原创 Map1 (Erina) Quest guide for the light side in Sha

2009-12-5 10:29 1606 1 1 分类: 工程师职场

Map1 (Erina) Quest guide for the light side in Shaiya(part six)

Dear friends, glad to meet you in Thepowerlevel!

Do you often play Shaiya? Are you interested in ordering Shaiya Powerleveling? Here we will provide you some useful information about Map1 (Erina) Quest guide for the light side and I got it from other websites, hope it could help you.

24. The First Steps of Hard Mode (elven side)
- Where? Tia Wayne
- Mission? Tutorial about hard mode, talk to Tia Wayne again
- Reward? 10 exp, 100 Shaiya Gold

24a. The First Step of Ultimate Mode
- Where? Loren Garisia at Beika Town
- Mission(Shaiya Money)? Talk to Loren Garisia again
- Reward? 10 exp, 100 gold

25. First mission in Teos (elven side)
- Where? Aelbeageu Sentry south east of Aelbeageu
- Mission? Kill 5 Small Thief Monkeys and then go to Aelbeageu sentry leader west of the Aelbeageu sentry
- Found? South of the Aelbeageu sentry.
- Reward? 50 exp, 330 gold (gives quest #26)

26. First mission in Teos (continued) (elven side)
- Where? Aelbeageu sentry leader, south east of Aelbeageu Town and close to the WindTail Forest word on
the map
- Mission? Kill 5 Foxes
- Found? Foxes are found south to south west of the Aelbeageu sentry leader
- Reward? 100 exp, 520 gold (gives quest #27)

Thanks for your reading and welcome to come again.



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