Warcraft Getting Started Guide 3
Can you add cool effects and glows to your weapons in World of Warcraft to make them appear like the Hero weapons in Warcraft III? Yes. There are many ways to modify your weapons, and some of these modifications change the appearance of your weapon. As an example, you can add a fire enchantment to your weapon (with the Enchanting profession) that makes it glow red and deal bonus fire damage. Shamans have spells that cause glowing orbs to circle their equipped weapon, much like a similar effect in Warcraft III. sxcs1007 How are item drops from monsters determined?
wow power leveling Monsters have a chance to randomly drop items from their loot table, which is a predetermined grab bag of possible items that it could drop.sxcs1007 Some monsters always drop an item, such as rare elite monsters and instance bosses. Boss monsters found in instances have a fixed loot table of powerful rare or epic items, and in most cases the items on a boss loot table are unique to that boss.
wow gold What are "unique" items? Unique items come in two varieties. The first is simply known as "unique." A Unique item means that you may only possess a maximum of one of that particular item in your character's inventory at any given time. The second variety is known as "unique-equipped". The restriction on these items is slightly different, in that you are not limited to how many of them you may have in your inventory, but rather, how many you may have equipped. You may only have one of that particular unique-equipped item equipped on your character at any given time.
wow power leveling What do the colors of an item name's text mean?
cheap wow gold Every item in the World of Warcraft is attributed a color to represent its quality. A grey item represents a poor quality item, and you can safely sell these items to vendors. A white item represents common quality. Typically, common quality items are used for spell reagents, quest items, consumables such as food and water, and materials for professions. An item of uncommon quality is represented by green text. Usually, items of this quality include less common items from random world drops which may be useful to the player, or sold on the auction house for a profit. Rare items, as indicated by blue text, are items which are far more likely to come across as world drops, or may be far more difficult to obtain, such as from bosses in instanced dungeons. A purple item represents an epic quality item. Epic items are far more difficult to obtain than any other quality and typically have better stats than a different quality item with the same level requirements. While not limited to drop in any particular area, items of rare quality are usually found in raid and heroic mode instances. Finally, legendary items, displayed in orange, are exceptional items which are extremely rare and incredibly difficult to obtain. Seeking out legendary items is a true adventure and is not for the faint of heart, as the pursuit will undoubtedly require much time and patience.