原创 光伏电池电气性能的评测——光伏电池等效电路模型

2011-6-23 16:13 2585 22 22 分类: 采购与分销


The equivalent-circuit model for a PV cell (Fig. 1) provides some insight into the operation of the device. An ideal PV cell can be modeled as a light-induced current source in parallel with a diode. Photons in a light source are absorbed into the solar cell materials. If the photon energy is greater than the bandgap of the cell material, then electrons are excited into the conduction band. If an external load is connected across the output terminals of the PV cell, current will flow.








图1. 由一个串联电阻(RS)和一个分流电阻(rsh)和一个光驱电流源构成的光伏电池等效电路。

Fig. 1. The equivalent circuit of a photovoltaic cell shows a series resistance (RS) and a shunt resistance (rsh), along with a light-driven current source.



Because of material defects and ohmic losses in the cell substrate material as well as in its metal conductors and contacts, the PV cell model must also include series resistance (rS) and shunt resistance (rsh) respectively, to account for these losses. The series resistance is a key parameter because it limits the maximum available power (PMAX) and the short-circuit current (ISC) of the PV cell.


The series resistance (rs) of the PV cell may be due to the resistance of the metal contacts on the cell, ohmic losses in the front surface of the cell, impurity concentrations, or junction depth. Under ideal conditions, the series resistance would be zero ohms. The shunt resistance represents the loss due to surface leakage along the edge of the cell or due to crystal defects. Under ideal conditions, it would have an infinite value.


To extract important test parameters about the solar cell, a variety of electrical measurements can be performed. These measurements often include DC current and voltage, capacitance, and pulsed I-V.



[2] 表面漏流:纳米科学研究实验室http://www.keithley.com.cn/re/nrl


[4] 4200-PIV-Q脉冲I-V,具有静点和双通道脉冲http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/semiconductor/4200pivq



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