How many people must gather for a battleground before a match can begin? This number varies depending on the battleground. Warsong Gulch, for example, requires eight players from both factions to be present in the queue at the same time. Since Alterac Valley is designed for full-scale epic battles, at least thirty players are required from each side in order for an instance to begin. Will joining the queue alone using the "First Available" option get me into Battlegrounds more quickly than entering as a group with the "Join as Group" option? Yes. Think of it as being seated at a restaurant. If you show up at a restaurant with ten people, the staff must wait until there's room to seat you. This may take some time, depending on the crowd. If you request a table for one, however, you'll be seated much more quickly,sxcs1007 as there's more room for just one person than ten people. The same holds true for battlegrounds. If twelve players are assembling for Warsong Gulch and they form two raid groups of six players each, no instance will start because two groups of six won't fit in the available ten openings. These groups need an additional four players each before they are placed in a battleground. How can my entire party or group of friends join a battleground together?wow gold You can join the battleground as a party or raid by forming the group and having the party or raid leader enter the queue by clicking the "Join as Group" button. If I join a group that has already been placed in a queue,wow power leveling will I be placed in their queue along with them? No. The group leader will have to re-enter the queue in order for everyone in the party to be placed in the queue. Do I need to be in front of the battleground instance while waiting in the queue?wow gold No. Roam around and play! You can even run instances while in a queue - you'll be given the option to port straight into the battleground when the time power leveling What happens if I'm dead or in the middle of flying between two locations when my time to enter comes up? Being dead or locked into a flight path will not hinder your ability to enter battlegrounds once you're in a queue. Simply accept the invitation to join and prepare to be ported.