原创 fedora8配置之省电小技巧关显示器

2009-4-15 23:02 2025 7 6 分类: 软件与OS


      First of all, what is DPMS? DPMS is the interface to the Energy Star
power saving functions for your monitor. Basically it lets your monitor
suspend and power off automatically from inactivity. It is nice So
lets see how we set it up!

      First, the requirements. You will need X Windows (XFree86 4.x or
X.org 6.7 or greater). You will also need an X Server that supports the
DPMS calls (to the best of my knowledge basically every X Server out
there supports this now).

      Next we need to make a few modifications to our X config file (XF86Config, XF86Config-4 or xorg.conf).

In the Monitor section add:

Next, in the ServerLayout section add:

You can actually use only one of these lines or any combination of
the three. I personally only use "OffTime" and have it set to "10".
Feel free to just play with these to see what you like best.

After you have set those simple options DPMS should be working in X
Windows for you. Enjoy your cooler room and lower power bill

Fun with xset

So...now you want to change your DPMS settings on the fly do you? Well good thing for xset If you just type xset one of the help sections show this:

I believe you can also do something like

This says standby after 300 seconds, suspend at 600, and off at 900.



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