原创 Into the wild

2015-7-12 22:09 1287 28 28 分类: 消费电子

Two weekend nights are spent on one excellent film named "Into the wild".

This film is based on a true story. Christopher Johnson McCandless' childhood is affected by his parents' marital problems. His mind is impressed with his father's violence to his mother , with too many disagreements between his parents, and with too many lies among his family. As he grows up, his intelligence makes his success in his college education, but can't help him to figure out a way to face his parents, and a way to plunge himself into the real society. He gives up the opportunity to law school of Harvard university, and becomes a wild walker on feet without any money and any phone. What he is searching for is the fundamental meaning of one's life. He makes friends along with his traveling. One couple who travel world around with their touring car meets Johnson twice on the road, and build up a very sincerely friendship with Johnson. Johnson reminds the woman her own son who is lost for two years and with almost same reason that her son can't understand the mother. Before Johnson getting into Alaska's wild, he stays with one old man who retires from army and lives alone with his leather workshop. There is one sentence from the wise old man that really touches me, "When you forgive, you love." 
There is no perfect person especially our parents. Every body has his or her own standpoint on everything. We may disagree with each other, but we still can love each other. It is a kind of charity, a big love to human beings.
In the film, when Johnson stays in the wild alone, he has enough time to face the deepest thoughts in his mind. The power, the fame, and the money are what every bodies are trying to pursuit during ones' whole lifetime. However, these things make one lost the direction, lost the capability of love, and became a pathological and unconscionable liar. 
The end of the film is  Johnson's death. This is a tragedy. I don't like the tragic end, but it is the truth. Some times, the truth is bleeding, as the real life is mixed beauties and viciousness. Johnson is the victim, but his practice leave us something worthy to cherish, something really shining.


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