原创 适合电机控制的S08MP16 单片机

2010-1-12 16:14 2494 5 3 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式

S08MP16 系列单片机适合于直流无刷电机控制(BLDC),它在一个小封装中集成了丰富的模拟功能和定时器,是一个安全、高性价比的解决方案。 

更多关于 S08MP16 单片机的说明在FreeScale的网站 www.freescale.com/S08MP16.

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Freescale Semiconductor


The S08MP16 delivers smooth, safe, sensorless BLDC motor control for around $1 (at volume) across a wide speed range of industrial, consumer and automotive applications and a broad ecosystem of enablement tools at your fingertips.

The S08MP16 has been designed with motor control in mind:

  • Two dedicated motor control FlexTimers enable dead-time insertion and fault protection in hardware giving increased motor precision and reduced software complexity.
  • Three analog comparators combined with the 12-bit ADC enable reduced speed dithering in high-speed applications. Used in conjunction with the FlexTimer, they also provide over-current protection and, in turn, safer motor operation.
  • Programmable gain amplifier, independently clocked COP, and a cyclic redundancy check engine. The latter provide clock failure protection and memory content validation for safety-critical applications implementing IEC60730.
The S08MP16 is supported by the DEMO9S08MP16 demo board, an extensive range of motor control reference designs and software libraries, and complimentary analog products including the MC33937 3-ph FET pre-driver and MC33880/87, MC33926/32 and H-bridges.

Register for the opportunity to win a free S0MP16 demo board.


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