 based

designs for all the USB Interface versions - USB1.1, USB2.0, USB3.0 and its Transceiver Interfaces UTMI / UTMI+ and UTMI+Low Pin Interface (ULPI) along with the USB3.0 transceiver extensions.





Corad Technology嘉兆科技

Ray Jiang  姜栋军

Tel:    021-64669185-803

Mail: ray_jiang@tnm-corad.com.cn

MSN: rayjiang2008@hotmail.com



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