原创 Princess Theradras team wow power leveling

2009-12-2 11:05 1739 2 2 分类: EDA/ IP/ 设计与制造

Princess Theradras team wow power leveling The new underground city - Maradon In the desolate land of vast lands are located Zaetar vault, he is passing away KOG Cenarius son. Zaetar betrayed his guardian's race and joined the chaotic elements of WoW Power Leveling to Princess Theradras team. Their unholy alliance of the deformity and be trained cursed Centaur, the Centaur's father went on to help them create new Centaur. only from WoW Power cheap wow gold buy wow power leveling aion liudaoxue1202 Leveling injuries and cost perspective, wow power leveling is not as good as the heroic fight against cyclone chopped affordable. Heroic even stronger, is also still wow power leveling angry 12 starts. And the entry into force shall not be angry when you make a Pu Gong. If we cut out the knife wow goldon average about 8 anger, then the actual cost is 20 anger. Resulted in an additional 157 points damage. Tornado 25 angry, wow power leveling fighting words monomer can generally play more than 200 injuries. Look at the specific aion gold values of equipment and your one-handed weapons. However, there is no doubt higher than 157. 2, the real advantage of heroic wow power leveling combat. Because when you press the heroic anger when you do not consume, but when your hitting aion power leveling the enemy after the consumption of heroic. So if the enemy dodge, parry, miss, we do not have to pay the cost of heroic combat As the fear of Centaur angry, sad Theradras body of her dead lover Covert in her secret sanctuary in the Crystal Caverns of Therramok, where she watched him every day. To a desolate place travelers can easily find Zaetar's Tomb, due to the blessings of nature and its surrounding areas have been turned into a green and tranquil paradise. Today, zaetar descendants trampled on the land, and to where the sacred into their stronghold Maraudon. Maraudon, a desolate place in the 40-49 level underground city, is now open.

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