周日的晚上,听着right here waiting,另一边做着永远也做不完的公务员考试题,别样的感觉。也许在一些人眼中,公务员是一份那么形式大于内容的差事,但是并不是说改变没有可能,在困难和阻碍中就蕴藏着改变世界的机会。如果你有足够的勇气和能力,那就加入这个队伍吧,你可以贡献自己的一份力量。
The MAX6675 performs cold-junction compensation and digitizes the signal from a type-K thermocouple. The data is output in a 12-bit resolution, SPI tm-compatible, read-only format.
This converter resolves temperatures to 0.25°C, allows readings as high as +1024°C, and exhibits thermocouple accuracy of 8 LSBs for temperatures ranging from 0°C to +700°C.
Key Features
Cold-Junction Compensation
Simple SPI-Compatible Serial Interface
12-Bit, 0.25°C Resolution
Open Thermocouple Detection
Single_Temp.pde - Example using the MAX6675 Library.
Created by Ryan McLaughlin <ryanjmclaughlin@gmail.com>
#include <MAX6675.h>
int LED1 = 9; // Status LED Pin
int CS = 10; // CS pin on MAX6675
int SO = 12; // SO pin of MAX6675
int SCK = 13; // SCK pin of MAX6675
int units = 0; // Units to readout temp (0 = ˚F, 1 = ˚C)
float error = 0.0; // Temperature compensation error
float temperature = 0.0; // Temperature output variable
// Initialize the MAX6675 Library for our chip
MAX6675 temp0(CS0,SO,SCK,units,error);
// Setup Serial output and LED Pin
// MAX6675 Library already sets pin modes for MAX6675 chip!
void setup() {
pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
temperature = temp0.read_temp(5); // Read the temp 5 times and return the average value to the var
if(temperature == -1) { // If there is an error with the TC, temperature will be -1
Serial.println("Thermocouple Error!!"); // Temperature is -1 and there is a thermocouple error
digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH); // Turn on the status LED
} else {
Serial.print("Current Temperature: ");
Serial.println( temperature ); // Print the temperature to Serial
digitalWrite(LED1, LOW); // Turn on the status LED
delay(1000); // Wait one second before reading again
MAX6675.h - Library for reading temperature from a MAX6675.
Created by Ryan McLaughlin <ryanjmclaughlin@gmail.com>
#ifndef MAX6675_h
#define MAX6675_h
#include "WProgram.h"
class MAX6675
MAX6675(int CS_pin, int SO_pin, int SCK_pin, int units, float error);
float read_temp(int samples);
int _CS_pin;
int _SO_pin;
int _SCK_pin;
int _units;
float _error;
MAX6675.cpp - Library for reading temperature from a MAX6675.
Created by Ryan McLaughlin <ryanjmclaughlin@gmail.com>
#include <WProgram.h>
#include <MAX6675.h>
MAX6675::MAX6675(int CS_pin, int SO_pin, int SCK_pin, int units, float error)
pinMode(CS_pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SO_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(SCK_pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(CS_pin, HIGH);
_CS_pin = CS_pin;
_SO_pin = SO_pin;
_SCK_pin = SCK_pin;
_units = units;
_error = error;
float MAX6675::read_temp(int samples)
int value = 0;
int error_tc = 0;
float temp = 0;
for (int i=samples; i>0; i--){
digitalWrite(_CS_pin,LOW); // Enable device
/* Cycle the clock for dummy bit 15 */
/* Read bits 14-3 from MAX6675 for the Temp
Loop for each bit reading the value and
storing the final value in 'temp'
for (int i=11; i>=0; i--){
digitalWrite(_SCK_pin,HIGH); // Set Clock to HIGH
value += digitalRead(_SO_pin) << i; // Read data and add it to our variable
digitalWrite(_SCK_pin,LOW); // Set Clock to LOW
/* Read the TC Input inp to check for TC Errors */
digitalWrite(_SCK_pin,HIGH); // Set Clock to HIGH
error_tc = digitalRead(_SO_pin); // Read data
digitalWrite(_SCK_pin,LOW); // Set Clock to LOW
digitalWrite(_CS_pin, HIGH); //Disable Device
value = value/samples; // Divide the value by the number of samples to get the average
Keep in mind that the temp that was just read is on the digital scale
from 0˚C to 1023.75˚C at a resolution of 2^12. We now need to convert
to an actual readable temperature (this drove me nuts until I figured
this out!). Now multiply by 0.25. I tried to avoid float math but
it is tough to do a good conversion to ˚F. THe final value is converted
to an int and returned at x10 power.
value = value + _error; // Insert the calibration error value
if(_units == 0) { // Request temp in ˚F
temp = ((value*0.25) * (9.0/5.0)) + 32.0; // Convert value to ˚F (ensure proper floats!)
} else if(_units == 1) { // Request temp in ˚C
temp = (value*0.25); // Multiply the value by 0.25 to get temp in ˚C
/* Output -1 if there is a TC error, otherwise return 'temp' */
if(error_tc != 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return temp;
用户1152031 2014-3-20 16:03