A lot of people would have been drawn to your article so they could read about the one word you so blatantly used when referring to your article. Yet the predominant word was multitaksing. Did you feel that your article wouldn't merit a glance without using the "sex sales" gadget on your inputting device?
The reason kids can multitask better than us old farts is because they are accoustumed to so much noise in their everyday lives. Think about your high school days...no interruptions of email on your phone, text, friend status updates etc while you are in the classroom. No reason to stay up late on a school night because it takes twice as long to do your homework (while watching the latest reality show).
But ask any kid to point out Pakistan on a map and half the continental US schools fall flat on their faces. Sure we had less distractions, but in truth we needed to concentrate. As my kid would say, "I can't find Pakistan...but I can google it on my phone"
用户3769013 2011-5-2 22:42
A lot of people would have been drawn to your article so they could read about the one word you so blatantly used when referring to your article. Yet the predominant word was multitaksing. Did you feel that your article wouldn't merit a glance without using the "sex sales" gadget on your inputting device?
The reason kids can multitask better than us old farts is because they are accoustumed to so much noise in their everyday lives. Think about your high school days...no interruptions of email on your phone, text, friend status updates etc while you are in the classroom. No reason to stay up late on a school night because it takes twice as long to do your homework (while watching the latest reality show).
But ask any kid to point out Pakistan on a map and half the continental US schools fall flat on their faces. Sure we had less distractions, but in truth we needed to concentrate. As my kid would say, "I can't find Pakistan...but I can google it on my phone"
用户1528013 2011-2-21 09:46
用户1015073 2011-2-18 11:22
用户1088417 2011-2-15 10:47
用户1124744 2011-2-15 10:24
用户1592664 2011-2-14 10:08
用户1570233 2011-2-13 20:08
用户1244035 2011-2-12 20:27
用户1585029 2011-2-12 13:55
用户1575866 2011-2-12 12:11