wow goldwow gold 这个美丽的故事流传在美洲印第安土著中已近200年了,一朵荒漠中的小花,不是为了自己的艳丽,而执着于点缀这个世界的一角…… This happenedwow gold many many summers ago. There was a wow goldyoung flower in the desert where wow goldall was dry and sad looking...It was growing by itself...enjoying every day...and saying to the sun "When shall I be grown up"? And the sun would say "Be patient"---Each time I touch you,you grow a little"...And she was so pleased.Because she would have a chance to bring beauty to this corner of sand...And this is all she wanted to do---bring a little bit of beauty to this world. One day the hunter came by---and stepped on her.---She was going to die---and she felt so sad.Not because she was dying ---but because she would not have a chance to bring a little bit of beauty to this corner of the desert. The great spirit saw her, and was listening.---Indeed,he said ...She should be living...And he reached down and touched her---and gave her life. And she grew up to be a beautiful flower...and this corner of the desert became so beautiful because of her.