原创 Microchip C30 的内部函数

2010-9-26 09:19 12926 9 7 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式

Microchip C30有一些内部函数,使用这些函数,可以实现一些比较底层的功能。这样的好处是可以不需要使用嵌入式汇编,可以简化程序,也方便代码维护。


Built-In Function List



Add accumulators A and B with the result written back to the specified accumulator. For example:

register int result asm("A");

register int B asm("A");

result = __builtin_addab(result,B);

will generate:

add A


int __builtin_addab(int Accum_a, int Accum_b);


Accum_a First accumulator to add.

Accum_b Second accumulator to add.

Return Value:

Returns the addition result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if the result is not an accumulator register.



Add value to the accumulator specified by result with a shift specified by literal shift. For example:

register int result asm("A");

int value;

result = __builtin_add(result,value,0);

If value is held in w0, the following will be generated:

add w0, #0, A


int __builtin_add(int Accum,int value,

const int shift);


Accum Accumulator to add.

value Integer number to add to accumulator value.

shift Amount to shift resultant accumulator value.

Return Value:

Returns the shifted addition result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

argument 0 is not an accumulator

the shift value is not a literal within range



This function will generate a btg machine instruction.

Some examples include:

int i; /* near by default */

int l __attribute__((far));

struct foo {

int bit1:1;

} barbits;

int bar;

void some_bittoggles() {

register int j asm("w9");

int k;

k = i;





return j+k;


Note that taking the address of a variable in a register will produce warning by the compiler and cause the register to be saved onto the stack (so that its address may be taken); this form is not recommended. This caution only applies to variables explicitly placed in registers by the programmer.


void __builtin_btg(unsigned int *, unsigned int 0xn);


* A pointer to the data item for which a bit should be toggled.

0xn A literal value in the range of 0 to 15.

Return Value:

Returns a btg machine instruction.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if the parameter values are not within range



Clear the specified accumulator. For example:

register int result asm("A");

result = __builtin_clr();

will generate:

clr A


int __builtin_clr(void);



Return Value:

Returns the cleared value result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if the result is not an accumulator register.



Clear an accumulator and prefetch data ready for a future MAC operation.

xptr may be null to signify no X prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of xincr and xval are ignored, but required.

yptr may be null to signify no Y prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of yincr and yval are ignored, but required.

xval and yval nominate the address of a C variable where the prefetched value will be stored.

xincr and yincr may be the literal values: -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6 or an integer value.

If AWB is non null, the other accumulator will be written back into the referenced variable.

For example:

register int result asm("A");

register int B asm("B");

int x_memory_buffer[256]


int y_memory_buffer[256]


int *xmemory;

int *ymemory;

int awb;

int xVal, yVal;

xmemory = x_memory_buffer;

ymemory = y_memory_buffer;

result = __builtin_clr(&xmemory, &xVal, 2,

&ymemory, &yVal, 2, &awb, B);

might generate:

clr A, [w8]+=2, w4, [w10]+=2, w5, w13

The compiler may need to spill w13 to ensure that it is available for the write-back. It may be recommended to users that the register be claimed for this purpose.

After this instruction:

result will be cleared

xVal will contain x_memory_buffer[0]

yVal will contain y_memory_buffer[0]

xmemory and ymemory will be incremented by 2, ready for the next mac operation


int __builtin_clr_prefetch(

int **xptr, int *xval, int xincr,

int **yptr, int *yval, int yincr, int *AWB,

int AWB_accum);


xptr Integer pointer to x prefetch.

xval Integer value of x prefetch.

xincr Integer increment value of x prefetch.

yptr Integer pointer to y prefetch.

yval Integer value of y prefetch.

yincr Integer increment value of y prefetch.

AWB Accumulator write back location.

AWB_accum Accumulator to write back.

Return Value:

Returns the cleared value result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

xval is a null value but xptr is not null

yval is a null value but yptr is not null

AWB_accum is not an accumulator and AWB is not null



Computes the quotient num / den. A math error exception occurs if den is zero. Function arguments are unsigned, as is the function result.


unsigned int __builtin_divf(unsigned int num,

unsigned int den);


num numerator

den denominator

Return Value:

Returns the unsigned integer value of the quotient num / den.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:




Issues the 16-bit architecture's native signed divide support with the same restrictions given in the "dsPIC30F/33FProgrammer's Reference Manual" (DS70157). Notably, if the quotient does not fit into a 16-bit result, the results (including remainder) are unexpected. This form of the built-in function will capture both the quotient and remainder.


signed int __builtin_divmodsd(
signed long 
dividend, signed int divisor,
signed int *


dividend number to be divided

divisor number to divide by

remainder pointer to remainder

Return Value:

Quotient and remainder.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages




Issues the 16-bit architecture's native unsigned divide support with the same restrictions given in the "dsPIC30F/33FProgrammer's Reference Manual" (DS70157). Notably, if the quotient does not fit into a 16-bit result, the results (including remainder) are unexpected. This form of the built-in function will capture both the quotient and remainder.


unsigned int __builtin_divmodud(
unsigned long 
dividend, unsigned int divisor,
unsigned int *


dividend number to be divided

divisor number to divide by

remainder pointer to remainder

Return Value:

Quotient and remainder.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages




Computes the quotient num / den. A math error exception occurs if den is zero. Function arguments are signed, as is the function result. The command-line option -Wconversions can be used to detect unexpected sign conversions.


int __builtin_divsd(const long num, const int den);


num numerator

den denominator

Return Value:

Returns the signed integer value of the quotient num / den.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:




Computes the quotient num / den. A math error exception occurs if den is zero. Function arguments are unsigned, as is the function result. The command-line option -Wconversions can be used to detect unexpected sign conversions.


unsigned int __builtin_divud(const unsigned 
num, const unsigned int den);


num numerator

den denominator

Return Value:

Returns the unsigned integer value of the quotient num / den.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:




Obtains the offset of a symbol within DMA memory.

For example:

unsigned int result;

char buffer[256] __attribute__((space(dma)));

result = __builtin_dmaoffset(&buffer);

Might generate:

mov #dmaoffset(buffer), w0


unsigned int __builtin_dmaoffset(const void *p);


*p pointer to DMA address value

Return Value:

Returns the offset to a variable located in DMA memory.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if the parameter is not the address of a global symbol.



Squares sqr, returning it as the result. Also prefetches data for future square operation by computing **xptr - **yptr and storing the result in *distance.

xincr and yincr may be the literal values: -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6 or an integer value.

For example:

register int result asm("A");

int *xmemory, *ymemory;

int distance;

result = __builtin_ed(distance,

&xmemory, 2,

&ymemory, 2,


might generate:

ed w4*w4, A, [w8]+=2, [W10]+=2, w4


int __builtin_ed(int sqr, int **xptr, int xincr,

int **yptr, int yincr, int *distance);


sqr Integer squared value.

xptr Integer pointer to pointer to x prefetch.

xincr Integer increment value of x prefetch.

yptr Integer pointer to pointer to y prefetch.

yincr Integer increment value of y prefetch.

distance Integer pointer to distance.

Return Value:

Returns the squared result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

xptr is null

yptr is null

distance is null



Squares sqr and sums with the nominated accumulator register, returning it as the result. Also prefetches data for future square operation by computing **xptr - **yptrand storing the result in *distance .

xincr and yincr may be the literal values: -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6 or an integer value.

For example:

register int result asm("A");

int *xmemory, *ymemory;

int distance;

result = __builtin_ed(result, distance,

&xmemory, 2,

&ymemory, 2,


might generate:

edac w4*w4, A, [w8]+=2, [W10]+=2, w4


int __builtin_edac(int Accum, int sqr,

int **xptr, int xincr, int **yptr, int yincr,

int *distance);


Accum Accumulator to sum.

sqr Integer squared value.

xptr Integer pointer to pointer to x prefetch.

xincr Integer increment value of x prefetch.

yptr Integer pointer to pointer to y prefetch.

yincr Integer increment value of y prefetch.

distance Integer pointer to distance.

Return Value:

Returns the squared result to specified accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

Accum is not an accumulator register

xptr is null

yptr is null

distance is null



Finds the first bit change from left in value. This is useful for dynamic scaling of fixed-point data. For example:

int result, value;

result = __builtin_fbcl(value);

might generate:

fbcl w4, w5


int __builtin_fbcl(int value);


value Integer number of first bit change.

Return Value:

Returns the shifted addition result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if the result is not an accumulator register.



Shifts value by shift (a literal between -8 and 7) and returns the value to be stored into the accumulator register. For example:

register int result asm("A");

int value;

result = __builtin_lac(value,3);

Might generate:

lac w4, #3, A


int __builtin_lac(int value, int shift);


value Integer number to be shifted.

shift Literal amount to shift.

Return Value:

Returns the shifted addition result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

the shift value is not a literal within range



Computes a x b and sums with accumulator; also prefetches data ready for a future MAC operation.

xptr may be null to signify no X prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of xincr and xval are ignored, but required.

yptr may be null to signify no Y prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of yincr and yval are ignored, but required.

xval and yval nominate the address of a C variable where the prefetched value will be stored.

xincr and yincr may be the literal values: -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6 or an integer value.

If AWB is non null, the other accumulator will be written back into the referenced variable.

For example:

register int result asm("A");

register int B asm("B");

int *xmemory;

int *ymemory;

int xVal, yVal;

result = __builtin_mac(result, xVal, yVal,

&xmemory, &xVal, 2,

&ymemory, &yVal, 2, 0, B);

might generate:

mac w4*w5, A, [w8]+=2, w4, [w10]+=2, w5


int __builtin_mac(int Accum, int a, int b,

int **xptr, int *xval, int xincr,

int **yptr, int *yval, int yincr, int *AWB,

int AWB_accum);


Accum Accumulator to sum.

a Integer multiplicand.

b Integer multiplier.

xptr Integer pointer to pointer to x prefetch.

xval Integer pointer to value of x prefetch.

xincr Integer increment value of x prefetch.

yptr Integer pointer to pointer to y prefetch.

yval Integer pointer to value of y prefetch.

yincr Integer increment value of y prefetch.

AWB Accumulator write-back location.

AWB_accum Accumulator to write-back.

Return Value:

Returns the cleared value result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

Accum is not an accumulator register

xval is a null value but xptr is not null

yval is a null value but yptr is not null

AWB_accum is not an accumulator register and AWB is not null



Issues the 16-bit architecture's native signed divide support with the same restrictions given in the "dsPIC30F/33FProgrammer's Reference Manual" (DS70157). Notably, if the quotient does not fit into a 16-bit result, the results (including remainder) are unexpected. This form of the built-in function will capture only the remainder.


signed int __builtin_modsd(signed long dividend,
signed int 


dividend number to be divided

divisor number to divide by

Return Value:


Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages




Issues the 16-bit architecture's native unsigned divide support with the same restrictions given in the "dsPIC30F/33FProgrammer's Reference Manual" (DS70157). Notably, if the quotient does not fit into a 16-bit result, the results (including remainder) are unexpected. This form of the built-in function will capture only the remainder.


unsigned int __builtin_modud(unsigned long dividend,
unsigned int 


dividend number to be divided

divisor number to divide by

Return Value:


Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages




Computes nothing, but prefetches data ready for a future MAC operation.

xptr may be null to signify no X prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of xincr and xval are ignored, but required.

yptr may be null to signify no Y prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of yincr and yval are ignored, but required.

xval and yval nominate the address of a C variable where the prefetched value will be stored.

xincr and yincr may be the literal values: -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6 or an integer value.

If AWB is non null, the other accumulator will be written back into the referenced variable.

For example:

register int result asm("A");

int *xmemory;

int *ymemory;

int xVal, yVal;

result = __builtin_movsac(&xmemory, &xVal, 2,

&ymemory, &yVal, 2, 0, 0);

might generate:

movsac A, [w8]+=2, w4, [w10]+=2, w5


int __builtin_movsac(

int **xptr, int *xval, int xincr,

int **yptr, int *yval, int yincr, int *AWB

int AWB_accum);


xptr Integer pointer to pointer to x prefetch.

xval Integer pointer to value of x prefetch.

xincr Integer increment value of x prefetch.

yptr Integer pointer to pointer to y prefetch.

yval Integer pointer to value of y prefetch.

yincr Integer increment value of y prefetch.

AWB Accumulator write back location.

AWB_accum Accumulator to write back.

Return Value:

Returns prefetch data.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

xval is a null value but xptr is not null

yval is a null value but yptr is not null

AWB_accum is not an accumulator register and AWB is not null



Computes a x b ; also prefetches data ready for a future MAC operation.

xptr may be null to signify no X prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of xincr and xval are ignored, but required.

yptr may be null to signify no Y prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of yincr and yval are ignored, but required.

xval and yval nominate the address of a C variable where the prefetched value will be stored.

xincr and yincr may be the literal values: -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6 or an integer value.

For example:

register int result asm("A");

int *xmemory;

int *ymemory;

int xVal, yVal;

result = __builtin_mpy(xVal, yVal,

&xmemory, &xVal, 2,

&ymemory, &yVal, 2);

might generate:

mac w4*w5, A, [w8]+=2, w4, [w10]+=2, w5


int __builtin_mpy(int a, int b,

int **xptr, int *xval, int xincr,

int **yptr, int *yval, int yincr);


a Integer multiplicand.

b Integer multiplier.

xptr Integer pointer to pointer to x prefetch.

xval Integer pointer to value of x prefetch.

xincr Integer increment value of x prefetch.

yptr Integer pointer to pointer to y prefetch.

yval Integer pointer to value of y prefetch.

yincr Integer increment value of y prefetch.

AWB Integer pointer to accumulator selection.

Return Value:

Returns the cleared value result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

xval is a null value but xptr is not null

yval is a null value but yptr is not null



Computes -a x b ; also prefetches data ready for a future MAC operation.

xptr may be null to signify no X prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of xincr and xval are ignored, but required.

yptr may be null to signify no Y prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of yincr and yval are ignored, but required.

xval and yval nominate the address of a C variable where the prefetched value will be stored.

xincr and yincr may be the literal values: -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6 or an integer value.

For example:

register int result asm("A");

int *xmemory;

int *ymemory;

int xVal, yVal;

result = __builtin_mpy(xVal, yVal,

&xmemory, &xVal, 2,

&ymemory, &yVal, 2);

might generate:

mac w4*w5, A, [w8]+=2, w4, [w10]+=2, w5


int __builtin_mpyn(int a, int b,

int **xptr, int *xval, int xincr,

int **yptr, int *yval, int yincr);


aInteger multiplicand.

bInteger multiplier.

xptrInteger pointer to pointer to x prefetch.

xvalInteger pointer to value of x prefetch.

xincrInteger increment value of x prefetch.

yptrInteger pointer to pointer to y prefetch.

yvalInteger pointer to value of y prefetch.

yincrInteger increment value of y prefetch.

AWBInteger pointer to accumulator selection.

Return Value:

Returns the cleared value result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

xval is a null value but xptr is not null

yval is a null value but yptr is not null



Computes a x b and subtracts from accumulator; also prefetches data ready for a future MAC operation.

xptr may be null to signify no X prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of xincr and xval are ignored, but required.

yptr may be null to signify no Y prefetch to be performed, in which case the values of yincr and yval are ignored, but required.

xval and yval nominate the address of a C variable where the prefetched value will be stored.

xincr and yincr may be the literal values: -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6 or an integer value.

If AWB is non null, the other accumulator will be written back into the referenced variable.

For example:

register int result asm("A");

int *xmemory;

int *ymemory;

int xVal, yVal;

result = __builtin_msc(result, xVal, yVal,

&xmemory, &xVal, 2,

&ymemory, &yVal, 2, 0, 0);

might generate:

msc w4*w5, A, [w8]+=2, w4, [w10]+=2, w5


int __builtin_msc(int Accum, int a, int b,

int **xptr, int *xval, int xincr,

int **yptr, int *yval, int yincr, int *AWB,

int AWB_accum);


AccumIAccumulator to sum.

aInteger multiplicand.

bInteger multiplier.

xptrInteger pointer to pointer to x prefetch.

xvalInteger pointer to value of x prefetch.

xincrInteger increment value of x prefetch.

yptrInteger pointer to pointer to y prefetch.

yvalInteger pointer to value of y prefetch.

yincrInteger increment value of y prefetch.

AWBAccumulator write back location.

AWB_accumAccumulator to write back.

Return Value:

Returns the cleared value result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

Accum is not an accumulator register

xval is a null value but xptr is not null

yval is a null value but yptr is not null

AWB_accum is not an accumulator register and AWB is not null



Computes the product p0 x p1. Function arguments are signed integers, and the function result is a signed long integer. The command-line option -Wconversions can be used to detect unexpected sign conversions.


signed long __builtin_mulss(const signed int p0, const signed int p1);



p1 multiplier

Return Value:

Returns the signed long integer value of the product p0 x p1.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:




Computes the product p0 x p1. Function arguments are integers with mixed signs, and the function result is a signed long integer. The command-line option -Wconversions can be used to detect unexpected sign conversions. This function supports the full range of addressing modes of the instruction, including immediate mode for operand p1.


signed long __builtin_mulsu(const signed int p0, const unsigned int p1);



p1 multiplier

Return Value:

Returns the signed long integer value of the product p0 x p1.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:




Computes the product p0 x p1. Function arguments are integers with mixed signs, and the function result is a signed long integer. The command-line option -Wconversions can be used to detect unexpected sign conversions. This function supports the full range of addressing modes of the instruction.


signed long __builtin_mulus(const unsigned int p0, const signed int p1);



p1 multiplier

Return Value:

Returns the signed long integer value of the product p0 x p1.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:




Computes the product p0 x p1. Function arguments are unsigned integers, and the function result is an unsigned long integer. The command-line option -Wconversions can be used to detect unexpected sign conversions. This function supports the full range of addressing modes of the instruction, including immediate mode for operand p1.


unsigned long __builtin_muluu(const unsigned int p0, const unsigned int p1);



p1 multiplier

Return Value:

Returns the signed long integer value of the product p0 x p1.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:




Generates a nop instruction.


void __builtin_nop(void);



Return Value:

Returns a no operation (nop).

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:




Returns the psv page number of the object whose address is given as a parameter. The argument p must be the address of an object in an EE data, PSV or executable memory space; otherwise an error message is produced and the compilation fails. See the spaceattribute in Section 2.3.1 "Specifying Attributes of Variables".


unsigned int __builtin_psvpage(const void *p);


pobject address

Return Value:

Returns the psv page number of the object whose address is given as a parameter.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

The following error message is produced when this function is used incorrectly:

"Argument to __builtin_psvpage() is not the address of an object in code, psv, or eedata section".

The argument must be an explicit object address.

For example, if obj is object in an executable or read-only section, the following syntax is valid:

unsigned page = __builtin_psvpage(&obj);



Returns the psv page offset of the object whose address is given as a parameter. The argument p must be the address of an object in an EE data, PSV or executable memory space; otherwise an error message is produced and the compilation fails. See the spaceattribute in Section 2.3.1 "Specifying Attributes of Variables".


unsigned int __builtin_psvoffset(const void *p);


pobject address

Return Value:

Returns the psv page number offset of the object whose address is given as a parameter.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

The following error message is produced when this function is used incorrectly:

"Argument to __builtin_psvoffset() is not the address of an object in code, psv, or eedata section".

The argument must be an explicit object address.

For example, if obj is object in an executable or read-only section, the following syntax is valid:

unsigned page = __builtin_psvoffset(&obj);



Reads the SFR.


unsigned int __builtin_readsfr(const void *p);


pobject address

Return Value:

Returns the SFR.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

The following error message is produced when this function is used incorrectly:



Returns the return address of the current function, or of one of its callers. For the levelargument, a value of 0 yields the return address of the current function, a value of 1 yields the return address of the caller of the current function, and so forth. When level exceeds the current stack depth, 0 will be returned. This function should only be used with a non-zero argument for debugging purposes.


int __builtin_return_address (const int level);


levelNumber of frames to scan up the call stack.

Return Value:

Returns the return address of the current function, or of one of its callers.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:




Shifts value by shift (a literal between -8 and 7) and returns the value.

For example:

register int value asm("A");

int result;

result = __builtin_sac(value,3);

Might generate:

sac A, #3, w0


int __builtin_sac(int value, int shift);


valueInteger number to be shifted.

shiftLiteral amount to shift.

Return Value:

Returns the shifted result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

the shift value is not a literal within range



Shifts value by shift (a literal between -8 and 7) and returns the value which is rounded using the rounding mode determined by the CORCONbits.RND control bit.

For example:

register int value asm("A");

int result;

result = __builtin_sac(value,3);

Might generate:

sac.r A, #3, w0


int __builtin_sacr(int value, int shift);


valueInteger number to be shifted.

shiftLiteral amount to shift.

Return Value:

Returns the shifted result to CORCON register.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

the shift value is not a literal within range



Shifts accumulator by shift. The valid shift range is -16 to 16.

For example:

register int result asm("A");

int i;

result = __builtin_sftac(result,i);

Might generate:

sftac A, w0


int __builtin_sftac(int Accum, int shift);


Accum Accumulator to shift.

shiftAmount to shift.

Return Value:

Returns the shifted result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if:

the result is not an accumulator register

Accum is not an accumulator register

the shift value is not a literal within range



Subtracts accumulators A and B with the result written back to the specified accumulator. For example:

register int result asm("A");

register int B asm("B");

result = __builtin_subab(result,B);

will generate:

sub A


int __builtin_subab(int Accum_a, int Accum_b);


Accum_a Accumulator from which to subtract.

Accum_bAccumulator to subtract.

Return Value:

Returns the subtraction result to an accumulator.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

An error message will be displayed if the result is not an accumulator register.



Returns a value that represents the address of an object in program memory. The argumentp must be the address of an object in an EE data, PSV or executable memory space; otherwise an error message is produced and the compilation fails. See the space attribute in Section 2.3.1 "Specifying Attributes of Variables".


unsigned long __builtin_tblpage(const void *p);


pobject address

Return Value:

Returns an unsigned long value that represents the address of an object in program memory.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

The following error message is produced when this function is used incorrectly:

"Argument to __builtin_tbladdress() is not the address of an object in code, psv, or eedata section".

The argument must be an explicit object address.

For example, if obj is object in an executable or read-only section, the following syntax is valid:

unsigned long page = __builtin_tbladdress(&obj);



Returns the table page number of the object whose address is given as a parameter. The argument p must be the address of an object in an EE data, PSV or executable memory space; otherwise an error message is produced and the compilation fails. See the spaceattribute in Section 2.3.1 "Specifying Attributes of Variables".


unsigned int __builtin_tblpage(const void *p);


pobject address

Return Value:

Returns the table page number of the object whose address is given as a parameter.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

The following error message is produced when this function is used incorrectly:

"Argument to __builtin_tblpage() is not the address of an object in code, psv, or eedata section".

The argument must be an explicit object address.

For example, if obj is object in an executable or read-only section, the following syntax is valid:

unsigned page = __builtin_tblpage(&obj);



Returns the table page offset of the object whose address is given as a parameter. The argument p must be the address of an object in an EE data, PSV or executable memory space; otherwise an error message is produced and the compilation fails. See the spaceattribute in Section 2.3.1 "Specifying Attributes of Variables".


unsigned int __builtin_tbloffset(const void *p);


pobject address

Return Value:

Returns the table page number offset of the object whose address is given as a parameter.

Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages

The following error message is produced when this function is used incorrectly:

"Argument to __builtin_tbloffset() is not the address of an object in code, psv, or eedata section".

The argument must be an explicit object address.

For example, if obj is object in an executable or read-only section, the following syntax is valid:

unsigned page = __builtin_tbloffset(&obj);



Issues the tblrdh.w instruction to read a word from Flash or EEDATA memory. You must set up the TBLPAG to point to the appropriate page. To do this, you may make use of __builtin_tbloffset() and __builtin_tblpage().

Please refer to the data sheet or dsPIC Family Reference Manual for complete details regarding reading and writing program Flash.


unsigned int __builtin_tblrdh(unsigned int offset);


offsetdesired memory offset

Return Value:


Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages




Issues the tblrdl.w instruction to read a word from Flash or EEDATA memory. You must set up the TBLPAG to point to the appropriate page. To do this, you may make use of __builtin_tbloffset() and__builtin_tblpage().

Please refer to the data sheet or "dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual" (DS70046) for complete details regarding reading and writing program Flash.


unsigned int __builtin_tblrdl(unsigned int offset);


offsetdesired memory offset

Return Value:


Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages




Issues the tblwth.w instruction to write a word to Flash or EEDATA memory. You must set up the TBLPAG to point to the appropriate page. To do this, you may make use of __builtin_tbloffset() and __builtin_tblpage().

Please refer to the data sheet or "dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual" (DS70046) for complete details regarding reading and writing program Flash.


void __builtin_tblwth(unsigned int offset
unsigned int data);


offsetdesired memory offset

data data to be written

Return Value:


Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages




Issues the tblrdl.w instruction to write a word to Flash or EEDATA memory. You must set up the TBLPAG to point to the appropriate page. To do this, you may make use of __builtin_tbloffset() and __builtin_tblpage().

Please refer to the data sheet or "dsPIC30F Family Reference Manual" (DS70046) for complete details regarding reading and writing program Flash.


void __builtin_tblwtl(unsigned int offset
unsigned int data);


offsetdesired memory offset

data data to be written

Return Value:


Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:


Error Messages




Enables the Flash for writing by issuing the correct unlock sequence and enabling the WRite bit of the NVMCON register.


void __builtin_write_NVM(void);



Return Value:


Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:

mov #0x55, Wn

mov Wn, _NVMKEY

mov #0xAA, Wn

mov Wn, _NVMKEY

bset _NVMCON, #15



Error Messages




Used to write to the RTCC Timer by implementing the unlock sequence by writing the correct unlock values to NVMKEY and then setting the RTCWREN bit of RCFGCAL SFR.


void __builtin_write_RTCWEN(void);



Return Value:


Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction:

mov #0x55, Wn

mov Wn, _NVMKEY

mov #0xAA, Wn

mov Wn, _NVMKEY

bset _NVMCON, #15



Error Messages




Unlocks and writes its argument to OSCCONL.


void __builtin_write_OSCCONL(unsigned char value);


valuecharacter to be written

Return Value:


Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction*:

mov #0x46, w0

mov #0x57, w1

mov __OSCCON, w2

mov.b w0, [w2]

mov.b w1, [w2]

mov.b value, [w2]

Error Messages


* The exact sequence may be different.



Unlocks and writes its argument to OSCCONH.


void __builtin_write_OSCCONH(unsigned char value);


valuecharacter to be written

Return Value:


Assembler Operator / Machine Instruction*:

mov #0x78, w0

mov #0x9A, w1

mov __OSCCON+1, w2

mov.b w0, [w2]

mov.b w1, [w2]

mov.b value, [w2]

Error Messages


* The exact sequence may be different.



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