原创 ISO7816 SmartCard and Terminal data capture

2009-6-15 23:48 4847 5 5 分类: 消费电子


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Mail: service@smartcardex.com

SmartGhost Toolset           pdfPDF download

  ISO7816 Data Capturing Toolset for Smart Card and Terminal

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SmartGhost is a ghost tool, designed for POS, Mobile Phone or Smart Cards developers, which gives us an opportunity to capture the transaction-data between the terminal and smartcard, meanwhile, it can provide a meaningful description with the analysis according to the specification of EMV, PBOC, VISA, MASTERCARD etc.

In hardware, SmartGhost is same with the SmartBox offering you an extensive range of stand-alone, cost effective certification test packages based on the Smart platform with a Super Script Engine supporting EMV, PBOC, VSDC, qVSDC, qPBOC, E-Cash etc, suitable for terminal application functional Acceptance Validation.



SmartGhost (SmartBox), SmartCard Probe, USB dongle Software Lock, and Reader (optional).


PC application, USB driver.


Easier, Faster, Stronger and Happier.



The SmartGhost toolset includes,

? SmartGhost(SmartBox) Device

Working as a contact smartcard emulator compatible with ISO7816, EMV Level 1 with the ability to retrieve the payload data between terminal and card.

It gives you a way to replace the payload data partly or entirely. For instance, we can replace the plaintext PIN code data from the terminal to the card in VERIFY command or replace the card’s decision AAC to TC in Generate AC command with the script engine supported. (OPTIONAL)


 PC application

The application running on PC provides a full control to the SmartGhost hardware and the smartcard support T="0" or T="1".


 Smartcard Reader

Smartcard Reader works with the application running on PC to transmit the data to the card and get the data from card.


SmartGhost equipped with a PC/SC smartcard reader can make it easy to get the transaction data on looking for the BUGs or PROBLEMs when developing or giving the custom the JIT service.

Smart Card Simulator

A real smart card hardware system provides you with a maxim convenience when terminal meets the protocol problems.

SmartGhost can work with the terminal at ISO7816 T="0" and transfer the transaction data to the smartcard using the card’s protocol.


Working Mode

SmartGhost, SmartCard Reader, Application and PC.

1. Data received by SmartGhost from terminal will route to the PC, then the application running on PC will send the coming APDU to the SmartCard via the PCSC smartcard reader from any vendor.

2. The PC application return the transaction data from the Smartcard Reader back to terminal by the SmartGhost device.

3. The application may replace the transaction data not only from the terminal to card but also back to terminal from card freely.

Mail: service@smartcardex.com




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