原创 Real Friendship

2009-6-9 17:03 945 3 3 分类: 工程师职场
What is real friendship?

Does a real friend never  suspect you , be jealous of you or even betray you?

what is the difference between real friendship and fake ones.wow gold  What's friendship to those individualists who only thinks about benefits and profits when making friends? maybe to them it's still friendship, only the understanding is different. To pragmatists,buy lotro gold maybe friendship is just another name for something you can benefit from. But to others who believe in real friendship, it means much more than that.To them, a real friend is someone who totally understands you, shares the same thinkings and s as  you do, likes you, wow power leveling helps you and brings warmth to you, and is loyal to you all the time. yet these standards are too high for ordinary people to reach. because there are conflict of interests between people, wow power leveling can you ensure that there is no suspicious, jealousy and things like that between friends? once we felt this displeasing factors exists in a friendship, we call it fake and turn back to shut ourselves from others. Too much perfectionism makes it impossible for a friendship  to last long.

Faced with this paradox, I once wrote a passage in my blog, questioning if real friendship does exist. A friend of mine answered with a comment in the blg, saying," the perfectionism in a friendship is even worse than being an indvidualist."power leveling which is a great enlightment to me. I suddenly realized that maybe we asked too much from a friendship, when  you cannot accept the minorest deficits that human beings have, you are being too unrealistic and you will lose your friends. Just be a little more tolerant and a little less sensitive about the small deficits in human beings, then you will have more friends and more real ones.


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