原创 台湾ACX公司介绍

2007-6-25 11:42 16524 8 12 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式
英文全称:Advanced Ceramic X Corpora

公司成立于1998年,国内第一家利用低温共烧陶瓷 (LTCC) 技术研发与制造无线通讯组件与模块。 至今璟德是全台湾第一大,也是唯一材料与电路设计、制造皆自主的无线通讯高频整合组件专业厂。 研发方面已取得数项我国及美国专利。 营业绩效年年创新高,于2004年上兴柜。 荣誉奖章 1.荣获经济部颁发2001年度「第八届中小企业创新研究奖」 2.荣获经济部颁发2003年度「第十届中小企业创新研究奖」 3.荣获经济部颁发2004年「第七届小巨人奖」 4.因卓著的企业经营绩效,荣获经济部颁发中小企业最高荣誉的2004年「第十三届国家盘石奖」 单位愿景 提供 高频积层陶瓷组件整体解决方案。
1998 公司成立,国内第一家利用低温共烧陶瓷 (LTCC) 技术研发与制造无线通讯组件与模块。 1999 自建厂房完成;取得数项我国专利;国内第一家正式量产 0402 高频积层陶瓷芯片电感。 2000 取得ISO-9001国际质量认证通过;通过经济部工业局主导性新产品「无线通讯零组件开发」之补助案;在经济部工业合作小组的支持下,本公司与法商汤姆笙(Thomson-CSF)及其子公司SOREP,签署无线通讯射频积层陶瓷模块开发技术移转,结合两家既有的材料制程与设计能力,进行射频积层陶瓷模块开发;高频积层陶瓷芯片低通滤波器正式量产(国内第一家);取得数项我国及美国专利。 2001 取得QS-9000国际质量认证通过;荣获经济部颁布「90年度第八届中小企业创新研究奖」;取得经济部工业局主导性新产品「微小化双频开关陶瓷模块」之补助案;高频积层陶瓷芯片带通滤波器、双工器、耦合器、阻抗转换器正式量产(国内第一家);取得数项我国及美国专利。 2002 量产无线局域网络(WLAN)与蓝芽模块所需的高频积层陶瓷零组件(国内第一家);高频积层陶瓷芯片天线正式量产;取得数项我国及美国专利。 2003 正式量产蓝芽模块基板与0201高频积层陶瓷芯片电感 (国内第一家);荣获经济部颁布「92年度第十届中小企业创新研究奖」;取得数项我国专利。 2004 取得ISO-14000国际质量认证通过;取得数项我国专利;新厂扩建完成;因卓著的外销绩效,荣获经济部颁布「第七届小巨人奖」;因卓著的企业经营绩效,荣获经济部颁布中小企业最高荣誉的「第十三届国家盘石奖」。 2005 取得华硕绿色伙伴质量认证(Green Management System Verification); 因卓著的营收及获利成长,荣获勤业众信颁发的「台湾高科技Fast-50奖」与「亚太地区高科技Fast-500奖」。 1998 ACX was founded, and focused on the production of multilayer ceramic devices for applications in the areas of wireless communication. 1999 Factory was completed; Start manufacturing 0402 high frequency chip inductors; Implement ERP system. Receive several Taiwan patents. 2000 ISO 9001 certified; Receive research grant on the development of wireless communication components from the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan; Start manufacturing low-pass filters; Receive several Taiwan and US patents. 2001 QS-9000 certified; Receive the 8th Research Innovation Award given by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan; Receive 2nd research grant on the development of wireless communication modules from the MOEA, Taiwan; Start manufacturing band-pass filters, diplexers, couplers and baluns; Receive several patents from Taiwan and US. 2002 Receive several Taiwan and US patents. Start manufacturing high-frequency ceramic components for WLAN and bluetooth application. 2003 Start manufacturing Bluetooth substrates and 0201 high-frequency chip inductors; Receive the 10th Research Innovation Award given by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan; Receive several Taiwan patents. 2004 ISO-14001 certified; Receive several Taiwan patents; Complete factory expansion -- Double the floor space and manufacturing capacity; Receive the 7th Rising Star Award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA),Taiwan. The award is to recognize “the exceptional efforts of ACX in developing itself into the global community and its successful achievement of remarkable competitive edge in the global market under the sound remarkable management. It is acknowledged as a shining model company to all….;” Receive the 13th National Award of Small and Medium Enterprises from the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan. The award, which is the highest honor for small and medium enterprises, is to recognize the exceptional business performance of ACX. It is acknowledged as a model company to all….” 2005 Receive the Green Management System Certificate from ASUS. Receive the Taiwan Technology Fast-50 and Asia Pacific Technology Fast-500 Awards from the Deloitte & Touche. The awards are to recognize “the exceptional growth in revenue and profit of ACX in Taiwan and Asia Pacific’s technology areas…”

TEL : +886-3-5987008 ext 292 FAX : +886-3-5987001 Mail : acx@acxc.com.tw Address : ACX Corp. 16 Tzu Chiang Road, Hsinchu Industrial District, Hsinchu Hsien, Taiwan,330



用户377235 2012-7-11 17:30

请推荐几家深圳的代理商,谢谢! Email: pur@hoperf.com

用户377235 2012-4-27 12:00


用户661053 2009-7-23 15:57

请问贵司在深圳是否有分公司或是代理商吗?如有能否联系我? 我的邮箱WILLBET234@YAHOO.COM.CN!非常感谢!

用户1229969 2009-3-17 15:02

我是深圳市安捷伦电子科技有限/李先生,需贵司产品:BF3216-B2R4DAA   /DP2012-E1924BA/TA915FC/请提供代理给我司,电话13510331021  邮箱;LKG1668@163.com

用户1641234 2008-7-25 11:27


用户129341 2008-3-4 14:55

能否发BL2012-10B2450T LF BF2520-B2R4CACT LF 资料 谢谢 liulangxing@126.com

用户60871 2008-2-20 11:48

Part.                Vendor       Description

1. BL2012-10B1600         ACX      L-Band Balun

2. AT7020-B1R5HAA        ACX      L-Band Antenna




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