为了让一部分有共同特点的人(家人、厨师或相同爱好者等)能互相联系或讨论,就建立了一个邮件列表(Maillist)。其表面上看只是一个邮箱地址,比如linux-arm-kernel-owner@lists.arm.linux.org.uk (一个armlinux的Maillist),但是当你给这个地址发信以后,会自动发给在这个Maillist里的所有人。
需要注意的是:加入Maillist之前必须预订(subscribe),其实就是注册。具体方法是找到这个Maillist的List admin网址,进入后写入你自己的邮箱。之后Maillist会回复给你一封邮件,再按照里面的提示就能加入该邮件列表了。
Everyone has a need or desire to communicate ideas or news about topics of common interest. Friends and families want to stay in touch, hobbyist like to help each other, cooks like to trade recipes, teachers need to communicate with their students, fan clubs exist to share news and keep current, people with problems seek others with the same challenges... the list is endless. And it seems like there is list for every area of interest - all you have to do is find it.
Mailing lists are communities of people formed around a topic of common interest, and have been around since the beginning of the Internet. A mailing list allows people to send email to each other easily. Instead of sending email to everyone on the list, subscribers of a mailing list can send their email to one address, which will then automatically send the message to everyone else. With our mailing list, that address is xs11@egroups.com. You must, subscribe to the list before you send mail to the list.
With mailing lists, you have three subscription options. You can subscribe to the normal version of the list, which means that every email that is sent to the list is sent immediately to you. You can also subscribe to the digest version of the list, which means that you will get one email each night that contains all the email sent to the list during the day. The digest mode is especially useful for people with finicky ISPs such as AOL. Finally, you can subscribe in no mail/online only mode.