原创 德国E+H传感器 E+H SENSOR E+H传感器

2009-8-6 13:34 1213 1 1 分类: EDA/ IP/ 设计与制造

Description: The Wizard Grayzag has summoned hundreds of little imps. They have stolen a lot of things belonging to the Wizard Mizgog including his magic beads.
Difficulty: Novice
Length: Medium
Requirements: None
Items Needed: Colored beads (Red, Yellow, Black, White).
Quest Points: 1
Reward: 875 Magic experience and an Amulet of Accuracy (+4 Weapon Aim) runescape accounts.
Start Point: Wizard's Tower
To Start: Speak to Wizard Mizgog

To start the quest, speak with Wizard Mizgog who is located on the top floor runescape gold of the Wizards Tower. You will find out that a bunch of Imps have stolen his beads and wandered off with them. Tell him you will help find his bead.

You must now kill Imps until you collect the wizard's beads. There are 4 different beads you must find which are the Red bead, White bead, runescape money, Black bead and a Yellow bead. Note that these are note consistently dropped from the Imps so you may be killing them for a little while. You may also buy the beads from other players if you do not wish to waste time.

After you have collected all 4 beads head back to Wizard Mizgog and he will reward you for your help buy runescape accounts.



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