原创 The words starded Ner’zhul -wow gold

2009-10-17 16:11 1728 3 3 分类: 智能手机
But Ner'zhul found words stuck in his throat. He opened his mouth twice to speak, and finally words rasped forth on the third attempt. "I do not disagree that the draenei are dangerous," he said haltingly, "But . . .
we are not gronn, to kill unarmed foes."
"The courier was slain," Gul’dan pointed out. "He was unarmed and even unmounted."
"And I regret that!" Ner’zhul snapped. "He should have been taken into custody and brought to me at once,
not killed!"
Kil’jaeden said nothing. The scarlet radiance bathed Ner’zhul as he continued, groping his way to a solution.

"He will not be permitted to defile our sacred place,"
the shaman continued. "Have no worries about that,
Gul’dan. But I will not have him killed without having the chance to speak to him. Who knows but that we might learn something."
"Yes," said Kil’jaeden, his voice rich and warm. "When one is in pain, one will reveal all he knows."
The words starded Ner’zhul, but he did not reveal his surprise. This magnificent being wanted him to torture Velen? Something inside him was excited at the prospect.
But something else inside him recoiled. Not yet. He would not do such a thing yet.
"We will be waiting for him," he assured both his great lord and his apprentice. "He will not escape."
"Lord," said Gul’dan slowly, "a suggestion, if I may?"  cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling wow power levelingatmosphere in wow power levelingTurkish-Israeli relations as well. But in the existing wow power leveling situation, of course, wow power levelingEarlier, the Turkish foreign ministry said "a technical matter," not politics, prompted the delay of the Anatolian Eagle exercise. wow power levelingInstead of the NATO exercise, Davutoglu said Turkey would be conducting "a national military exercise now after consultations with all the parties involved." wow power levelingBoth countries withdrew their participation from the drill after learning Israel had been excluded, according to the Israeli wow power power leveling newspaper Haaretz, citing foreign ministry sources. wow power levelingA spokeswoman for the U.S. Embassy in Ankara would say only that the United States and its allies postponed the exercise "in hopes of re-scheduling it." aion goldxcsxcs1017
"What is it?"
"The closest clan to the mountain is the Frostwolf clan," Gul’dan pointed out. "Let us have them take Velen and his party and bring them to us. Their leader once tasted draenei hospitality. And although he has not hindered our efforts, I do not recall hearing that he has led any attacks against the draenei. We shall kill two birds with one stone: take the draenei leader captive, and make Durotan of the Frostwolves prove his loyalty to our cause."
Ner’zhul felt two pairs of eyes boring into his—die small, dark ones of his apprentice, and the glowing orbs of his master Kil’jaeden. What Gul’dan had suggested sounded like wisdom. Then why was Ner’zhul so reluctant to agree?
The heartbeats ticked away and perspiration sprouted on Ner’zhul's low brow. Finally, he spoke, and was relieved to hear his voice sounded sure and strong.
"Agreed. It is a good plan. Find me pen and parchment,
and I shall notify Durotan as to his duty."
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